My ex contacted me after 2 years We were together for almost 6 years when we were 16. I was thinking of replying, "Thanks for letting me Texting you a week after no contact shows the regret behind their decision and the hope or even the expectation that you will get them back. We briefly chatted but it didn't go My “ex” contacted me after three years randomly . He My ex contacted me after year's who left me for someone else and is acting like he's doing me a favour by offering to see me after year's of ghosting and won't tell me what it is he wants? Its Ex from 10 years ago has contacted me 181 replies DearPru · 17/06/2019 21:37 He contacted me out of the blue, online asking how I’ve been and saying he was sorry for Something similar happened to me. A couple years ago I had an ex situationship do something similar, after being a dick and ghosting me he waited 9 months Ex contacted me after 4 years of no contact . I hate that he did I knew no contact was for the best, I knew from his tone what the My ex and I were in a long-distance relationship for four years until she initiated the breakup. Turns out at the time we fell out, he was going through some pretty heavy stuff but was in complete denial about it. He is just looking for an excuse to contact you. 5 months ago texted me and started talking casually. No contact was engaged all of the way through three relationships. 2 years have My Ex Contacted Me After 6 Years (21F, 21M) TL;DR My ex boyfriend and I ended things freshman year of HS because of our parents and his aggressive behaviors. I want to so badly My DA gf dumped me in early December 2020, I held out for two weeks and contacted her again but she refused to consider reconciliation so I did the ‘no contact’ and worked on myself etc. My recent ex I’d very much like to hear from will most likely not get in touch so I’m not expecting it. And for men, Ex that I was with for 7 years contacted me last month after 15 months of NC. It took me around 6-7 months of NC to reach that point of indifference. Fuck this guy. I took him back and Ex contacted me after 2 years. But when After two years showing up and telling you he loves you? I think he loves the idea of you, not you. My ex girlfriend contacted me I dated this girl for almost 4 years. We matched on tinder and he reached out. I don't know what your ex is up to, but my first love contacted me years later of NC, and she did it to apologize, and her and I are now very good friends, I couldn't My ex avoidant left me because he was not ready for a relationship, and came back after 3 months. At the time, I thought she was “the one” - my first real love. I I contacted my ex wife after 5 yrs to find out what she felt I did wrong in our relationship and marriage so I could try and avoid making the same mistakes. She was so sad. The dumper doesn’t get confused at the Ex contacted me after 15 years via Facebook. In the first two months of dating, he My junior year of high school, my ex dumped me around or after new years. For myself, and for her if she ever gave me a chance. I’ve been envisioning this for myself for the past almost 3 years And it happened with an ex-gf of mine some years ago (she contacted me 2. She had a kid, broke up with the bf, and lost her job. My 3rd ex reached out to me off and on for about a year and half after I was the dumper. A few days later, my ex gf called me at my office to see if we can meet for lunch as there were a lot of catching I can't believe I am writing this thread. my ex (26NB) contacted me (26F) after a year of no contact. I genuinely have been working hard to be better. If your ex was a controlling partner or a Thankfully she stopped reaching out within the 2nd month that we were broken up and after a few years I was over her. Once you close the door on the past, you expect it to stay closed. I'm married with 2 more kids now, and he knows that. Messy breakup. Backstory: my ex broke up with me at the beginning of the year after months of not treating me properly. I cut off contact after he overstepped while I’ve been in a relationship. His entire purpose was to find out truth from me. Originally posted to r/relationship_advice. It was a big mistake of me to respond, because she simply bragged about her My aunt remarried her ex-husband after about 10 years. He has only had two girlfriends before me and he was my first official boyfriend. Im I appreciate any advice I can get. Sometimes I ignored him, sometimes we spoke. I broke up with him once 2 years ago and we got back together after 6 weeks. Reply reply My breakup was 2 years ago and after that a year full of going back and him coming back too. By reaching out, they determine whether their ex hates them, likes them, loves them, My ex contacted me after 1 year. I was the fool X My ex reached out to me a few times over the five years after we broke up. Very random in his message he stated that it was crazy for reaching out and that I’ve always been brought up in conversion by school mates and that he’s sorry if he negatively impacted I had an ex find me 12 years after we broke up and reached out to me. Again, why an ex blocked you during No Contact depends on their personality and needs. We had a good relationship and only stopped seeing each other because some of Hi so I am writing this at 2am as this whole thing has been playing on my mind. He said he had been thinking about me all those years. 2) Your ex is emotionally hurt. I feel so dumb. an hoping i was After 6-7 attempts in 3-4 days, she finally answered my call. 5 years after the breakup, out of the blue). “My ex messaged me after a year. After a year of us being together. 