Reddit air force officers Being a pilot is infinitely more transferrable to the civilian world than any of the other rated roles are. Members Online Potential-Sherbet435 Yeah, Air Force does a much better job growing Airmen into NCOs than it does growing Lts into real officers. Once you get to Enlisted folks are assigned by rank and AFSC - not much by existing experience, or growth potential, or strengths/weaknesses or anything else. The Air Force uses SrA as quasi competent worker bees The Air Force uses NCOs as cat herders of the SrA The Air Force uses SNCOs to mentor NCOs to become SNCOs A subreddit focused on the process of applying to, attending, and graduating from the United States Air Force Officer Training School. The army has great people and does a lot of really cool shit, but actually being in the army looks absolutely fucking miserable. JAG corps officers are in the line, but use a separate promotion list. Honestly 1D7->warrants is the wild west and I don’t think anyone knows. My understanding is that the Air Force wants to pull FAOs from several different career fields to have a broad mix, and some career field people are eager and it's real competitive to get selected, and in others it's like pulling teeth to get people to volunteer. I have a couple questions about things I’ve heard. We get the vast majority through the Air Force Academy and ROTC. I've talked to the 13s career field managers about things like ROTC instructor, special schools, etc and they basically said the only way you're getting released from the 13s career field is something like AFIT, and then you come back and do a 13s tour using your degree. O-2 and O-3s aren’t boarded right now so as long as you don’t have a DUI or something like that you’re good. 7 or better. There are no rules against it. (see the Air Force Officer Classification Directory). Army daily life (for the majority of jobs) is all catered to the combat arms MOS’s. maybe some captains before you have to worry about looking like an ass kisser or being unprofessional. I knew I was showing up with more leadership experience than most of my fellow officer candidates, and PT wasn't an issue, nor was the boot-camp style fuckery or mind games- all were far milder than USMC boot. 5% Military Pay Raise on Top of 15% Increase for Junior Enlisted Troops Last December I failed the Psychological Test for officers of the Dutch Air Force because I was in the process of overcoming a little speech problem, but mainly because what I said suggested I would have difficulty connecting with people of a lower education level (I whined a bit too much about one particular soccer team I was in, stupid mistake) and like you said might not always enjoy social Air Force O here that has worked a ton with the army. I work for Facebook in Operations. Any technical or maintenance AFSC would benefit greatly with a Warrant in the unit. Let’s say 2. Sounds like you think of the process of joining as an officer in the same way as one would enlist. Most of those jobs are going to be for Pilots and CSO's though. I have a bachelors and graduated with a 3. However, even were you to be hired by a AFRC/ANG unit, you'd still have a bit of a wait prior to OTS. USAFA/ROTC are the primary sources of new officers, with OTS used to backfill any projected shortfall (since OTS can bring people in in a matter of months, versus in 3-4 years. The Air Force wants a return on its investment; that's why "pilots" don't assume command roles sooner. jesus are all air force boys as gay as you. It's literally the only PME that every officer goes to regardless of their AFSC. I am E-5 (TIS 4 years) and I have an assignment to Korea Nov 2023 and a follow-on to Germany Dec 2024. 1N0 and 1N8 do the intel applications. I seriously doubt you'd be able to cross-train at all. I’m sure I’ll take flak for saying, but the Army was way more “military,” than the Air Force, and the expectations of all ranks are drastically different from what you’re probably I live near an air force reserve base and I’m considering the reserves/guard route as I already have a full time career I like. 5+ gpa, stem degrees, leadership experience, etc. Prior technical skills can be helpful but not necessary; the Air Force is pretty good at either training you with the necessary skills or providing outstanding technicians with those skills. The AFOCD lists all Air Force Officer career fields. 1N1, 1N2, 1N3, 1N4, 1N7 and 1A8 do the production portion, and they largely do it at very intel heavy locations including Air Force units and other Intelligence Community organizations. I am currently 27 years old, living in San Francisco, California. Daily life? Is it worth doing? Do you enjoy it? Etc… EDIT: How were deployments? A subreddit focused on the process of applying to, attending, and graduating from the United States Air Force Officer Training School. If not that’s okay too. AF OTS selection also places more emphasis on academic qualifications than, for example, the Marine Corps does. Enlisted assignments happen on an as needed basis, with most either directly or indirectly supporting overseas rotations, and special duty or special hire assignments, and then back to big blue CONUS jobs. com/r/AirForce/wiki/bmtfaq#wiki_jobs. The ones with stronger records (mainly Officer Performance Reports, OPRs). Even if your goal is to spend 30 years in the Air Force and become a general someday, it's a pilot's air force, the other rated career fields are afterthoughts at best. Members Online Stoneless-Spy Community for current and past members of the US Air Force. What are you interested in doing with the Air Force? I think the system is wonky with the workload, responsibility, and compensation heavily skewed and awry. At O-4 it starts to get boarded. I was junior enlisted in the Navy before I commissioned in the Air Force. 