Test eq dose. Endurance stayed high.

Test eq dose. So 750 doesn’t seem too crazy honestly.

Test eq dose it all depends on your goals, your individual body response to these products and side effects. What's up guys, I'm planning on doing a TestE, EQ, and Primo cycle. Test Enanthate - 800mg weekly Tren Enanthate - 400mg weekly Mast Enanthate - 400mg weekly Equipoise - 300mg weekly I'd probably carry the Test and EQ for an additional 3 months as well, because I get GREAT results with EQ in the 12th week and beyond. Feel For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. I've never used it. I used EQ years and years ago prior to TRT and loved how vascular Q. Only way to know is to find out. I was just wondering if you guys can help me dose it and plan it I have Test E 300, EQ, Primo, Aromasin, HCG, Clomid, and Nolva on hand 27 years old 192 pounds 13% BF 6'0 Height Training since 2012 3rd cycle How many weeks Don't up the Test that high by any means, half that is plenty with the Tren. I want to run enough to prevent E2 problems but would like to avoid using an A. I’m looking at either Run your test and eq at the same dose and the npp at 1/2 to 3/4 of the test dose. This will provide some catabolic protection, but most men will find 300mg per week to What's your goal in running eq? Its a slow builder so a 20 week run of it should not be out of question. 8 weeks is too long. I can't remember the dose but a doorman I knew run a stupid high dose of eq. Thanks guys. I honestly do believe for any casual gym bro who just wants to get in shape, be lean and look good test + var is all they actually need. G. Going to try this has anyone done it? 150 mg test 50 mg eq long term. I happen to have a half decent stethescope and bp cuff at home so I do monitor my bp on a fairly regular basis while on. This week we are discussing 1-Test, Dihydroboldenone or DHB The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. Let the more powerful compound carry the load. Cheers. For beginners, a test e 250 cycle is common, where 250mg is injected weekly. Infiniti do a good Testeqtren blend. Currently it sits at 124/72. Arimidex and letro make my elbows click Cruising for past 13 weeks after a 12 week test, mast cycle. Anyone complaining about eq is complaining about Help limiting water gain sounds good to me on a bulk. 300 eq - at this dose I still gain the minimal benefits of hunger and veiny look I’m going for and would consider this dose when mixed with other Usual dbol dose is 50mg a day for 4 weeks so 60 should be fine, just make sure you're drinking enough water etc. Save Share Reply Quote Like. In order to receive any anabolic effect, Equipoise doses will need to be at minimum 200mg per week. Just gotta dial it in, dont see the point in taking a dose where id need to raise or lower e2 so im just gonna find that zone and stay there. When to Use. Most of the time I do 3:2:2 ratio of test tren mast. Was going to add Anadrol 50mg pre workout but might drop Tren at week five and then add Anadrol Ed for the last 5 weeks. Reply reply Yeah eq is super mild dude. 5ml EOD Week 9-12 Test E-- 500mg Tren E-- 400mg EQ-- 200mg Anastrazole-- 0. Side Effects. Gonna run test e, var, and EQ. New posts. Everywhere I look for information on dosages for EQ is conflicting, some people say low dose test and high EQ, others say keep them the same, some say high test mid range EQ. Historically, I've ran test/mast/anavar/proviron during cuts. I run anywhere from 14-30mg of test and 35-55mg of eq per week. I have been training constantly for a 3 yrs now and feel like im ready to run a cycle again Week 1 Test-EQ-Winstrol Cycle STATS: 39 year old male 6'1" - Float between 215 & 220 pounds Between 12-15% BF In researching front loading EQ, I found that people will double or triple the dose you intend to run for the first two weeks and then run your 'regular' dose each week after for the remainder of the cycle. As far as test dosage goes you should With the above information in mind, we will first lay out a highly effective bulking stack for men, before moving onto an effective cutting stack and a final cycle for women who wish to use EQ. Two blood donations brought it down within range. In order to reach stable target levels as rapidly as possible, I will be taking additional Test Prop and Boldenone Acetate in the first few weeks of the cycle. It makes sense but it doesn’t seem to play out like that for myself. Definitely will increase your libido, harden your muscles for sure. 300-350mg at minimum otherwise wtf is the point of even doing a cycle. If tren is five times as anabolic over test/EQ then that puts test and/or EQ at a relevant 4 grams for an 800mg tren dose. Will be getting bloods every 6 weeks and donating blood as needed if rbc gets too high. Also was told I only need to take nolva post-cycle and thats it. Food, supps, peptides, etc. dosage wise I've run anywhere from 600mg up to 1. Additionally, to keep the Boldenone levels high through 20 weeks, without delaying cruising or PCT, I will finish the I am debating to do 300mg test 360 EQ i know this is a low dose but Hi my stats are 30 years old, 5 ft10, 90kg and around 15% body fat. (2) What doses exhibit a response different from the control response? (3) What is the nature of the dose–response? (4) What is the optimal dose? The first question is often essential and most hypothesis test meth-ods try to answer this question; The second question can usually be addressed by Williams’ test for minimum effective dose. But, you could double those up if you are looking for major mass. Typically, it involves injecting testosterone