Gzcl review The progression is based on 4 actions: Find: you pick a weight you can do for 3-6 reps (3RM-6RM), make an attempt, and estimate it's complexity. Trainer Review. Key: All weights are in pounds. I am 42, looking to generally increase strength, but I am a little more interested in aesthetics over pure strength. Wow, time flies! Today marks my 100th day of training in a row. My stats: It's a New Year, and having just finished my first 12 weeks of GZCLP, so I figured I'd give back a bit. Background I have been lifting 3-4 times a week for the last 2 years. Posting in this sub may invalidate natty card. Ed Coan and other of the old time greats did something like that for their meet prep, start with light weights for sets of 10 and just had weight increase Hello all! Sorry if my formatting is crap, I'm relatively new to Reddit and this is my first post on this sub. I do not have a spreadsheet for you, or a link, or anything. What made me side with the Rippler (and GZCL in general) were a number of small reasons. With each of these programs, the aforementioned principles The GZCL Program (or GZCLP) is Cody Lefever's famous linear progression program for beginner and novice lifters who want to build both strength and size. Still making progress with that but your write up has convinced me GZCLP is the way to go when/if I get tired or stall on 5/3/1 BBB. It helps me satisfy that itch of wanting a 5th day in the gym while still getting 2 days of rest/recovery a week. 3x5 means only 3. A helpful community that shares A source for all GZCL related questions and content. It's been another year and so I figured it was time to reflect and make sure I am still on track. It covers a lot about strength training and is a very long read (much like this post itself!) The GZCL Program (or GZCLP) is Cody Lefever's famous linear progression program for beginner and novice lifters who want to build both strength and size. 62 by u/Blacknoir (Last Updated 5/23/21)" . Filed Under: Program Reviews. Diet: Bulked through this program and pretty much ate whatever I wanted, making sure I was getting enough protein per day. The GZCL name comes from his Reddit username - u/gzcl. I started on GZCLP in August 2018 and did a check in post after three months that was quite helpful. This is a weight you can already do! The purpose of your Goal Weight is to move that weight faster, GZCL Method: What is it? The GZCL Method, widely popularized and shared on Reddit, has been highly regarded as one of the best frameworks designed for use by powerlifters, competitive and recreational. Program Critique I have changed my program to incorporate 1 T1, 2 T2s and 3 T3s each day, I would love By the way, the file also include templates for GZCLP and a three-week, GZCL-style program. Swole at Every Height. Cody recently recorded a much more thorough guide here:https:/ Business, Economics, and Finance. Modifications: Swapped out T2 CGBP for T2 OHP. “First, gains up front: Tier 1/Tier 2 progressed by an avg 60% from start A source for all GZCL related questions and content. Members Online. u/youngquinn also deserves credit for It's not strict "GZCLP", but the point the broader method is to adapt to your goals and needs (based on some deep programming ju-ju that's baked in). 0 into your own training program. I was looking through r/Fitness's program reviews and saw there was only like 1 for GZCL-P, which I thought there would be more of since it's marketed as a good launching point for beginners. TL;DR: Very solid, highly customizable intermediate training method that led to a 210lb/95kg increase on my total, despite being in a deficit and traveling for a majority of training. Supplements: Hope this video helps answer some questions people had about programming with the GZCL Method. Daily Thread - January 09, 2024 comments. Volume-Dependent Intensity Progression (VDIP) is a method created by u/gzcl and detailed explanation can be found here. I recently ran through The Rippler for the first time and really fell in love with the GZCL methodology so I wanted to write this review. GZCLP Program Review upvote r/gzcl. - For T1 Lifts - Once you can no longer do 5 sets of 3 reps at that particular weight, you then continue with that same weight in the next workout but do it for 6 sets of 2 reps instead. 2. Based on what you are saying, it sounds like the combination of Last Update: January 1, 2019 (added Jacked and Tactical variation)Bred from the popular Reddit user /u/gzcl (also check out his blog and personal subreddit), these easy to use spreadsheets and calculators are based on the general "GZCL Method" for powerlifting. 0, UHF, or any others. Finishing up a round of 5/3/1 Leviathan atm, but feel like I've probably got some room for noob/returning LP gains so looking at swapping to GZCLP (maybe jacked and I had a chance to browse the app during my morning coffee break at work. That said: 5 sets of 3 reps means 5 clean setups per workout, 5 clean first lifts. Elevation: 10,361 feet. GZCL Applications & Adaptations. Members Online • Maleficent-Bee-6984 . Background A source for all GZCL related questions and content. In The Rippler program, we use the 2 rep max (2RM) weight as a basis. Preloaded with these programs: - GZCLP - Jacked and Tan 2. It is essentially the standard GZCL structure that depends on volume complete for intensity progression (hence the name). I DM'd him on Insta, seeing if he wanted to have me on his podcast to talk about it more. Right from opening them I knew they weren't any run of the mill straps. For the first 4 years or so, I messed around with most of the popular programs (Starting Strength, Smolov 531, Mag/Ort, Candito intermediate, Texas Method, Juggernaut Method, GZCLP, GZCL UHF, JnT 2. GZCLP is a linear progression strength program for beginners. chris_ottawa May 16, 2017, 12:47pm 2. I just did random exercises for about 6 months with prior to any proper training structure. First, gains up front: Tier 1/Tier In his write up of the program, GZCL says that you should pick a training max that you can either hit for 2-3 reps on a good day or just for a single even on the shittiest days. General Gainz is such a good framework. It's a 12-week weightlifting program, following GZCL principles, and offering quite a lot of volume. 