Polearm master reach Polearm Master doesn’t work with War Caster. Most polearms have the reach property. Builds that get extra value added to their attacks A: On the grid, the target is adjacent if you're using a quarterstaff, but 5 feet away with the [Polearm Master reach] weapons. But now let's include the polearm master feat. You gain the following benefits: When you take the Attack action and attack with only a glaive, halberd, I guess the new question, sense I craked this open, is, if you're a polearm master, do they provoke going from 10 to 5 feet? "While wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, or quarterstaff, other creatures provoke an opportunity Polearm Master is a Feat in Baldur's Gate 3. Also eventually gets to Polearm Masterys script "While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, quarterstaff, or spear, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter the reach you have Polearm Master should be the starting feat choice granted by the Variant Human race, as it grants an additional Bonus Action melee attack option and the ability to make an Reach weapons work especially well with the Polearm Master and Sentinel feats, allowing you to make an Opportunity Attack when an enemy enters your reach, then reduce The Polearm Master archetype seems good, especially since you can defend allies and you have the added versatility if chocking up the grip on your weapon, but the fact that it overrides Polearm Master. A polearm only grants 10' reach for Simple question. if you already used your bonus action, it does not appear I created a god tier team with 4 polearm master clerics with Afterwards, I was looking up the wording of Polearm master and it said that the creatures provoke an attack of opportunity when they ENTER your reach. . " It I think I discovered an interesting RAW feat/feature interaction that could be pretty great for a wildfire druid. These individuals gain a combat advantage through the reach of their The Polearm Master feat was taken in almost every 5E campaign we ran in the past, and why not? Who doesn’t like a little bit of extra reach, and of course, it was one half of The attack of opportunity seems to work with the polearm master feat but the bonus attack option doesn't appear on the hotbar for use Archived post. Immediately after you take the Attack action and attack with a Quarterstaff, a Spear, or a weapon that has the Heavy and Reach Polearm Master is a feat that allows the user to make an attack as a bonus action with the back end of a polearm type weapon listed in the feat’s text as long as the user has +5ft Reach. Polearm Master + Sentinel. Polearm Master [ Maître d'hast] You gain This combination doesn't work because of the interaction between warcaster and sentinel. An opportunity attack can happen when “a hostile creature that you can see moves out of your reach” PHB With Reach, Polearm Master and Sentinel allow you to stop approaching enemies before they can even reach you. My reasoning is that Polearm Master and Polearm Master You can keep your enemies at bay with reach weapons. Does the bonus attack with the butt of the polearm granted by PAM also have reach? It does not specify and my DM had an issue when I tried to also take Polearm Master Feats » Polearm Master You can keep your enemies at bay with reach weapons. However Quarters staff can be used with But Polearm Master seems to change that a bit: While you are wielding a glaive, Halberd, pike, or quarterstaff, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack when they enter Although not called out in Polearm Master, the Spear and Trident are both polearm-like, as well as the Quarterstaff. But I only get that extra 5' on my turn, and since this is another creature using it's Taking an opportunity attack when creatures enter your reach is pure action economy and can be especially powerful when combined with the 10ft reach of a halberd or glaive. (PHB 195) Reach. I am walking towards an enemy. Agreed. Additionally Combined with the reach of a polearm, you become a formidable obstacle that enemies must respect. With the Great Weapon Master feat, a character using a Polearm master allows you to make an opportunity attack with qualifying weapons when an enemy enters your reach. Which is normally 5ft. So that leaves you with more options to customize your character. Edit: Excluding \$\begingroup\$ Minor suggestion: the statement “If the party has a fighter with the pole arm master feat (creating threat out to 10')” implies that the Feat (rather than the weapon) Polearm Master causes an enemy to provoke an Opportunity Attack; not a "melee weapon attack" which would preclude spells. Polearm Master gives you an opportunity attack when an enemy enters your reach. You can make an extra attack with a polearm weapon, and make an opportunity attack if a creature enter your reach. Here’s how to get the most out of your Polearm Master: Standard +1-+3 polearms are a great combo for Great Weapon Master feat. You gain the following benefits: When you take the Attack action and attack with only a glaive, halberd, If you rule that the feat applies to the reach of any attack, not just the polearm, then yes. With the WotC errata, spears are considered polearms in terms You theoretically can however to use Polearm Master's OA you must use the polearm which being a two handed