enanthate over several weeks, with the test e dosage varying based on your goals. PhillD Well-known member. I have found when I am on a test and EQ run that by around weeks 6 and past I respond best to a light daily dose of AI. Currently stats: 5'8" 180lbs, 16% bf. It all depends on how much you want. At a very baseline level, trt doses (150mg/wk) gave me the necessary supplement to take corrective action in my life mentally. Also in terms of pct would clomid be enough. This melts estrogen and prolactin issues under control since I ran the test higher. My first cycle was 2 years ago which consisted of Test E, Deca, and D-bol. EQ and test 750 mg test e, 400mg EQ , some people say I should increase my EQ dose thoughts on this guys, thank you. I had great results with my last cycle, so good I would run it again just to i wouldn't front load EQ. I’ve been playing around with the idea of 500mg Test E or C 500 mg - EQ 25mg - Anadrol (first half of cycle) 750 mg - Primo (second half) 12. jdog9304 New member. this is my third cycle and first at adding a second component. Apr 22, 2003 #4 keep the test @500/week throw in EQ at 400/week but not for less than 10 weeks. 25mg/EOD PCT: Week 20-21 Nolva 20mg/day Week 22-23 Nolva 10mg/day Cycle Support: N2Guard 7caps/day Guess my thoughts are Tbol in the Hello everyone, i am thinking of running a test e/eq/anavar cycle. Or if you want opt for the EQ instead of the tren but run it higher iv never used it but everyone iv talked to suggest a minimum of 400/week with 600+ being the sweet spot. Just finished my first cycle (test only 500mg/wk). You’ll probably just start to see results,vascularity around the 8-10 week point. Only issue running higher dose is having to dose caber a little higher. 600 mg test and 800mg of EQ and he doesn't need an AI. I LOVE Equipoise. 35 years old 180 pounds about 10 percent The thing about the test/eq is that while continual low dose test can do wonders, EQ takes a really long time to kick in and even then, the vascularity you gain from it isn't permanent. If you stop using EQ, after four or five weeks, you'll never be able to tell that you've been on that compound. I have ran it before with good lean gains, however I am not looking to gain weight just re proportion what I have or loose a little. I have experience with a EQ and Test cycle that was 16 weeks of 600mg EQ + 400mg Test-c with Dbol at the start and finish and im starting a 16 week cycle of test e 500 week, and EQ questions is whats the best and lowest dose for that time frame. I wish there was more Bold Ace floating around so it would be easier to really dial in estrogen levels when finding an EQ dose. I was thinking of using lose dose EQ good to see people are experimenting with it. If y'all could post your e2 at different doses of test/EQ as well as a ballpark of how you normally aromitize it would be extremely valuable. Also, your EQ dosage needs to be quite high in Boldenone Cycles And Dosage Guidelines. E2 is actually high, had to take an asin 2 days ago so im gonna be going up to 600/600. Questions: is a ratio of 1:1 test and EQ the best approach? is 250mg of EQ a safe dose that will reduce the chance of sides but provide noticeable gains. So I am currently on 280 test (trt) and yes thats what it takes to get me in high normal range. Don't run Tren E if you haven't run Tren before. Registered. The best dose will depend on the pattern, the dont drop eq. I did consider running test high and brining eq dose up as e2 control, but I’ll likely keep test where it is now and throw npp in. You think 750 test e 500 tren e 400 EQ would be enough to limit it to something manageable? Breathing, hair loss and estrogen are my main concerns- test e tren e EQ was supposed to be my next cycle. I will be cutting after pct so that I'm fairly lean once I start my cycle. i see post from 400 to 600 a week. Member. I feel like EQ is better utilized with some performance goals. My wife is on ~18mg of test-e a week, and about 80mg of eq. No need to I run 200mgs Test E year round, and I'm currently 7 weeks into EQ at 400mgs. Typical dose for test at your level would be 375 to 500 mg/w and 400 - 600 mg/w EQ. I ran EQ again 2 years later according to my notes. Drug. more reply. It was developed in 1949. My first was a test only run results of 10 A second method to overcome the long kick-in period with Equipoise is to frontload the substance (this is the practice of administering double the full dose on the first week of the cycle). Up test or drop EQ. Reactions: IronMike89. Liver toxicity is going to be more significant in the presence of Anadrol, an oral steroid that is C17-alpha-alkylated. Media. So as of right now, what I do is Satuday and Wednesday I pin 75 of deca with the 40mg of test. I know a few guys who have used those doses and it was mixed. Nothing much to note here. Sure, every cycle where I’ve bumped dosages has been better and more effective than the last The test may also have been bad. Yes the Masteron will combat and block estrogen conversion but you should still run an AI for the first 4-5 weeks because the Mast E will kick in about the same time the Test e does. These threads are extremely useful as an archive for new users, and for experienced Dose of EQ is way too low and length is way too short. Our LFTs (liver function tests) show that ALT and AST liver enzymes will shoot up Alright for starters I would up the EQ dose to 800 leave the test e at 600 and up the Masteron to 400. 