5 days a week the . ADMIN MOD Running gzclp as a stubborn beginner - a program review . UHF is much more of an advanced plan I have been training specifically for powerlifting since 2011 or 2012. I am thinking to increase the frequency from 4 workouts pw up to 6 workouts pw, that's why I am also considering to switch to PPL. Has anyone here tried it out? all thoughts are appreciated. So I want to get it out of the way right off the bat that my numbers are nothing impressive. I had originally lifted for a year and a few months before stumbling onto GZCLP. For my second meet in February 2020, This is the best program review/writeup I've ever seen. Daily Thread - January 14, 2024 comments. Easy Strength, or one of the basic GZCL programs would be pretty good choices. You do it three times a week and it's based on something called the GZCL principle. Program Review - GZCLP . The GZCL Rippler program is a 12 week powerlifting program with a side of bodybuilding. Another way to review is whether your clothes fit any differently than 12 weeks ago. The first two have a $20 book which is a very integral to the program, while GZCL was all on the website linked [Program Review] GZCL's VDIP method Method basics. The GZCLP program is available in three day and four day versions. Just finished my first week back with GZCL, this time around kind of mixing GZCLP with GG. u/GZCL) which are detailed in his blog The GZCL method is foremost a power lifting set of principals or method that you can tailor to your own program, or Cody's programs to I have been training for almost 2 years at this point having started working out on July 1 2015. Here I'll drop some data, give my impression/review of the program, give some AMA, and ask questions. Before we get started: This is a review of a program that u/GZCL has not yet released. I also hated the 5x10 assistance work on 5/3/1 Boring But Big, and wanted assistance work in the 5-6 rep range. It only programs the bench press and squat movements. ADMIN MOD GZCLP Routine Review l beginning to stall and fatigue . I ran this program during a "bulk". Been gymming since 20 years old but only the typical Before explaining the programming in detail, here are some of the most important resources that you will want to review and understand to implement JnT 2. Hopefully it'll convince people that there is a different sort of linear progression; that of adding reps (rather than the My in depth overview of Cody Lefever's GZCL method and how I'm programming it for my powerlifting and strength progression leading up to USAPL Nationals. 0, but honestly I like it when they take the plunge and try to build something out themselves. r/gzcl. It is highly customizable, allowing the individual to select a variety of lifts to perform over the course of the program. I think you need some more time in the oven before you really focus on strength I compiled a GZCLP adaptation to mostly dumbbell work and I would like to get some feedback. 0, and RTS Project Momentum). Also, I should note I A source for all GZCL related questions and content. I know that u/gzcl is a highly respected member of the weightroom, and his methodologies are well documented and extensively reviewed. GZCL even advises not doing the T1 AMRAP if you're feeling bad on the day, just do the Review my modified GZCLP? Program Critique 35F 62kg, been training for about 8 months without a proper program. Weeks 5-8. You providing us broke Starting to get ugly so I figured I'd throw my 2 cents, I'm a neutral party here. DYEL, DYEL Returns, DYEL Forever, DYEL & Robin. Program Critique Not a totally new lifter. [Program Review] GZCL The Rippler. Feel free to skip to the routine I made for review at the bottom of my post! Some context: Coming from high-volume LP programmes like PPL The GZCLP protocol for dealing with stalling is to simply change up the number of sets and reps as outlined in the infographic. Initially progressed well on 5x5 for the main lifts, but stalled and went 3x10-12 with no significant strength gains. Members Online • LukahEyrie. I wouldn't advise going to true failure on those, I usually leave a rep or two in reserve. Hi everyone, 24F beginner lifter here and I’ve been running GZCLP 3 days a week since January. I enjoyed the Cube method, but I did not like the lack of handling heavy weights at a fairly moderate amount of volume. Current total is ~780 (M/5'10/202lb). So you're getting roughly 35% more chances at improving your technique with more, shorter sets. I'm 6'0" (183cm) tall, and for the last nine weeks I've weighed between 205 and 215 pounds (93-97. appFollow me on IG for more tips!Intsagram: https://www I'll use Week's 10 numbers which better depict my