2T2 here, LROs are our officers. It’s also stupid competitive, 3. Friend told me he joined the Army over the Air Force because "faster promotions" and "easier to become an Army Officer than an Air Force Officer while enlisted and less competitive". Members Online Medical Beard Waivers Nearly Double in Air Force and Space Force in Just 3 Years Hey folks, Took TA for my master's, so incurred the extra 2 year commitment concurrent with my original 4 years Active Duty once I finish my last class- I'm scheduled to PCS in Summer 2022, and with my extra commitment, I'd be eligible to separate in Fall 2023. There is something of a rivalry here. I went from enlisted Air Force to Commissioned Coast Guard. I just recently got selected for an interview (NH-3 position) so hopefully all goes well. For the early blocks (1-4) you shouldn’t have to stay late or come in early. It needs SNCOs doing non-mission bureaucratic things to keep the machine going. The Warrant Officer corps is a perfect place to put him, he will continue to give the Air Force exactly what it needs, a worker bee who will do the dirty jobs and the Air Force will give him a wage that shows how much his hard work is appreciated. IIRC 17X was not allowing crossflow out to non-rated last year. Is this true or a good reason at all to join the Army over the Air Force? He's 19, already in basic training and not the brightest when making decisions. Any help would be fantastic. You can obtain this through the air force health professional scholarship program. I'll toss another option to you, rather then applying to the Air Force and dealing with a poorly managed OCS process or the army with poorer quality of life, look at the Coast Guard. The Air Force has been awesome to me for almost 10 years now, and I'm super grateful for it taking a complete moron and turning me into a complete moron with passable resume experience, but I'm getting way too salty with the malarkey and think it's time I move on for the benefit of myself and likely those I'm likely to lead in the future. When I was pretty new to the Air Force, about the first 2-3 years there was always someone in my shop that was deployed. you’ll atrophy the skills you acquire initially and then be relegated to a situation where you’re working for 60+ year olds trying to dictate Enlisted only requires a high school diploma. It is entirely on the individual and their supervisors to understand what the Air Force is looking for in terms of career development and then to "fight" for such assignments via volunteering, applying, etc. You’ll have a lot of free time based on some blocks and less once you get to the exercise blocks. If you aren't actually filling a 97E billet, the Air Force is wasting your time. You will receive notification of your assignment before you attend OTS. Your class will be able to make unclassified study documents for test prep. A while back, before I was selected by my hiring unit, I was listening to an Air Force podcast called CommissionED, and they were discussing an enlisted Airman's recent chat with one of the hosts about applying for OTS and what some things to understand were. Most seem to enjoy getting assigned to an Aerial Port Squadron over an LRS, based off my conversations with them. The Air Force trains them in a trade and they earn promotions over time, most likely faster than they would in the civilian world, with exceptions for some career fields that pay a lot on the outside. There is no heritage in the Air Force to support a strong warrant officer corps. Either way you won’t get picked for the job in cyber unless you have the physical capability to do it so make it motivation to get your skills up to par. Officers have way more privileges of respect and are treated better in general, not to mention pay. And the benefits interest me as well. but once again i feel that is a positional difference in responsibility. In the broadest descriptions, many intel officers will be sitting in a windowless classified facility researching and analyzing intel reports, then presenting that information to leaders, crews, and others that need it. It depends. The powers that be will still saddle them with the same responsibility and queep as SNCOs and CGOs. Sorta. My collegiate GPA is not the best. My army counterparts are over worked, undervalued, and have very low living standards, and the army as an organization just seems to give much less of a shit Questions about joining the US Air Force, whether enlisting or commissioning as an officer, prior-service or not, should be posted in /r/AirForceRecruits. That's actually something we're looking at on the Space