5 mg - Aromasin EOD 1 week off HCG 500 IU EOD for 3 weeks 6 week 20/20/20/10/10/10 Nolva PCT I am mainly focused on lowest side effects with highest reward as well as avoiding gyno cause I hold a lot of fat and water in lower So previously I would have done test & deca / test & eq / test & tren I'd run no higher than these doses: 500 test-400 deca or 500 test-600 bold. Watch hematocrit on EQ. looks ok but drop the doses, test e, 400, tren e 500, eq 600 or something similar, you will get a ton of sides with the doses you have listed bro, remember tren fights the test for receptors and wins so lower test works better, and you will have massive high blood pressure combining tren and eq so watch that, or you could drop the tren altogether and run just test and eq- Some people don't "feel" much from steroids, 250 won't be a big difference unless he's hypogonadal, but it's an ok dose to test how much estrogen you produce. Joined Oct 12, 2022 Messages 668. Aug 7, 2019 Now that I think about it though, many are more than willing to put 1 gram or more of test in themselves. Using equipoise as part of a cycle like this would serve to protect existing muscle tissue whilst conjunctively improving vascularity. Cycle: test e 500mg week 1-5 test e 750mg week 6-16 beastdrol 30mg week 2-5 helladrol 100mg week 13-17 On cycle Intermediate lifter here looking for some input on Test / EQ cycle dosing. I was taking 300mg test and 450mg of eq and my bp was somewhere in the range of 148/82. Here's what I'm planning: 1-17 - Test e 375mg 1-16 - EQ 600mg 1-6 - Anavar EQ at 900mg/wk doesn't seem to be a out of the norm dose and running EQ for 20 weeks is also a very normal thing to do based on its half life, side effects, and user reports. Can anyone Reaction Rate and Cross Section[2/3] 5 Assume now that n(r,v)=dN/dV [cm-3] be the density of particles with velocity v=dl/dt [cm/s], at a spatial position r. 500 minimum,600 is the sweet spot for me. Test E + EQ + Tbol Week 1-4 Tbol 50mg/day 25AM/25PM Week 1-18 Test E 500mg/week (2x/week) Week 1-16 EQ 600mg/week (2x/week) Week 13-18 Tbol 50mg/day 25AM/25PM AI: Week 1-18 Arimidex . It’s also notorious to raise rbc so be conscious of 400mg EQ is a good starting dose. I'll either save it as a finisher for the last few weeks of this cycle or run them both together next cycle with lower-dose test. That EQ dose is pointless IMO. Why Use. I'm leaning more toward doubling Run EQ and test together for 12 to 16 weeks and don’t add anything to it. EQ is a slow burn. Ideally I really believe that if you can use test prop or have test prop on hand one would use (for purely physique purposes, so assuming you want as little bloat as possible) a trt dose to test so we will say 250mg/ week with deca and keep the short ester on hand so if needed you can pin it. Or how about those willing to put 600-800 mg of tren injected. Dieseldave Discussion starter. (eq + test) and probably even keeping it under 500mg Usually 14-20 weeks. Anybody have any experience with EQ during a prep? Thinking 500 test, 600 mast, 600 EQ (16 weeks). Eq is mild even at that dose so upping the test is the only thing that will really ramp up that cycle. Testosterone Cycle (Higher Dose) After a person’s first testosterone cycle, the above protocol can be utilized (with higher dosages). Right off the bat I don’t think you’re Test dosage should be higher; closer to twice what you’re currently taking. Any advice/critique would be greatly appreciated double your test dose. Hey bros, jus wanted to post a log up here in the AAS section of EF. 600/500 test/eq this winter, feel great. 1815 posts · Joined 2013 Add to quote TEST EQ MIỄN PHÍ – KIỂM TRA EQ TEST TIẾNG VIỆT. The EQ is finally really starting to kick in. I haven't done all 4 together at the same time, but it sounds like a great stack. I want to runn it at 400 a week but dont want it to be a waste. Masteron will Definitely help control estradiol. It works: a) improved leanness, b) increased strength, c) virtually no bloat (CHO intake dependent), d) increased fullness, e) increased endurance, f) loss of libido, g) increased paranoia, and h) increased lethargy. NPP or trestolone seem like they'd make a better complement to LOVE test+eq+drol i would run the drol the entire time 4 weeks its just getting good! ran this many times, many doses, Eq compliments adrol very well and your doses of everything look great. Whatever dose I decide on for the week will be divided by 3 and shot Mon/Wed/Fri. Andropen 275 : 600mg x 12wks Masteron 200 : 4-500mg x 12wks Equipoise 300 : 6-700mg x 12wks Any opinions or advice is welcome. On test and EQ only, you'd only hold a small amount of water, especially if the test was TRT dose and you had your E2 dialed in. For me personally it aromitizes, but alot less than test. You will be very happy with the vascularity of EQ. Mast was a bit lower and EQ was higher, at 750mg. Choose a range of doses that goes from too low to too high. Tbol dose and length looks fine, but anavar you need to shorten. EQ is most commonly dosed at 200 mg/ml and sometimes you see UGL’s (underground labs) producing 300mg/ml While injecting test increases protein synthesis by roughly 50 times, depending on dose and time, most bodybuilders forget that it will reduce collagen synthesis by more than A second method to overcome the long kick-in period with Equipoise is to frontload the substance (this is the practice of administering double the full dose on the first week of the cycle). Reply reply First cycle 500 test 1g EQ, 2nd is 500 test 1g EQ dbol on first cycle anadrol on the 2nd. ©ALL CONTENT OF THIS WEBSITE IS COPYRIGHTED AND CANNOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE ADMINISTRATORS CONSENT 2002-2024. Eq at any decent dose will stop many women from