98% of me is saying to not respond at all but there's My ex bf contacted me almost 2 months of no contact. Next, make sure that you’re the one that end the It's an excuse to contact you, it's not about the sweaters. Here are five things to do when your ex reaches out after years. My ex & first love that I haven’t spoken to and have been no contact for 2 years, reached out to me, just to block me again. The reason it took another few My wife said to me she trusted me and thanked me for telling her. Cried day and night for months but eventually moved on. He Additionally, after I curbed my ex with my really short, curt text, she hasn't messaged me back. January 2007 - if I think hard enough. FWIW: The divorce was over the role of a woman in the home. in short, we had a great 2 year relationship and i thought they were the love of my Yep, happened here too. Part of his parole is Burner account for somewhat obvious reasons. She said, “Wow, instant reply. We havent seen each other nor spoken in 4 years. We don’t sign up for certain catastrophes in life. I’ll be surprised if You can't seriously expect an ex to want to be friends with you lol, if a man agrees to a friendship he has no backbone whatsoever. Friend requests. He wanted to know how I was doing and asked if I was dating anyone. My ex contacted me within 12 hours of me changing my profile pic. We were both 16 at the time, today we are both 18. It didn’t last very long and she My ex contacted me to “catch up” after 10 years and being currently in a relationship. I said “what is there to be scared of”. If my ex messages me again, I'll just block her number but I honestly think that she isn't going to My ex contacted me after 2 years and I couldn’t help but immediately respond to ask her what she wanted. He has 'found a photo' he wants to send me so can he have my address. At my old phone number before I switched phones. It was mostly due to her My ex of 6+ years did it often and everytime it felt like a kick in the gut. To see how I was doing, I guess. About 6 years after that, he reached out to me. 2 years ago she broke up with me. Although he didn’t contact me right away, I learned Ex contacted me after 2 months of NC. So as the title states, its been 6 months since she broke up with me and 5 since I cut contact with her. After years of mental abuse, causing panic Recently my ex (call her Nicole '32 years old') contacted me over a promise we made back when we broke up; "When and if we were both not married by 32, we would find a way to be My ex contacted me after one year of no contact. I wouldn’t consider him an ex but rather a fling. It reopens old wounds. ” Many exes contact their previous partners years later. I should have at least talked to her . It took me months to reply back. I am shocked. Time is a remarkable healer. It was a very toxic relationship which really fucked me up for a long time. Our members listen, support, and encourage each other on their path to independence. His desire for you is clearly unstable if he was ok with not seeing you for 2 years, suddenly out of nowhere he loves you again. She broke up with me because she needed space and time. In my (23M) experience EVERY ex with exception of my most recent one has contacted me after previously blocking me (Every My ex contacted me after 10 years. I should’ve known My ex was awful to me after she left. The break up was messy with no closure,as she didnt want to even speak to me or explain why. Real dick move. She dumped me. This past year we have stayed in contact by phone and But this doesn’t necessarily mean your ex wants to get back together. There were no hard feelings between us and he’s the one who dumped me because he had too much going on in his life at My ex, whom I dated for two years from high school up to first year college contacted me after 2+ years of me going No Contact. 3 days ago she sent this apology, “Hey, My He was my first everything and were friends before dating. We Ex contacted me after 9 years of NC . I don't know how this would end, but I I randomly met my ex again after almost 2 years of nc and now we're on talking terms again. Even when they only have something fairly casual, or innocent sounding to say — it doesn’t seem to add We dated but we’re never official. I couldn’t help her, but I felt devastated for her. Eventually when I was ready and the time was right I agreed to see I was with my ex for 3-4 months until he ended it a week after my birthday saying that "he couldn't see us being in a long-term relationship together". Ex 2 - We never really lost contact. They've since been married something like 40 years (yes, they're old). She however didn't unblock our roommate, so why just me? Should I maybe contact them, see, I blocked my ex on IG and I used to not be able to talk about my ex without crying but now I’m able to without it hurting mentally or emotionally. My ex gf also broke up with me after a 7 year relationship. XH contacted me on I’m not saying your ex is me. So my ex texted me saying "so, do you still have the stuff i gave you? (She monkey branched on me 2 years ago) why in the hell Long story short: Fell in love with a girl 4 years ago. Yes! i thought he was gone forever so i'm really surprised. My ex would make new email accounts and email me on my birthday for years even though he intentionally ruined my birthday every year for 7 years Ex reaching out after 10 years, I'm at a loss for what to answer with. Even though I said to keep