Force side and homesteading is much more likely and a valid option for a lot of Guardians. This website will help you out. Questions about joining the US Air Force, whether enlisting or commissioning, should be posted here, instead of /r/airforce. I am currently an enlisted Public Health Technician for the AF, and Public Health Officers (I have been told and seen for myself) includes managing programs, being leadership for your public health flight, giving briefings among many other things. If Commissioning is what you want then you need to learn what are your chances for each route you can take. Community for current and past members of the US Air Force. Enlisted: “workforce” and “follower” side of the Air Force. I'm not suggesting officers are useless. I don't know about Warrant officers, but a technical enlisted promotion path like the Army Specialist ranks would help a lot with retention of technically oriented personnel without sacrificing officer manning slots like the Air Force keeps bringing up whenever warrants enter the conversation. Members Online MajMcFly023 Really depends on what you want, but I went from Army to Air Force, and buddy let me tell you the transition to Air Force culture has been night and day. Community for current and past members of the US Air Force. Until you get a NO from the Air Force, consider yourself still eligible. I am enlisted as an E1 and I am wanting to commission as an officer to become a fighter pilot at some point. Does anyone know when (what month/time of year) an officer will find out if they’re on the upcoming summer VML assignment cycle (All AFSCs O-5 and below minus JAG)? thats fair. I am currently enlisted in the United States Air Force. Each branch sets its own standards/priorities. My old base has a policy where “back office” would assist at the gates during peak hours so you’d see the LT or Capt down there — but overall yes, SF officers are admin - they manage the shit show that is the SF career field and try to bring order to the chaos. Can I get a rundown of some people’s experiences from O1-O4? Specifically if you went from E to O. I recently attended the MX officer tech school, and they've actively identified the toxicity in the leadership of their career field(s) as a whole and intentionally taught the LTs becoming MX officers that they needed to be aware of and on the lookout for such, I don't know, professional atmospheres. 10 votes, 25 comments. Yes, there is a TOS requirement. Members Online Mango-Monster Truth. 2) It can give me a good idea of the overall logistics of the Air Force. Members Online Emotional-Basket-401 Clinical psychologist (Need your doctorate in clinical psychology. 9 years ago when I joined the Air Force I started as enlisted, there are quite a few programs to go from Enlisted to Officer but they're all highly competitive, takes a lot of preparation and have an age limit to apply (23 is the limit If you join the Space Force as an Acquisition’s Officer you’re able to get stationed in a few more places. Your orders to your next duty station will be created before you leave your current duty station. true. Use every benefit you can: COOL, TA, GI Bill, get special certifications. I say this as someone that has been enlisted, an officer, AD & ANG, and am now a civilian LEO (and I’ve worked for several agencies, at that): Please be prepared for a slice of humble pie. a. They’ll still be supervisors, they’ll still be flight commanders and project officers. So it isn't an official AF publication for the general force, but the manual for ROTC (PDF warning) spells this out explicitly on page 49, section 6. I'm prior-active duty Army and have been in the Air National Guard for three years now, so this was an interesting taste of the greater Air Force beyond my unit and career field. ), like AFSCs are grouped together, so pilots compete with other pilots, navs, Air Battle Managers, etc, intel and cyber compete with each other, acquisitions with acquisitions, etc Since warrant officer has been brought back for it and cyber do you’ll think it’ll be added for other afsc I know the memo said all afscs can apply but you’d be put into two career fields you know nothing about so in reality little chance to get Going from Air Force Enlisted to Army officer should be a seamless, easy transition. 5/2. A waiver might be unlikely, but no one is saying don’t apply or don’t talk to a recruiter. For instance, I’m a logistics officer, but I have to know many aspects of infantry type life. Biggest factor will be any follow on courses. Members Online Balthizar01 Typically, things like exec positions, especially Wing exec, moving between jobs at a rapid pace to develop "breadth", being selected for special schools rather than the Air Force standard ACSCthose are all indicators that a young officer is on the path to senior officer. But I'm pretty confident those days are long gone now. Although I’m not sure what the Air forces exactly mission is, it’s a lot less expeditionary than the Army. When you leave the Air Force, make sure you haven’t become a stranger to your family. They do not have a place in the Air Force because Air Force leaders didn't want them. 100 bars all lined up outside the gate. Do not post your command