mensturating (if she’s Test, tren, EQ I️ only used for contest prep. I don't do go very high dose with anything, especially orals and always do it sublingually. After that I would be plagued by low e2. So this is now 8 year's ago. By understanding the role of Test in your cycle and considering various factors, you can determine the optimal dosage to achieve your desired results. Beyond trt dose, honestly, I felt that 500mg/wk was my sweet spot. Personally, I run it year round as part of my trt regimen, low dose at 150mg a week on a cruise then ill run at least 400mg on blasts depending on what other shit im stacking, but ive blasted test, eq and dbol numerous times and always enjoyed myself. It’s like asking someone how much AI they need. Remember these compounds are Eq is a very long acting drug, and takes approx 7 weeks to build to peak levels. Cycle: 16 weeks test/EQ Dosage: start 600/400 test/EQ. People respond to Considering adding EQ to contest prep this summer. I would, and do often, run my normal trt dose of test and add 400-500mgs of deca/NPP. Remember these compounds are both heavy esters so 300 test U is roughly equivalent to just north of 200 test E. So for now experimenting with deca or eq and my replacement for primo when I get tired of paying for it and want to give my wallet a cruise. Just for my information Reply reply More replies More replies. I have no need to take AI with test up to around 350 mg a week. Just an extra week of test won't do the trick. More experienced EQ: 300mg per week Test-e: 300mg per week Tren-e: 200mg per week. I haven't ran test over my prescribed dose in 3 years or more. I've never ran low dose EQ like that. Also Eq is a mild compound. I was planning on running a 12 week cycle: Week 1-4 Test E-- 250mg Tren E-- 200mg EQ-- 400mg Dbol–100mg ED Anastrazole-- 0. I ran it at . So something like 800 test & Eq then 400 tren. 5ml EOD PCT starting after 7 days Nolva: Week 1-- 40mg per day aas aas testing anabolic steroids anabolics online anabolid steroids anadrol anadrol drol tabs inj anavar anavar and winnie body building body building supplements bodybuilder bodybuilding bodybuilding steroid test clenbuterol cycle deca tren dosage deca-durobolin dianabol dianabol and oxy gear gym hcg hgh motivation muscle building muscle Another way to go is using TRT dose of test + a couple of low dose other products like deca, mast, eq, tren etc. 8 weeks is a fine length but you will need to frontload the dose (shoot more the first shot to I like test & Eq at the same dose then tren at 50%. If your set on your stack I’d go 200mg Test E per week split in two shots 200-300mg Deca per week Dbol 20-30 mg 2-3 times per week pre workout. I know a dude who need tons of AI for 600mg test. Test dose is real low. 350-700 depending on sides is the dose the wiki recommends. I see what youre saying about so many MG's but besides the test. The test and eq I will run straight through. We will see how hard I Twice a week injections of 250mg Test and 200mg Eq, altering site locations, would be my advice. As stated previously. 500 test, 400 eq and 30 mg d-bol. 25mg on days 8 and days 11 (I noted it in my calendar). You will need to run your test longer than the boldenone since it has a much longer half life. Planning on running test deca and eq or mast Test 500mg Deca 350mg Eq/mast 600mg 20 weeks Stats 6’2 200lbs ~15% bf Not too worried about crashing estrogen because i aromatize a lot, 200mg test puts my e2 in the 90s. The Cycle A moderate dose of Test Cyp and a greater dose of EQ. If you add one in later or I can think of so much stuff if rather spend the money on. U don’t need more test when using mast your free test will be higher than a person using 500mg test masteron improves your free test. Planning my next cycle boys. Choose one. The test may not stay that high the entire cycle. I am going to be starting an EQ run in a week, so it will be interesting to compare the two. If you want a shorter cycle go with NPP. For me if combined test and mast is more than tren I'm usually ok. I dont believe there is a time frame for an ester to kick in. Planning on staying on for 8 weeks. An effective cutting cycle would be as follows: EQ is my favourite compound ive tried to far. I am also currently running a cycle of 1-test cyp in preparation of a show I will be competing in. EQ is bad for making your blood thick. Even with orals i dont have to add an AI and I dont frontload Anavar hasn’t been hard on my hair and like you the test E and just life is a hair risk. Pt 141 (peptide) is great for a "weekend " libido booster. I might run up to 16 weeks to get full affect of the EQ. Go 6 weeks max. Mj. When my weight stalls I increase carbs and hold fat and protein pretty steady. I started taking E and P cream. Doses started at 500/750 and I dropped it to 500/600 then 600/600 when E2 came in low. If you're just looking to boost performance 300 test U 400eq will probably do the trick. Reply reply more reply. Seems like everyone gets bloods and their E2 is under 20, if I tried this I The article is referring to a cycle specifically for collagen improvements - running EQ at a higher dose than test. I am 6’4" 240 pounds and dont want Huge gains due to my job. IronMike89 Discussion starter 100 posts · Joined 2022 'Generally' when raising tren doses its always best to start the test at a trt dose and then slowly increase test or tren or both to find the individuals sweetspot! And lets not forget the MASSIVE difference of effects associated with ADEX and ASIN! Asin will bind up most converted estro and stop it dead in its tracks and ADEX will prevent the Hi bros this is what I have in mind, EQ and test 750 mg test e, 400mg EQ , some people say I should increase my EQ dose thoughts on this guys, thank you. Do đó ta có thể dựa vào chỉ số này để đánh giá về ưu điểm Determining the Ideal Test Dosage for Optimal Results. Endurance stayed high. 200 test & Eq with 100 tren I've had various degrees of advice regarding dosage for my next (2nd) cycle of Test E & EQ, I have 6 vials of each but intend to run 18-20 week cycle. I was talking to a friend at the gym that is pretty In the world of performance enhancement and bodybuilding, few compounds have garnered as much attention and controversy as Equipoise, also known by its chemical name Boldenone Undecylenate. 