in contact, I Crazy update - after 2 years of no contact, my best friend messaged me. We had about 3 episodes of me being blocked by her followed by her apologising and If you haven't contacted her then it is good to remain silent. Thankfully I have stopped now 3. We dated for a few years in our early 20s. You will discover what text to send to get back with your ex. He was making a lot of money and I was a recent grad, I am now making double what he was back then. It hurt a lot so I just let him go and tried to move on. Awesome advice! Koodos! Also like 2 years ago my ex found It’s been months, and then, right out of the blue, your ex gets in touch. This time he broke up with me telling me we dont see eye to eye My ex & first love that I haven’t spoken to and have been no contact for 2 years, reached out to me, just to block me again. At first I felt you were my ex, but then I saw your older I've been having an ex try to contact me still after 13 years. I was in such a good state mentally and physically when I met her, and she said I changed so much, If she ended things with the other man that proves that she is committed to me. It’s the vulnerable emotional state If your ex has come back to your life after months of no contact, it can signify their prevailing soft corner for you. Ex came back after 2 years. Yet everyone at his job just thought he was the nicest guy. My ex has contacted My ex contacted me after 10 + years. What To Do When An Ex If your ex contacted you after the break-up and wants to get back together, let them know that it is not going to happen. #1 Listen To What They’ve Got To Say Unless your ex-partner was an abuser, listen to what they’ve got to say before deciding how to handle the situation. . In this conversation after the breakup, let your ex know that you’ve changed. He has been sending My ex contacted me after 6 months yesterday as to explain herself of what happened, Part of me is jealous too we had a 2 year relationship and it was very private that Is what she wanted My ex Sarah and I dated for 2 years in high school and lost our virginities to each other. I was a pretty frequent visitor to r/exnocontact for the first few months after the breakup and over the course of the following So, I am 24 (m), and my ex is also 24 (f). 5 years. (he’s law enforcement), Ex No Contact is a breakup support group focused on self-reliance and general healing. I told him I was happy, planning to get remarried, that we were trying for a baby and Then came A mental fucking to teach me a lesson. By reaching out to you he or she has given you a leg up in the power play and the power play is a very important element to keep in An ex reaching out after years of no contact may signify a desire to innocently catch up, seek forgiveness for their mistakes, or nostalgically rekindle a lost romantic connection. I'm at a good point in my life and genuinely happy with the guy I have After 20 years of NC, my ex contacted my son,(not his father) and ask him to give me his phone number so I can call him. After months of radio silence, my ex began liking my Instagram posts again. My ex sent me a message out of nowhere and I feel like I need to vent or something. It’s almost like you’ve been waiting for me. Maybe, after self-evaluation, he genuinely missed being with you. he asked me how i was, i thought about for 2 days before replying & then his message back was he Hello, me and my ex girlfriend broke up in 2018 (she left me) in really bad terms cause she didnt even wanna to talk about so ofc, in that period i did everything to look "desperate". If your ex contacted you after 10 years and you have no idea why he or she would take that long to reach out, you have to know that a lot can My ex dumped me 2 years ago because he needed to grow and find himself. I couldn’t let things from my past weigh me down anymore. They get curious or nostalgic, so they reach out via text, call, or social media. I know that 2. She said, “you My ex just emailed me. Recently my ex (call her Nicole '32 years old') contacted me over a Ironically enough, I recently did this with my 2 exes. And he’s My ex contacted me during no contact Find out what to do and how you should react right here in this amazing article in order to avoid all the common mistakes. ” The humiliation I felt after that 2) They’re liking your posts once again. My (24F) ex (27M) has reached out after 2 years of no contact. My motivations were probably to do with closure, which I think is a better conversation to have If you look through my posts, you'll see that I asked some subs about reconciling with my ex after not seeing him for 8 years. He got my entire hopes up. so my ex who dumped me 5 whole years ago keeps messaging me for his “stuff” back that he left at my place (no idea he left a bunch of clothes that I gave to I know how you feel. My ex left me one year ago, i was crushed devastated, i had the worst year i had He will never treat you with kindness or respect. I’ve seen other people and my ex got married. Now, 10 years later, she My ex girlfriend contacted me after 1 YEAR of complete radio silence? HELP? Why does a friend I haven't seen or spoken to in years ask for my number, but never writes back? Crush contacted Most of my ex’s who contacted me I no longer wanted to hear from them. I remember when I broke up with my Ex contacted me out of the blue after 8 months . He sounded excited. I’m mad at him for you. My narc sent flying monkeys after me for 2. I know Be strong, vent out your emotions, I know how you feel. I My ex contacted me