or name! Post all questions and discussion about recruiters, MEPS, the Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Boot Camp, and transferring to your first command in our sister subreddit, r/newtothenavy. Members Online US CENTCOM says its forces and US EUCOM forces destroyed over 80 kamikaze drones and six ballistic missiles launched from Iran and Yemen towards Israel on April 13 and 14 A subreddit focused on the process of applying to, attending, and graduating from the United States Air Force Officer Training School. Non-flying jobs include Eglin for Electronic Warfare geekery, Barskdale for Global Strike staff, the Pentagon, or an Air Liaison Officer spot at a bunch of Army bases. RegAF officers on active duty must have a Date of Separation or deactivation date that is two-years or more after the end of the course date. Members Online Began the last week of my 4 year contract today. Training is Officer Training School and specific courses for Public Health Officers. I guess the question is, does the Air Force have a lot of company grade and mid-level commo/cyber Officers leaving the force? Posted by u/noahc763 - 5 votes and 22 comments as enlisted, you have 80% of the air force to "be friends with" depending on your rank and keeping things professional. reddit. What is the best route to commission before my 10 year mark in the military? Any suggestions would be extremely Force shaping is basically laying off. The Air Force hires contractors if it wants real technical experts. Enlisted no degree. And then there are certain career fields, mainly professional ones like medicine, law, engineering, etc that require specific degrees and other qualifications. stop obsessing over me. Intel falls roughly into two categories - production and application. There are also losing and receiving AFSC. Officer: “political” side and “leadership” roles of the Air Force. 7) Going enlisted to officer usually involves going to Officer Training School, rather than the Air Force Academy or through ROTC. So the first thing you'll want to do is to get in touch with an Officer Accessions Recruiter. 6 so I was advised to enlist and then try becoming an officer while I’m enlisted. I've been told the usual thing for an officer is to do some good work, get some face time infront of the commander, pick up a quarterly (or annual) award each year, and get that sweet stratification on your OPR. Officers make more money. Too long to list off lol. especially an LT, you can basically only be friends with other LTs. Members Online. Thanks air force isn’t going to utilize you in the right ways and the problems you’re going to be presented are going to be long standing issues that you won’t have the positional authority to change. . Your GPA is well below the average select GPA, so you'd need an outstanding package in other areas to have a chance, even if they were bringing people in through OTS. I have been in for 12 years and been in various units, from infantry, field artillery, cyber, engineers, etc. Questions about joining the US Air Force and Space Force, whether enlisting or commissioning, should be posted here, instead of /r/airforce. Very strong individuals. Unfortunately, at least in the Navy and Army (and I imagine it's the same for the Air Force), best way to achieve a goal like this is to work towards becoming a Foreign Area Officer (FAO), but it's not something you can just commission into. The Air Force instead uses layers of overpaid civilians to fullfill the need. There are approximately 500 total jobs across the Air Force. 2. Went to college, and now here as a non-rated 62E, no dependents. You have to serve for several years in your primary community before applying for selection and training. As for Force Support Officer they can get stationed at nearly any base. Two tracks of progression. Some of these things make sense, some make me disillusioned with the Air Force. This has several key disadvantages compared to applying to become an officer in another branch. OTS is literally just leftovers, but it’s probably your only option unless you’d go back to school for 3 more years. Additionally, there may be other MAJCOM, NAF or Wing sups to the linked AFI, so I will also post a link to the search URL used below so that you can look for additional supplements or guidance memos that may apply. The story I have always heard and/or read is that the services agreed to give up warrant officers when they created the E-8 and E-9 ranks, but the Air Force is the only one to actually follow through with it. Link to CIP database for the different education program descriptions. Just that the idea that only officers can do certain things, is simply outdated, old-fashioned thinking. Aug 24, 2024 · You will have to list 5 - 15 jobs that you're interested in, and will be given one of those. My motivations for joining are because I’ve always been kind of interested in it frankly. The generic off ramps for "good" MBAs (think M7 or top 25) are consulting and finance. I’ve had an interesting path to commissioning and even since I commissioned. You also have the members who want to do the job for a majority of their careers and that’s what warrants are, so you’re going to see them apply. I will die on this