25mg ed throughout cycle For me eq did cause mine to spike even while on what i would consider a low dose. Now, keep in mind, I don’t usually gain but 8-10 lbs anymore even on 500mg of test only blasts. An active metabolite of EQ is an AI, but it only works for some people. I am currently on week 5, week 6 injection is this Friday. 5g a week. I'm on 1g of both rn How were the gains and the look on a such an high dose of EQ? Always been curious, i have never used more than 1g of EQ. (No limp dick for me!) rspicer0313 New member. My 4th was 400 test 200 tren 350 win (50ed) and it sucked and I Also, I really think that if I had the had the same total androgen dosage but at say test 600mg, EQ 250, mast 250 vs my current test 200mg, EQ 500mg, mast 400mg, that the low test side will see better gains extrapolated over the years. But yeah you gotta up those doses. I If the low dose of test counteracts the sexual sides from the EQ and I’ll remain horny as my other experiences then this cycle will be a go, if not I might up the test slightly and run it solo and/or add some TBOL. Currently running year test 200mg year round, have done cycles of test/primo fairly low doses 500/500 as well as some orals anavar/winny in the past. This can be a very nuanced discussion. And 150 deca. I have 20ml of both. Not only have I not upped the dose, I took a step back, and so far, I'm not missing anything. looking for dose recomendations and cycle lengths. I️ always put on 40 lbs. The time integral of the flux density is the I'm decided on running test/tren/eq on my next cycle, ill be on for a while so i'm looking for ideas on dosing and suggested amounts. With the addition of Anavar at the end, once lean the individual will also find he is much harder and far more defined. Use tren A and I suggest pinning daily. you wann be big u need low dose eq for appetite and it wality gains i would do Drop oral unless arandrol dbol stack. I wouldn’t cruise on that personally but I’ve done a 12 week low dose cycle of 250mg Test Cyp and 300mg EQ and my RBC was through the roof at the 11 week mark which surprised me on such a low dose aswell as giving blood . Anavar is a mild compound, thus it’s uncommon for users to notice any major side effects (when used in moderate doses for short periods of time). Playing devils advocate here. From that, I was able to make gains as I had the motivation to take control of diet and training. So 750 doesn’t seem too crazy honestly. Elliott. some people need a lot less. 600-800mg per week is a great starting point. In the 70s, it was removed from the market permanently. I recall someone on here telling me it was the best he ever looked (I think 2-3 grams). In bodybuilding circles, however, it i EQ needs to be taken 2 – 3 times per week, I’ve always preferred a Mon/Wed/Fri injection schedule myself. You can do the math for the 14 day half life of EQ. Id run it either 250iu or 500 iu 2x a week the later you start it the higher you need to run it. Raloxifene is People high in emotional intelligence — also referred to as high EQ or emotional quotient — have a healthy capacity for coping; they regulate their emotions and manage their thoughts and 750mg test E 250mg tren A 200mg EQ 30mg dbol all dosages weekly except dbol which is obviously daily I’m thinking your supplier isn’t so good cause you should’ve hit and blew past 225 fast with just the test. I picked EQ because I can't run high dose test or any dose of tren due to side effects (specifically, hair loss). The reaction rate inside the volume element dV will be: The quantity is called fluence rate or flux density and has dimensions [cm-3 cm t-1]=[cm 2 t-1]. your EQ dose is much too low. Add a Comment. There are many, many factors involved. This powerful anabolic steroid, originally developed for veterinary use, has found its way into the arsenals of bodybuilders and athletes seeking to push the tren + eq can get nasty, but some people tolerate it well; at those doses shouldn't be too bad, but if you're running long esters and it does go south you're screwed for a while if it were me and its a bulk, I'd pump the test and keep the tren low/lower Please share your EQ experience and any suggestions/feed back is appreciated. I don't tolerate 19-nors/tren at all. Click to expand I'm almost 50 and been on doc prescribed TRT (200 mg /wk of Test) for like 20 years. and a certain type of person it won’t. The test dose was 10mg Test C a week split in 2 injections. Moderator. What often happens is hematocrit goes really high, especially for guys over 40. My main goal is to gain endurance and muscle while bulking and stay dry. It takes a while to saturate. I️ have done most combinations in my younger years and EQ was a The standard dose for EQ is 400mg a week and test e works great at 500mg a week. 500/500mg with 200mgs masteron a week. Don’t be running that for months on end. I see some people using/ abusing on 1g week of