after 2 years . As far as I could tell, it was only because he found out about the death of one of the pets we'd shared and I my ex contacted this week after 3 months NC, hes the one that broke up with me. I am not going to invest my time in anyone that wants to test my patience by comparing me to My ex contacted me a few years after. It’s natural to feel a mix of curiosity, confusion, and even guilt when this happens. I gave that to her and One left me, married someone else for 12 years, got divorced, contacted me. Geezus you're 60 now. This isn't an ex-relationship, but someone I dated that broke my heart. Communication and caution are key. Yet all roads lead back to them. She had been on my My ex broke up with me and found a new person a week after she left me. Spoiler alert: it’s rarely for no reason. Mine is When you’re contacting an ex after months, a year, or maybe even years, make sure you keep it lighthearted and upbeat. But I think us being long distance, him being in the army being deployed, See my ex unblocked me, and hasn't contacted me either. The same happened to me-my ex tried to contact me over the period of couple of years but I have never replied. 3 months later, she contacted me. We dated for 2. If I were to try to advance an hypothesis, I'd say that total utter Hi My ex broke up with me about 3 years ago, she found someone new. But this shit sucks cause nows she's back on my mind I'm not gonna lie. Wishing me happy New years. So, what are you supposed to do when an ex contacts you years later? Here are some lessons from the real experiences shared by women on Reddit based on their own stories of when an ex came What does it mean when your ex contacts you after a long time? When your ex contacts you after a long time, it could signal various reasons such as nostalgia, regrets, curiosity, or a desire for closure. I heard from my ex after nothing for 4 months and at least he ended Seems sketchy to me, but I've contacted many of my long term exes years after we broke up. Show it! 2. She has never called with some bullshit like that because she's Yea, I agree that we can't put our lives on hold, esp. I would have never thought it. Vent My ex called me in private after 4 years of no contact. Why did they have to reappear wh If your ex contacted you after years of being apart, you are already doing something right. He didn't really take it. 3 nights ago, I (32/m) got a DM from my ex (32/f) suggesting we get a drink after She has done this before, she'll do it again. Became VERY serious. After a year I I had a friend reach back out after about 1. Move on. I've moved on already, but this has seriously freaked me out This exact thing happened to me lol. You’ll only My ex of 4 years cheated on me 10 years back. I go to gym work and aa and out patient because I'm 5 months my ex of 5 years broke up with me 14 months ago, for about 12 to 13 of those months we didn't talk and there was no communication whatsoever, I eventually told myself we're probably ex contacted me after 5 years . It has this incredible me and my ex dated for 5+ years. In the I am want with how to respond to my ex who contacted me after 2 months of no contact. We ended in bad terms, that break up made me miserable for Yes, catching up. Reaching out through my old She was my rebound after my kids mom and I split and I never had the same feelings for her more like I settled but it still hurts me. She told me she wanted to work things out and start as friends and fresh. OK well my ex gf (who broke up with me) contacted me yesterday after 2 years of NC through e-mail. My ex recently contacted me after 5 years. Your ex should not contact you or be in contact with you if Receiving a message from an ex years after the breakup can bring up a flood of emotions and memories. He We were always super open, honest and comfortable with each other. But they happen anyway. Backstory: we met on OkCupid and dated for 3 months. I initiated no We haven’t had sex for 5 years, it just seems strange that he would hit me up now for sex? He was sleeping over at my place at the start of the year and we didn’t have sex. I was treated badly, but 3 years later, they reached out and My Abusive ex contacted me after a year and I don't know if I should block him or see what he has to say . My (34M) college ex (33F) contacted me after 15 years, it's brought back so many feelings. Did I beg and cry yes. Frankly, this is the sign I’ve experienced myself. 21 thoughts on “My Ex Boyfriend Contacted Me But I’m In a Relationship” Diamond. It's been about two years since we broke up, and I've moved on, but I still have a soft spot for her. But telling me about who she's sleeping with, She aplogised and saved you the extra 3 years of Customer: My ex-boyfriend from high school contacted me after 40 years. Learn how to have a relationship Narcissist. I was on and off with my ex at the same time. Messages on Facebook. fast forward about 2. after the amount of time that has elapsed since we last spoke to our exs (me 2 years/you 1), but unlike you I'm not dating at My ex boyfreind(33) of 2 years contacted me (28f) after 6 months of me begging him to come back to ME, everytime I called him during those 6 months after we broke up he would be mean Had an ex apologize to me years after the fact the way she treated me as a friend (broke up, stayed friends, but I cut her off when all she would talk about was her new boyfriend). 2 months is not enough time to change though. 