hill with honor. I am not a FAO but have worked with them off and on. If you want to be an officer in the Air Force, going rated is your best bet at this point in time. That is not the case, you would have find a recruiter who would work with you, based on degree, GPA, perceived leadership and management, get into take the AFOQTthen put a package together for a shot at one of a very few slots when on average have a selection rate below 20% (last year was 13%). More differences: officer requires a Degree. For any officers reading this with a CJ degree; If you’re planning on becoming a LEO post-service, please be aware of a few things. Apply for it and worst case scenario you can get out and be happy with a stable job after Air Force Officer Classification Directory AFOCD Appendix A which is the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) matrices showing the Target Accession Rate for certain AFSs. Almost every career in the Air Force has to deal with maintenance in one way or another. not medical, chaplains, etc. Other than getting extremely fit and strong in recent weeks, I’m not exactly sure what to do, or how fast from when I reach out to a recruiter, I’ll have to make big PCSing every year or two is due to the Air Force valuing breadth over depth for officers and an argument could be made to have officer's focus more on depth versus breadth. I emailed about that and they said it was superfluous because they’ll select you first and pick job later. Can’t speak for Acq but contracting officers buy (mainly) base level support such as radios, generators, bird diverters, air pressure chambers, computers, clothes, etc. 3) If I ever plan on leaving the Air Force, it won't be hard to take my skills to a different career. The application window for this go-around closes on May 24th. It's a pretty good gig. REMEMBER OPSEC. The next step would be taking the AFOQT. Edit: nore sure about to rated off the top of my head, but they're hurting for pilots, so probably possible. Thats how it goes. OTS would be considered "TDY en-route". ) The Air Force has afforded me the ability to get my associates and bachelors for free, currently work on my masters also for free, own 3 homes, comfortably provide for my wife and daughter, and accumulate a net worth of over 300k by 29. A medical waiver takes time, but if this is something you really want, you will not let Reddit stop you. I started a Facebook Group to help people with the application process and we now have over 1k members. Like I mentioned in my post, I had no prior government experience so didn’t know if the increase in responsibilities/becoming a contracting officer constituted a pay increase. The smarter idea would've been to take your technical officers who don't want to command and let them fill this role. Reddit Community for present, past, and future AFROTC cadets. Do you want to be an officer or not, that’s the gut check. Active boards are on hold for the foreseeable future, but as I said, the Guard/Reserve do their own hiring. Everyone says that getting your master's degree is smart with all the time we have on crew and I'm just wondering if anyone has insight on online schools that have good reputations and work with lowering the costs for active duty members. Aug 5, 2024 · Hi. Overseas locations will have a bunch of additional requirements, you may have to wait around for a port call date for the rotator, and it may take time to get everything ready and reserved, especially depending on when the SQ starts the process. I know it's a late reply, but just in case you're Only for enlisted (not officers, unless a special career field…pilot is not of them). Few years ago deployments were pretty regular, these days not really happening as often. Members Online Must-Pass Defense Bill Includes 4. Members Online grad bmt a few days ago 🎉 AMA Compared to other services, with the one exception possibly being the Navy, the US Air Force doesn't commission a lot of non-engineering degreed non-ROTC officers. Within the line of the Air Force (i. Share Add a Comment It looks like you mentioned an AFI, form or other publication without linking to it, so I have posted a link to it. when it comes down to an individual person that is officer or enlisted, i still feel no big difference other than that someone has a degree. You can look at all of this in the Air Force Officer Classification Directory (AFOCD). We're always bringing in new officers, but not necessarily through OTS. Now I recently commissioned into the Air Force and awaiting orders. I am a missilier at my first duty station so I have plenty of time on my hands. They said multiple times that they do not intend to non-vol people into these positions if they can help it. I’m thinking about joining the Air Force as an Officer with a 3. OTS generally looks for largely STEM grads and GPA of 3. Groups & squadrons think they need execs (they don't) so they pull in officers and SNCO's away from where they are actually needed. Nothing re-blues me like spending time with the army. My entire senior enlisted staff was a bunch of bitter dickbags and sycophants. Some of the officers were awesome, and I try to be like them. Reply reply More replies Public-Tomatillo-373 ATM, the Air Force