test, with high total test, BUT low free test masteron and proviron Some guys get bad anxiety on eq but that is usually at any decent dose. Like trenbolone acetate, Anadrol is fast-acting, so gains can be noticed in just a few days following the first dose. I know folks say its rarely faked but I didn’t gain a lb on the cycle. Then, you have the option of unlocking your full report for a small fee. Equipoise is also known as Boldenone Undecylenate and, although this may sound harsh, it’s actually a steroid used by veterinarians to treat horses and some cattle. Pearls/Pitfalls. To see what you can expect from your full report, check out this sample EQ Emotional Intelligence report. dylangemelli Moderator. Apr 7, 2023 eq+test+deca -> 1500+1000+900 eq+test -> 3400+500. I do a low fat, high carb diet too. My body just doesn’t respond much over my TRT dose anymore. Watch your RBC count even on low dose EQ. Then expose your pattern (or part of it) a number of times using different doses. Hope you have a quick, reliable source and a couple hun $. 2024 spaces available for online coaching clients - Message directly or use the link here for more information & pricing. Although not listed in the plan, this is an excellent time to consider thermogenics like Clenbuterol and/or thyroid hormones like This has been my experience with running testosterone and equipoise cycles with EQ @ 75%ish of my test dose. Beginner Equipoise Cycle. Was told 300 mg of eq, and 200 mg of test a week was a good dose (sounds extremely low to me though). I've got some t3 and clen but leaving that out at least until the other compounds are all on the go. Run primo and test from the start and then finish off adding masteron to the mix? Example: Test E -400mg/w 12 weeks Primobolan -400mg/w 12 weeks Masteron E -200mg/w week 6-12 Could I supplement with low doses of dbol in the first 4 weeks to get some extra gains before pollishing of with masteron? Or will test+primo do the trick? does anyone have experience with this stacki got ahols of british dragon test cyp and eq. that combo it get you huge fast week 1-4 dbol 30-40mg anadrol 50-100mg eq 400 primo 600 npp eod 100 TREN ace 100 eod front load the with npp prop 100mg eod week 2-16 test e 300 tren e 300 deca 400 eq 400 primo 600 As far as masteron dose it's kind of dependent on the person. How can I access my EQ I usually just stick with Test 375mg, EQ 900mg and Deca 300mg with a few orals mixed in but spread out. The goal is to bulk while minimizing fat gain. eazyebc • Looks good to me, what dose of test/eq are you planning? EQ takes awhile to be effective so be prepared for a longer cycle on it. I'm 54. 26 I like test & Eq at the same dose then tren at 50%. First off season blast with anything other than test. Antivenom32 I typically use EQ as my AI when running nand, so if my E2 gets that high I'll pop half an asin and bump up my EQ dose until the AI metabolite from it takes over. I also personally I am going to be starting my second cycle which is Test E 300/ EQ 300 blend cycle. He's running the Aromasin that high because he's using Test Prop as a kickstart, a medium dose long ester Test, and EQ. TLDR: Eq can be a powerful AI and even though it takes months to saturate, you can begin feeling these effects within a few weeks of starting. Newbies. I just really enjoyed the cycle I ran with 600 test 600 eq and 300 deca and was hoping to use it again with NPP but wanted to try it at a lower dose equivalent to what I will run the npp on. But logic dictates that running EQ in any amount with test should help offset the negative effects of testosterone on collagen even though the article doesn't indicate this. gomad75 Member. When I went too high on test my cup size went down. 5ml EOD Week 5-8 Test E-- 500mg Tren E-- 400mg EQ-- 400mg Anastrazole-- 0. Also eq takes forever to kick in I would run it any shorter than 20 weeks to get the real benefit of it. A general recommendation is to start Test at 500 mg/wk but personally I’ve had good results with dosages as low as 300mg/wk. Reply. 200 test & Eq with 100 tren . I am planning on running higher When I don’t feel like managing e2 on a cycle I drop test to my cruise dose, and run 900mg primo a week and 50-75mg var a day. All things added together it's a circa 1g Ew cycle so it's not exactly baby doses, but it's not high dosing either Adex dose seems high as you only have a small amount of test that's going to aromatise. Test e 600, eq 600, and deca 300/450. I usually 75mg of Eq 75mg of Test 75mg of Primo all 2X/wk for a total of 150mg of each per week. I just let the primary (nandrolone in this case) be the workhorse and only have the test for normal function I was cruising 120/120 test/eq this summer and it messed up my bloodwork by week 7, even at a tiny dose it had crashed my e2 (joints were getting dry & painful and Ultrasensitive Estradiol assay showed E2 at 19 while total test was nearly 1,200), which screwed up my lipids (despite actually leaning out due to my diet & becoming more fit from Hi people, so I have picked up some tri test 400 and boldenone 200 and Dianabol for my next cycle. Makes you feel good on a bulk. so I am contemplating running the dbol 6 weeks on 3 weeks off until then to give my body a bit of a break. I kept the dose low as I was stacking a lot of stuff. I have not yet begun to experience diminishing returns and I’m currently on a gram of test and 800mg of EQ — but there’s a caveat. I'd skip the EQ, add more tren, use the T3 you mentioned having and consider adding a low dose of DNP. Then I'll add the orals for the final 4-5 weeks as usual. 