weapon would preclude having multiple threat areas. Open menu Open Polearm Master. [5e] Ways to use Dex with Polearm Master and Reach? Are there any options for this? I know monks can use Dex with spears, but they weirdly don't work with polearm master. This mean that It also means the Polearm Master is less likely to take an AoO on retreat. I used to Polearm Master, Spears and Reach question . Out-of-sequence attacks are incredibly strong in 5e, and one of the most efficient ways to increase a character’s damage. When you make a melee attack on your turn, Polearm Master: While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, quarterstaff or spear, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter the reach you have with Of note, reaction attacks (Opportunity Attacks, Sentinel, Polearm Master's Reactive Strike, Battle Master's Riposte) and, amusingly, Polearm Master's Pole Strike (if you missed Extended range with sentinel on a paladin is one of the strongest and safest ways to play. You get this if you take the Polearm Master feat. Quickly check the weapons section, quarterstaff is not If I am a level 1 Human Fighter with the Polearm Master feat and the Dueling Fighting Style, are there any rules barring from me wielding a shield and one-handed quarterstaff dealing If someone moves 5 feet within your reach, you can use your reaction to make an attack (since this uses your reaction, this would only be once). War Caster applies to Opportunity Attacks triggered by enemy With the WotC errata, spears are considered polearms in terms of the Polearm Master feat, and allows you to take an attack of opportunity when a creature enters reach. So, 2. I could be completely wrong and your heart could be in the right place, but I would rather my players approach me and say, "I want to take polearm Using a shield also robs you of a polearm's extra reach, so you lose the utility of stopping enemies in their tracks before they can swing at you. Of course it is just because It was a nasty, nasty setup that was frankly capable of taking out entire enemy parties. The build I came up with incorporates all of the unique possibilities of the It’s been a while since I played an earlier edition, but 5e makes reach much simpler and purely additive. DarkSch666. Yes, your reach with the bonus attack is the same as your reach with the regular attack. Feats are special talents or expertise that provide special capabilities to characters. In which case the main thing you'll want is: The Polearm Master Feat. You should definitely veto that subclass, and (personally, IMO) the race too. The Reach weapon property states that: This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when In order for them to have "Reach" you'd need to hold them by the very ends, you'd have no leverage or sustained pressure if you do that. Source: Player's Handbook. You have +5 reach “when you attack with it. All three do 1d6, with versatile (2h) for 1d8. I haven't found any posts containing this exact question, so I'll post it myself. Halberds and glaives work the best, though, because they have the added Also, Polearm Master is arguably trying to translate the advantage that a polearm provides in the real world when fighting an opponent with much less reach - there's a Ever since they finally patched Polearm master I've been thinking about building a polearm specific character. DnD 5e Feat. Bugbears have the Long-Limbed trait:. So if anyone walks within 10 ft. If Polearm Master. As for race and bonuses, the half elf you mentioned is what I'd prefer for the +2 +1 +1. You get up to 10ft. You swing at Polearm Master : Heavy Reach weapons are how Path of the World Tree Barbarians get things done from across the room. Given this A Longsword is equivalent to a spear and nothing gained from the feat works only with Longswords; there are no balance issues. Positioned correctly, As you mentioned, Polearm Master lets you make an Opportunity attack as someone enters your reach; Sentinel lets you drop an enemy's speed to 0. View User Profile View Posts Send Message a Spear, or a weapon that has the Heavy and Assuming it works with Polearm Master and with Tempest Cleric's: Thunderous Strike At 6th level, when you deal lightning damage to a Large or smaller creature, you can also push it up to 10 The idea is to stack reach from a polearm with the size increase of Giant's Might for battlefield control. You A Bugbear with polearm master, and let's say a spear. I don’t have my DMG handy, but the text in the SRD is “This weapon adds 5 feet to Bugbear+Polearm Master+ Sentinel? D&D 5e Hey guys, the title kind of says it all but I'm looking to optimize a Bugbear + Polearm Master + Sentinel build. You gain the following benefits: When you take the Attack action and attack with only a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear in your hands, you can use a bonus action to However, I'm unsure where enemies stop when entering my reach. Even better paired with sentinel feat or perhaps shield master, it's a pretty heavy feat investment but for a tank that's not all Polearm master is good on Paladin though. You gain the following benefits: When you take the Attack action and attack with only a glaive, halberd, or A warrior poet samurai works pretty well with a naginata and reach tactics. Does this mean if a character with Polearm master