Reserve and the Air National Guard are the only tickets to non-AFA/AFROTC commissioning with the active duty board cancelled and possibly on hold until 2023. The upcoming 2024 summer officer assignment cycle will be my first opportunity to be potentially on the VML. This has helped the AD applicants significantly and they have been selected more often than not to their civilian applicant counterparts. They are reducing the number of people currently in the Air Force by limiting new recruits and by laying off a certain amount of active duty Airmen through Reduction In Force boards. Members Online 1D731R booked; BMT May 21st!!!!! what positions/salaries do military officers make after separation/retirement, specifically SA grads, examples of getting out at 10 year as O-3, 20 year as O-5, and 25 year as )]O-6? Community for current and past members of the US Air Force. You can also go to med school on the Air Force's dime through the above health professions scholarship program. Please read the FAQ about how job selection works, it's very in-depth and will fully educate you on the process: https://pay. maybe its just because i was a prior enlisted for a few years and i feel no change in my persona, intellect, and capability since before my commissioning and after (other General answer with a LOT of caveats for separating Os is no, online MBAs don't make sense. The difference u/czw is right. Members Online Commforceone Community for current and past members of the US Air Force. 9 more years and I can retire from the Air Force at 38 and collect a pension and health insurance for the AFI36-2670 6. As an officer, developing your technical skills is important early in your career, but ultimately you will be expected to progress primarily as a manager 1B4->warrants will still be technical folks at some capacity. 33 gpa. My impression is that Air Force OTS is most competitive to get into, largely because we mostly meet our officer recruiting requirements through USAFA and AFROTC. Missileers and Pilots would greatly benefit as well. Services may be DFAC workers, medical personnel, architects and designers. Obviously, officers are needed. This might be a bit of a hurdle in itself since the cyber career fields can only commission a small percentage of officers without a degree from a specific list and biology isn't included. Enlisted members may have no work experience, and have no marketable skills at all. I’m 29(F) and I want to join the AF. Put needs of the Air Force as third choice. To that end it’s probably less time away from home. So in the Army we have Functional Area (FA) Officers. If you want to be stationed in Europe, ALO is your best shot. I thought it was interesting that an article stated they usually select current officers with 7-10 years of service but I actually discovered this AFSC on the most recent chart that dissects the mandatory/desired degree fields for OTS. Cross commissioning is a thing but is rare from my understanding. I even deployed within my first 2 years. Me on my way to confront the NAF commander at the Air Force Ball (she is wearing mess dress pants, in direct violation of DAFI 36-2903, paragraph 4. In reality, they highly specialized and technical O-grades that won't (shouldn't) ever be in command. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies A subreddit focused on the process of applying to, attending, and graduating from the United States Air Force Officer Training School. 1. Granted, were going to air force it up and make sure only people with the best evaluations based on non technical attributes are considered. Members Online Professional-Owl-510 The Air Force used to have them. The Air Force has been great--I absolutely love it, but I want to weigh all of my options and make an informed decision. The WO camp isn't going to win this one. All that will be available if you commission will be the public service loan forgiveness program which you’ll still pay minimums for 10 years until the rest is forgiven. it really shows how sad your life is. Jul 15, 2024 · OTS is the very last way that the Air Force will fill the officer ranks and now they've even combined the boards so you no longer have civilian only boards. They're kinda like us, but paid more lol. The Air Force will move on without you. As far as I’m aware most Air Force officers don’t do this. When approaching a group of individuals, the greeting of the day will be rendered to the highest ranking individual(s) first. The stalking is getting creepy. Organizations below WG/CC are not normally authorized an exec. Even so, good "pilots" leave behind being a technician in a plane to administrate as good leaders, often first in flying squadrons. ** Just wanted to add that, I did 4 yrs in the Navy. u/SilentD ADMIN MOD • Hello! I’m airman Henry, I recently joined the air force on 29 August of this year. TSgts is probably the worst. The middle and bottom thirds of officers in the AF still aren’t going to go to school in-residence. Examples: emphasis on exec and staff positions bullet crafting to emphasize people/dollar amounts constant need to submit awards for yourself Having the experience of being both enlisted Air Force, now current army officer, each branch serves significantly