49 years old, Nah 200mg test per week is definitely less. I am 35 yrs old i have done cycles in the past, my last cycle might have been 8 or 9 yrs ago. Or is it to low? does EQ need to be front loaded? can EQ be taken with test in the same shot/daily shots? Ran shorter less dose cycle than this but still effective. Winstrol makes a great “partner” for EQ during this phase as it can Test/EQ is one of my favourite blasts to do, that or Test/Primo. Since I started using steroids 3 years ago, with the test/deca/EQ cycle making up the main compounds of choice in most of the cycles in that time, I've put on another 40-50lbs of muscle, with my training being totally inconsistent throughout most of This is my first cycle and was wondering how long and at what dose i should run eq and if its a good idea to mix test and eq in the same syringe? Any additional comments/criticism on my cycle would also be helpful W1-12 450mg Test E split (mon/thurs) W1-10 400mg Eq split (mon/Thurs) W1-4 Dbol 30mg (ED) Arimidex-0. Estrogen (E2) How tf did HCT go down while on higher doses of test and that much EQ? I’m unbelievably jealous. Was on this last year from May to about end of August I did 500 primo 500 eq low test about 250 and the masteron was at 200 a week. Some people need a boat load. J. I think that EQ anxiety is just low E2 and some people have to run much higher doses of test than eq in order to reap the full benefits of the drug. I've ran masteron with a Test/EQ cycle. What will my EQ test results look like? A. If I were running that cycle I would personally leave an AI until it's needed but everyone has a different opinion on that. btw this will be my 2nd cycle. All will aromatize. Maybe a higher EQ dose would be better, or a low dose of a different compound. mast and EQ are not very strong I’ve never experienced true anxiety until taking EQ at this dose. EQ 200/Test E also known as Equipoise was the first synthetic version of Testosterone. I saw great results with a similar cycle. Chỉ số EQ là một khái niệm vô hình, tuy nhiên nó vẫn có thể được “nắm bắt” thông qua chỉ số EQ. Tbol, Anadrol, and Anavar have proven to be my favourites. Dec 14, 2021 #2 I was thinking of starting at 630mg EQ but cannot decide between 700mg/770mg/840mg of the prop. Never used EQ. I *Cutting Equipoise Cycle – Level 1: A Level 1 Equipoise cycle for cutting will represent an excellent plan for preserving lean mass. And it did start crashing my E2 around 14 weeks in I ran another cycle of EQ 🤣 this was now 6 years ago. A lot of people like to add dbol to the cycle for the first 4-6 weeks to get an immediate anabolic effect. As above mate, if you really wanna run the eq then i'd personally start the test and eq and then add the tren in at week 6-8 and run the cycle from start to finish 16-18 weeks, or drop the tren week 10-12 and Well for test E and EQ is easy 300 mg Test E twice a week for 24 weeks 600 mg EQ twice a week for 20-24 weeks you may want to cruise a bit after EQ just to let it clear your body before PCT, probably like 4-5 week cruise after stopping EQ NPP is tough to add in. I’m currently on 350 test/w + 20mg var ED and it’s phenomenal. Choosing the right dosage of Testosterone (Test) is crucial when it comes to optimizing your steroid stacking regimen. For ME, I need more ai the more EQ I take. Im 5'10", 197lbs, 10% BF. Khác với chỉ số Test IQ dùng để đo chỉ số thông minh. Eq also stays on your system for just as long as it takes to kick in. Forums. It’s so different between everyone no point in even asking really. I️ would never consider I was prone to acne growing up and suspect higher doses of test will cause me more problems then other compounds. Hcg I would start it week 1 but ya don't have too although u should run it up until 3-5 days pre pct. Your first run should always be a dose test. The dose you have now is far too low, and I would consider extending the length of cycle to 12 weeks. It's very slow so even doing 10 weeks you probably would be a bit disappointed with the result. End 660/400 test/EQ Notes: Started off with 600/400 test/EQ with NO front load. As a partial opioid agonist, buprenorphine is not expected to be associated with overdose risk in the same dose-dependent manner as doses for full agonist opioids and is therefore omitted from the calculator. It had a number of therapeutic applications. I know some people swear by Deca but after a lot of research I want to give this compound a try. This is my 3rd cycle. Dosed adex 0. Plan to run this for 16-20 months. You will first see a brief, free report showing the basic findings of your personality test. You could do NPP EOD and then change Test E and EQ to E4D to align with pins, youd 250 test / 250 eq Reply reply aaaaaaaaaahsadasd • No need to increase the doses this much, try something like 400Test/400EQ first. Originally this cycle was going to be test/EQ only with the tbol kick start however I have recently read from several trusted sources that You can run a low dose of npp (200-250 /wk) mainly for the therapeutic benefits of nandrolone without the long estered side effects from deca and as I have had several surgeries on both of my shoulders and I know EQ seems to be one of those love it or hate it compounds, but I had good results with it when I ran it at 900mgs/week for an 18 week cycle last year. Only week two so nothing to report and obviously lower doses than what you are looking at. My next contest prep is likely going to include 1-test with either mast or var and very low test. You will read that EQ is kidney toxic, but it is when your blood thickens up. please only post if you have experience in this. Try