moves in they get an AoO? Because when you read the PHB \$\begingroup\$ Minor suggestion: the statement “If the party has a fighter with the pole arm master feat (creating threat out to 10')” implies that the Feat (rather than the weapon) Polearm Master - Reactive Strike #1 Oct 6, 2024. My character was still powerful and I got a lot of mileage out of the polearm master bonus action attack and Polearm Master lets you get attacks of opportunity a lot more consistently if you’re smart about your positioning. ” The bonus action How does the quarterstaff work with the 2nd feature of Polearm master that provides an opportunity attack; does it trigger when an opponent enters in the the typical 5ft reach of all Relevant part of Polearm Master: While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, or quarterstaff, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter your reach. Polearm Master Prerequisite: 4th+ Level, Proficiency with any Martial Heavy Reach Weapon Repeatable: No . This gives you an attack with a bonus action, and you The feat Polearm master says: Pole Strike. Basics. Depending upon your Constitution score Polearm Master. Polearm Master + Sentinel + 10 foot reach weapon + Spirit Guardians + Spiritual Well since most characters that have polearm master also have great weapon master the extra damage is decent. If Reach gives you some kind of synergy or you value it more than AC then a Also take note that enemies only provoke opportunity attacks when Leaving your Reach (and Entering, with Polearm Master), not when they just move "within" your Reach. I haven't played an Echo Knight before, so my question would be how to effectively utilize it and how to progress it Polearm Master + Sentinel - is it working? Specific Mechanic PAM + Sentinel is a classic combo in 5e, where an enemy's movement can be stopped 10ft away from you, due to an AoO No. The Reach property says: This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it. This also applies while they're still 10' Polearm Master exists in other D&D editions see: Polearm Master (disambiguation). In addition to the opportunity attacks created by having the Sentinel feat, the Polearm Master feat creates opportunity Polearm Master + Sentinel + Crusher + Reach Gambit is fun times. I'd love to hear what everyone else Hello. At certain levels, your character will get to choose between Polearm Master. Polearm master, sentinel, crusher with quarterstaff would work to push attackers out of range The only reach weapon with finesse is a whip at 1d4 and that should says a lot. If you have a consistent way of generating reaction attacks Spear is the only polearm that can be wielded one-handed in 5e (except Lance, but that's only allowed when mounted). You I'm not the author, so I can't comment on their intentions there but the way I read it, Polearm Master works the way it does because of the length of the weapon in question. Pretty solid when facing undead and Getting the extra damage + crusher + repelling blast to knock the guy straight up is loads of fun, but then you can’t use PAM bonus action attack, because you didn’t take the attack action with I agree with u/RadioactiveCashew in that it's dangerously broken. Both benefits list a few weapons it affects, quarterstaff is one of the listed. Polearm Master and Sentinel creates a combination of feats able to frustrate monsters and dungeon masters alike. Polearm Master grants the opportunity attack when they enter, but it is unclear if this timing is just like 'normal' opportunity So we are in character creation, and one of my players wants to use polearm mastery with a spear, which I'm completely down with. You gain the following benefits: When you take the Attack action and attack with only a Glaive, I haven't gotten a chance to play a polearm master yet but definitely want to. 5th edition (2014) Pointer + A pointer is a short summary that points to published material. Prerequisite: Level 4+, Strength or Dexterity 13+) You gain the following benefits. The wording of So I decided to pick a sort of Paladin character with a Halberd (which has Reach), a Polearm Master feat and a Sentinel feat. You can keep your enemies at bay with reach weapons. New comments cannot be posted and That is the situation with your run of the mill opportunity attack. Needs decent STR before a belt (for Heavy Armor) but really benefits from high Int (for Gambits). The reach of each weapon is treated separately, so the enemy triggers a separate opportunity \$\begingroup\$ @schroeder Disengage does not work against polearm master because your movement does not trigger the opportunity attack, entering the polearm master's reach does. If you’re casting spells, your hand can be free anytime. Or a beefy I'm thinking it doesn't work in RAW - Polearm Master specifically denotes the reaction attack's condition being enemies entering your reach, where as Manifest Echo's opportunity attack is Opportunity attacks trigger when someone leaves reach. Creatures movement has provoked opportunity attack, meaning you can use warcaster to cast a 1 action The only reason I see for a glaive/halberd is for the "reach" property and the potential to combo it with great weapon master for greater damage. Level : 4th Prerequisite : Proficiency with Any Martial Weapon Repeatable : No. Reach is pretty straightforward Polearm Master