different mission sets. ) Officers of AF Reddit, what happened when you didn't get a strat? General question here for the officers in the sub (sorry enlisted guys). Honestly, and I don't want to sound like a dick, but I expected more of myself as a Marine heading into Air Force OTS. 5. But it's the system we have and it's not going away any time soon. As an officer. I think the last Air Force Warrant Officer was an Air National Guardsman who retired in the 1980s or 1990s. 5GPA. The Air Force hates commissioning enlisted as it is, so members who have been gunning for OTS for years are going to flock to it. I think it's 10% for 17D and 5% for 17S. For example enlisted and officers work hand and hand with each other closely, sometimes you could find and airman teaching and officer who is new to the field how to perform the work which is unique from what I hear. What makes an officer that graduated from some 4 year university more prepared to lead in our Air Force than the e4 that’s actually been in a couple years? Beyond the ability to complete a 4 year degree, not much. I entered the Navy as an E-1 and still remember scrubbing the decks with small brushes. They’ll still be there when you’re out. Know how to work the radio, handle weapons, land navigation, going to the Hi! Air Force personnelist here who works in Officer Training School Assignments. Members Online With reopening of Clark AFB, in over 30 years, with the newly arrived F-22 and F-35, the party scene is back. Standard Air Force OTS copypasta: If you did not do AF Academy or 3+ years of AFROTC, if you want to become an AF officer you apply for OTS. They fulfill an essential role, not only in the obvious way, but in creating the hierarchical social structure that is important to a military force. If the Air Force wants technical expertise, it hires contractors. Conversely, what makes the E4 more prepared to lead than the college grad? I just found out about this AFSC today and will soon have the required MA National Security Studies / International Relations degree in May. Members Online First Intel on Discord, then Russian honeypots, followed by selling the Chinese secrets, now the Chinese headhunting for Fighter Pilots 21 votes, 24 comments. All officers in the rank of Lieutenant and above hold a commission from the President (which is an actual piece of paper and an associated body of authorities and responsibilities), and are One of my cadre members enlisted as army then went to USAFA to commission as a officer. The Air Force is a big bureaucratic organization because it is a big bureaucratic government organization. Has anyone done this? Can you offer your advice? I just feel like it’s gonna be even more difficult to become an officer while enlisted because they may drag their r/airforceots: A subreddit focused on the process of applying to, attending, and graduating from the United States Air Force Officer Training School. It’s the “middle third” of the top ~20% of officers, not the random middle third of Air Force’s officer corps…so in reality it’s still people that are in the top 7-14% of the service. Also, do you want to do financial management in the Air Force, or is it something you want to do after? If the latter, have you considered what possible careers interest you? Get slotted into a cyber officer career field. ) Psychiatrist (Need to complete medical school plus psychiatry residency program. Non pilot Lt has got to be the freaking easiest job in the Air Force for the money, followed by SrA. Another girl, completed our AFROTC program and commissioned into the marines. Take the Air Force for all it’s worth—because it will get a lot out of you. Y'all are going berserk On their website, AFPC has a four page guide on what things really matter for officer promotions, major through col. e. This is primarily a US Navy-centric subreddit, but all are welcome. Just wondering how's the O life for any prior E's out there. Members Online Ukraine says it shot down 2 Russian command and control aircraft in a significant blow to Moscow In the Air Force, any officer but the medical and chaplain corps are in the line. I've seen some posts about this, but none as of recent. Members Online Trinityforce2013 Community for current and past members of the US Air Force. It is possible, but if you wife wants a career as an officer in the Air Force and she isn't in a 'professional' career (so lawyer, dentist, doctor) then this is going to be a hard sell. The Air Force has made it very clear that it does not want warrant officers. I wouldn’t trade my bars for the The Air Force hires contractors instead of having warrant officers. Squadron Officer School is a mandatory school for every captain that wants to make major. The Air Force likes to get it it’s officers from the academy and AFROTC. The Air Force has no problem parking an enlisted person at a base for a decade. They have unclassified information you can take home to study. A subreddit focused on the process of applying to, attending, and graduating from the United States Air Force Officer Training School. 10% will go to rated officers. I have my CCAF and looking to do the AU-ABC program to get my bachelors. vmcchtc exvzo ajmhv zjphq junxzo zqsgpp cbgtk eswydzmu gcp tsmli