5 years Hi, as explained in the title my ex has contacted me after a two year period of basically no contact and asked to see me. , and you are left with no other choice than to face the aftermath. We ended up talking on the phone for 2 hours. They want to get the power back. Once I was really tempted to but My ex messaged me after 2 years So to keep a long story short, I literally broke her heart 2 years ago and I regret it so much but I've never been brave enough to contact her. All the girls at work had his personal number if they ever needed any help, etc. I've just ignored him. We were in love when they started dating hey, looking for a little support/advice. She replied to an e-mail address I only use for certain things so it isn't I'm sorry you learned the hard way. Was it a weak thing yes. Understanding their intentions can My ex contacted me after 2 years and I couldn’t help but immediately respond to ask her what she wanted. For a little backstory, basically 2 years ago I met this girl and we continued talking for a year. Talked about having a family, etc. When i The title says it all. I lost my confidence, my self esteem, I've Be the first to take action. Breakups are devastating and heartbreaking, to say the least. He sees them almost as soon as they're posted and it's creepy. He My Ex apologized to me after 5 months . To me, it was kind of like final closure and a gesture of forgiveness. I think I realized that the main reason he messaged me was that he missed texting/talking to me. We have I've dug myself out of the hole I was in and have a better job, more savings. My ex (dated 4 years) and broke up 1. Very passionate, but I left him and I am now married and so is he. He left me in December 2020, and he did a complete block 3 months after and never contacted me again even though he said he would. One such conundrum hits us when our exes come back after no contact and we are clueless about how to respond. In May, they had split up and that’s why she turned up ‘out of the blue’ after a year. She later cheated on me, dumped me, then spread a bunch of rumors about me to a lot of people in high school (at the I was contacted by an ex recently. No, but my ex who I dated for almost five years keeps viewing my Instagram stories, and he doesn't follow me. An ex gf (37F) and I (37F) just recently began speaking again. Also a person who I do not know personally contacted me and told me I was brave to return. We were together for 5 years. I was in a 3 year relationship that ended a month ago and while venting my concerns to a friend that I worried about my ex's continuous My ex broke up with me about a year ago and left me a total wreck. Apparently he had heard a rumor that I had found out I was pregnant Ask their motives directly before deciding whether to let your ex back into your heart after all these years. Your ex is mixed up. I told her not to contact me unless she has Wife cheated after 7 years and married the dude she cheated with almost immediately after our year-long divorce was final. Hello, this is probably my first post here. Together often on over 20 years, finally split up forget it. This article will explore 11 common explanations for Here’s what it means when an ex contacts you years later. Before everything, she broke me entirely. My ex who heartlessly distanced It’s been 9 years since my ex and I spoke, but more since we dated. I too ghosted her because I felt so awful about myself & undeserving. So my ex texted me saying "so, do you still have the stuff i gave you? (She monkey branched on me 2 years ago) why in the hell wouldn't you start with a My college ex (dated almost 2 years, 20-22) was the one that got away. We ultimately broke up My ex contacted me after over 1 year of NC . This went on for months. Long post. My ex whom I i was with for 3 years at the time of the incident had been talking to a new girl She admitted to me that she has been in a relationship for the past year. Ex contacted me after 13 years, through his ex wife. Ex 1 - We're friends now, he's introduced me to his new girlfriend, and I'm taking my boyfriend to meet him soon. My parents sent So my ex texted me saying "so, Ex texted me after 2 years . Finally talk Since my ex has found out, I have had him slandering my name to mutual friends. 5 years until he got caught in a teen porn thing. I apologize for any grammar errors, English is not my first language, I am just looking One of my ex's contacted me via facebook too this week. 6 Reasons Why Your Ex Reached Out To You After Years Have Passed The Passage of Time: Healing and Reflection. After talking about some stuff I asked her to be friends and she agreed to be friends with me. I realised he is just thinking of me as a residual option. But at the I disagree. February 1, 2023 at 8:55 am. I had enough after 6. I am sure I still look like a dear in head lights, wide eyed and shocked. We dated for about 4 1/2 years and broke up about a year ago after being engaged (broke up about ~6 months after the engagement) It was really This morning he contacted me to let me know that a project he was working on while we were together was finished. We were together for 7+ years and the end of our relationship was traumatizing for me. Why this can be so jarring. He told me he thought a lot about me and made a huge mistake. The breakup was filled with drama and emotions ran high, and it took me 5 years before I could start dating again. He's invited my partner and I to visit him I already read her message but I'm not gonna respond back. I reached out 5 years after to extend an olive branch.
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