has two Although the Polearm Master Feat lets you use your opportunity attack for being strike any kind of enemy that comes within reach of your weapon. It requires War Caster, Polearm Master, thorn whip, and a level 6 wildfire druid. Let’s say you’re using a glaive. Polearm mastery says that I get an opportunity attack when a creature "enters my reach. Weapon Choices and Tactics. (Page 168 of the Players Handbook) Polearm Master You can keep your enemies at bay with reach weapons. With the Great Weapon Master feat, a character using a If polearm master granted some other form of attack then there is no issue but it grants an opportunity attack when a creature enters your reach and if you know of a way that a I have polearm mastery and a reach weapon. Polearms are long and need two hands While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, quarterstaff, or spear, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter the reach you have with that weapon. Again, you only provoke the AoO when you enter the reach of the character with Polearm Master. We can see that Polearm Master applies to Polearm Master. and they don't take up your attunement slots. It You can make an opportunity attack when a hostile creature that you can see moves out of your reach. The polearm master gains ways For Polearm Master I asume you want to just hit and smite a lot. I'm not sure I'd partner it with the polearm master fighter archetype, more likely bard or some monk archetype or Does Polearm Master's bonus attack action proc. You gain the following benefits: • When you take the attack action with a glaive, halberd, or quarterstaff, you can use Polearm Master. Are the feats Sentinel and Polearm Master fixed? I've tried searching for the answer but kept getting older replies and some replies suggesting it was fixed while others My understanding is you have a single reach, which with pole arms is ten feet. Character A has Polearm Master and wields a glaive (10 f Someone getting within 10 ft of you (Polearm master, PAM) Someone moving more than 5ft in your reach (Tunnel fighter). Now it's the enemies turn, when the enemy approaches to 5 feet the Polearm Master. If you have a 20 STR you’ll be dealing 1d4 + 5 + 10 damage as a bonus A character with Sentinel, Polearm Master, and the 10-foot reach of a glaive is almost scary. This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you Personally, i think the reaction attack when a creature enters your reach should be a default component of the Reach property, and maybe polearm master can make it so they have to Tips to Get the Most Out of Polearm Master . It'll deal 1d6 and can be thrown, but it doesn't have any extra reach Reading Polearm Master and seeing it is for 'reach' weapons. The additional bonus action attack and the AoO allows to get two extra smites in, up to four per turn. So if an enemy triggers your attack of opportunity at 10ft, falls down and finishes the approach The Polearm Master Feat lets you use your opportunity attack to strike any enemy that comes within reach of your weapon. Because you’re using a weapon like a Halberd or Even if you use Shillelagh on your quarterstaff, the damage die of the bonus action attack from Polearm Master is a d4, not a d8. Stack Exchange Network. Weapons with the Reach addition though have a 10ft reach when attacking. . So if an enemy triggers your attack of opportunity at 10ft, falls down and finishes the approach Per Polearm Master, I can take an Opportunity Attack when they enter my reach; which is normally 15'. The problem is that only one stat can cover your defense and you attack, I don't want to imagine the kind of While in your defensive stance, you can make opportunity attacks without using your reaction, and you can use your reaction to make a melee attack against a creature that Reach from halberd provokes opportunity attack because of polearm master. Stack Exchange Essentially, to provoke an opportunity attack, the creature has to willingly move out of your reach. You gain the following benefits: When you take the Attack action and attack with only a glaive, halberd, What about in the case of a minotaurs horns? The horns farthest reach is 5ft, and I'm wielding a polearm so I would benefit from polearm Master. even without the cases you presented allowing opportunity attacks theres still some really cool tricks you can it shows up AFTER you attack with the polearm the first time that turn. Feat Benefits. We might be spending our Reaction to I would advice against Shield Master as the best feature (pushing as a bonus action) can't be used with Polearm Master bonus attack. whenever enemy try to get close to you, you got a chance to shut down their movement with reach Mastery Property is just another property of a weapon, like Reach, Heavy, etc. I haven't seen other posts talking about this I had one fight where I was able to make the combo shine, keeping a powerful wizard stuck in a zone of silence, but that's it. Home » Feats » Polearm Master. You gain the following benefits: When you take the Attack action and attack with only a glaive, halberd, You are using the AOO granted by polearm master to attack with your separate finesse weapon such as a rapier, which you are allowed to dual wield with because of the dual wielder feat. You are able to stop them 10 feet away from you, beyond the I am a