upping test or lowering EQ, if you still feel like shit there are plenty of other compounds on par with EQ. Might not be a bad idea to add in GW, S4, and SR9009 the last 8 weeks of the cycle to help lean out and harden up. Eq dose is really low it’s making me wonder why you picked it and if you’re trying to avoid the sides you should’ve Saying that regardless of your test dose if you want to run the EQ @600mg for 12 weeks then the best option would be to start with the sust for the first 5 weeks and then use the enanthate for the last 5 weeks of pinning to get the test into your system faster, always good. Personally I'd run at least 500 with it. If I frontload 800mg EQ for first two weeks alongside 400mg test, should I low dose Dbol for the first 2 weeks to be on the safe side so I don’t crash E2 straight away? but during my competition days Test, EQ and D-bol was my favorite bulking cycle. Week 3 I started 10mg dbol ed while I tried to figure out what I should do. Dose depends on how you respond to AAS. It's good to be able to try any dose of Planning on running Test Eq cycle. Ran 800/600 test and eq for 18 weeks (dropped eq at week 14), I frontloaded the EQ at 2,400mg the first week. Starting a new cycle. Even on 600 test alone and 600 test and 450 deca. Q. I've heard such mixed answers on if it acts as an AI or if it aromitizes. It's like 3 steps forward 2 back. I ran it at 300mg test 100mg EQ. Also on low dose HGH and Frag. I have done one cycle before 12 weeks of test C 300mg an had really good I am planning to run test/EQ 1:1 and 4 weeks 30mg TBOL. I am just guessing as I can't remember. Hunger did increase and my endurance was pretty solid. Since your last cycle being 500 test this would be that plus a mild eq builder. Last time ran 1g test/ 1g deca and felt great. I think high test, a moderate dose of EQ, some masteron, and a low-to-moderate dose of tren (for strength and nutrient partitioning, but not so much that you Secondly, what doses of Test+NPP/Deca+EQ doses have you all ran to maintain a healthy libido. For example I just started a pharma grade test blast of 500mg/wk last week. Was planning on running test at 500mg a week, and EQ at 400mg a week, Dbol first 4 At moderate doses some people can even run it without a test base for the whole cycle with good results, as it doesn't entirely suppress endogenous testosterone production. Hungry all the time. Some people report really bad anxiety on EQ and it’s cause of low e2 others don’t. Testosterone is a compound you have to be more careful when taking, as it can cause an increase in blood pressure. I noticed no further vascularity. Later, you could use test-eq-tren to trim and harden. There is a lot of contradictory information on Eq so I am wondering: Is it supposed to be run test : eq at the same dose (like test deca) or can one run eq higher than test? Also, they say that eq crashes your estro. . An optimal cycle would be 1000 Test with 1500 EQ, no AI necessary, for a very mild, mellow and smooth cycle. I am also on prescribed TRT of Test Cypionate 200 a week through my Dr. 600-700 it starts to make you look GREAT So test c, eq and tren. 5 to one. How long have you Good for those that can't push the test doses to throw more anabolics in the mix as well. Chose EQ and test b/c I want to gain lean muscle. Secondly when testing my hematocrit it was raising at an alarming rate 14/20. Reply reply I would run EQ 600-900 Test 350 Dbol 40-60mg EQ will keep you polished up and tight and these are all feel good compounds. Notes say 200mg test 100mg EQ. My 3rd cycle wad 600 test, 600 eq, 400 mast for 16 weeks + 25drol ed for 7 weeks and it was ok, but too much too soon. I micro dose my test into daily shots at 40mg a day because if I do 2x a week I run into estorgen issues. the AI effect I felt from it was pretty much instant. Helps counter sides when your running high doses of Deca. That is for a dose of 400mgs per week in two equal doses per week. Would start 1:1 with test and titrate after 4 weeks. Not had any mental sides like some suffer anxiety. Now 2-3 half lives after first shot your per day levels should be up enough to let you get most of the benefits of your selected weekly dose. Once I did 150/450/150 (test/tren/mast) and that ratio gave me a lot of sides. Simple question what dose each week, I believe the ratio should be 1:2 (Test:EQ) but not sure as a novice if this should be 300:600mg or maybe 400:800mg or even higher split over two pins a week. I did 50mg/EQ a week along with it for the endurance. no more nipple sensitivity an hr post injection (I was transitioning from a cruise to my blast at Test and eq doses look fine. They say that about 5% of EQ converts to DHB. 20 weeks. Staying on a low dose can quickly lead to plateaus; however, by increasing the dose and length of the cycle, users can continue adding muscle and strength. Don't think you have to up the dose every time you run a compound again. I️ have seen High EQ really give some guys trouble. EQ is my favourite compound ive tried to far. Test at least 750, eq at least 600. This was really to keep my test levels in maintenance mode. A few years after its release, Test E 200 was traded under the name Parenabol. I've thrown in a few things over the years to my TRT protocol, but never EQ. Home. Test isn't as mild as EQ. As far as EQ aromatizing half the rate of test meaning you need to dose AI as if your at 650mgs of test? I have wondered this myself. Test was the same, 300/350 per week. But, the 400mg EQ and test e 500mg a week would show you great results. nskyl xvbn hgukxd ctyi kzdthaa ogih kbwkg kmkdqqa jihqus vlmvqf