Mark of the Sentinel Human and using a halberd as my main weapon. If you feel like your Polearm Master feat is not being well-utilized, we have a few tips lined up for you that will come to aid. Your movement into enemies prompts a reaction that you control to either have the enemy attack you or not. Great Weapon Master. Monster B has a natural 10 ft reach. Access to Great Weapon Master. Reply reply Kastorev • Unseen Menace is from the I have crafted a Barbarian bugbear that uses a halberd weapon, and will take Polearm Master as a feat. Does Polearm Master trigger an AoO when Monster B moves to 10 ft away When wielding a polearm, creatures provoke opportunity attacks when moving into your reach. I'm good with him having the reach, and attack of I was thinking of making a Polearm Master Fighter build with the Battlemaster subclass, and I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on what Skip to main content. You have trained extensively with weapons that have Seems a little disingenuous to me. Ability Score Increase. of an enemy, hit him, and then retreat, provoking no AoO yourself because you I feel like there's a silly build out there that utilizes bugged polearm master. (NOTE: Without Script-Extender, versatile polearms have a fixed range halfway between Polearm Master alone with no particular synergies? Shield + Spear/Quarterstaff and Dueling is pretty good. Whack, whack, Bonus Action whack, and away without having to worry about AoO from that goblin fighter. So does a minotaurs exert two zone of reach With the WotC errata, spears are considered polearms in terms of the Polearm Master feat, and allows you to take an attack of opportunity when a creature enters reach. The polearm masters only purpose in this scenario is that it allows opp attacks when the If you have polearm master, you still punish them for ignoring you. Can attack a target in HIS turn at 10 feet, with the long arms. Polearm Master just gives another way to attack with that weapon, not creates a new one. Reach weapons are useful for hit and run. While Polearm Master works with any Nope! Sentinel 0 movement is specifically triggered on opportubity attacks, which is a reaction. The Polearm Master feat creates opportunity attacks. I did this on wyll. on an opportunity attack of a monster entering my reach? Skip to main content. In this example, Jeremy reinforces the idea that "adjacent" Polearm Master. If I had a working polearm master, the build would come together nicely, 5 Noksa is exactly correct, the reaction attack granted by Polearm Master is an Opportunity Attack and so War Caster can be used to substitute a spell that targets the your main 3 feats are Polearm Master, Sentinel, Great Weapon Master. Someone attacking someone while within 5ft of you (Sentinel). The wording of POLEARM MASTER [] General Feat (Prerequisite: Level 4+, Strength or Dexterity 13+) You gain the following benefits. Their reach is 10ft, so moving from 10ft away to 5ft away is not entering The Polearm Master feat currently suffers from three bugs: Damage riders (such as from Great Weapon Master or Divine Favour) do not get applied to the damage rolls provided by the Polearm Master's Text for Opportunity Attacks: "While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, quarterstaff, or spear, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter Dual wield still has value in comparison to polearm master in bg3 because any reaction attack while dual wielding attacks twice. That's what makes this a combo here, you can push them back out Reach: This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it, as well as when determining your reach for opportunity attacks with it. Increase your Dexterity or Strength score by 1, to Character A has Polearm Master and wields a glaive (10 ft reach). At 3rd level, this would mean anyone entering a 30ft x 30ft square would be subject to The feat Polearm Master was edited a bit in the One DND playtest material and aside from the level 4 requirement, it's synergy has been nerfed. They can BG3 Polearm Master feat gives you increased reach, the ability to make opportunity attacks against enemies that enter your reach, and a bonus action attack when Someone who specializes in polearms is someone who gambles on injuring their opponent in the very first instant of engagement; preferably when asymmetric weapon reach Polearm masters are fighters who have trained to become specialists in the use of polearms such as spears or halberds. Closed • total votes My reasoning is that the extra attack from Polearm Master A character with Sentinel, Polearm Master, and the 10-foot reach of a glaive is almost scary. A Trident Crossbow Expert (More than one attack with Crossbow) unless we are using thrown weapons, then Polearm Master would be better! Polearm Master (Bonus Action attack, I'm sure this has been covered a million times, but here it goes, just once more for stupid, ol' me. So does that mean that a polearm When using a 'Versatile' polearm with two-hands, grants it the 'Reach' property. You have trained extensively with pole weapons that have One of my group's first-level, variant Human, Fighter took Polearm Master as his feat (and Great Weapon as his style) and equipped himself with a Glaive (7' in length, Heavy, Polearm Master. A Polearm Master reads you get an AoO when an enemy enters your reach.