current fatigued state in order to continue with another percentage-based program or something like GZCL General Gainz which is RPE based and will suit my current life better, or something with even less volume like a minimum effective training dose approach. Background. A source for all GZCL related questions and content. Let's start off with the basics: Background. com/northamericashighestgym/Alma, CO. 2-4 . It is a simpler variation of the GZCL program methodology with more rapid progression. But for me adding a 5th day in the gym where I solely target biceps and core type workouts that I don’t get in the 4 days of GZCLP has worked well for me. It offers a significantly more balanced exercise selection and effective progression protocol than most other beginner linear progression programs, especially with regards to GZCLP is definitely based on sound principles and with modifications could very well last into the intermediate and advanced stages. Training Background: I would consider myself a novice with about 1. Some background: I started lifting about 2 and a half years ago. My first program was starting strength, which I then transferred into a 6 day PPL followed to 2-suns 5/3/1 and then I ran a few cycles of GZCL UHF. He didn't say exactly. r/gzcl Since that last review, I did a pretty hard cut from 211 to 196 just because I wanted to get shredded over the summer for a lads. You will notice that I have incorporated OHP as one of my main lifts. "The #1 best % strength gain per week was from someone who did GZCLP for 14 weeks, gained 21 pounds, and took their S/B/D/O from 123/111/190/92 all the way up to 224/224/234/119. This will help introduce variety, a staple of the GZCL Method, to newer lifters. It starts with lower The GZCLP protocol for dealing with stalling is to simply change up the number of sets and reps as outlined in the infographic. Focused on squatting & rehab for bench and deadlift. 5kg). 5/220 in April 2019 after my first year of serious lifting. (Actually I have one more 1RM to test but that will be tomorrow and I will update my post after. I used the spreadsheet titled "GZCLP 3 or 4-Day (12 Week) v4. I've been following a lot of the powerlifting channels on the youtubes and I came across u/gzcl youtube channel, so I decided to try out one of his new programs The Rippler. It was all going well till late Can I get a routine critique? How do my T3s look? I run this program as 3 days a week and alternate from A1-B1-A2-B2 and start back at A1. Started with a Bro split then turned to a PPL-LP. . It's designed both for hypertrophy and strength. ) at a training max of 205lbs A source for all GZCL related questions and content. There’s a huge post from r/fitness that goes into a ton of detail, with infographics and spreadsheets, about what a GZCL programming is all about. Unfortunately, my lifts all tanked really hard. the program looks good. Let the app hand the math so you can focus on the thing that matters, getting stronger. Weeks 9-12. The GZCL Method seemed like a good framework for this. Why? Because having a sick OHP is pretty awesome. The program is strength-focused, but [Program Review] GZCL's VDIP Hey everyone I just wanted to share my experience with GZCL's VDIP program and some tips for those who are considering running it. Posting in this sub may Application of the GZCL Principle to The Rippler Program. 0 is a 4x a week 12 week version of GZCL linear progression programs. squat, 40lb. GZCLP is a linear progression for new lifters created by Cody LeFever, whose Reddit screen name is GZCL, the LP at the end is also short for linear periodization. Can Someone Review My GZCLP Program? Also, How Do I Short Bio male, 170 lbs, compete at 165. The only gripe I have with GZCL (and it is a bullshit one at that, since even he has covered it) is that the volume for deads will kill you if you don't have a bulletproof lower back. 8 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ from 170 Amazon Reviews!🔽 A source for all GZCL related questions and content. Good review! Coincidentally I also wrapped up a couple blocks of my very different implementation of GGBB and was/am planning on writing up a review of mine this week, too. +4. Program Critique I have been running the 3 day split for a while and now want to change to a 4 day GZCLP is a weightlifting program based on the GZCL principle, created by Cody Lefever. In November, injured left upper back, shoulder, and tricep. Looking to gain strength and build muscles. ADMIN MOD Program review and seeking advice: GZCLP . e. The part where GZCLP gets really confusing for beginners, but doesn't have to be: OK, so I found three things about GZCLP to be intimidating and mystifying. This innovative routine is a beginner-level linear progression program (3 or 4 day routines), meaning you consistently increase There are a number of programs that have been created using the GZCL method including GZCLP, Jacked & Tan 2. This is being addressed now, as I am running the "modified" rep ranges that GZCL outlined, and adding more core accessory work. I don't think I could be any more pleased with my purchase of the Overkill Straps. In terms of my traditional GZCL Method, these are your T3 movement. The guidelines for implementing these lifts into your Jacked & Tan cycle are as follows: Weeks 1-4. TL;DR: GZCLP is an awesome program for starting out, and I would recommend trying it for any beginner under a Below will be my review of the 15 week Jacked & Tan program from u/gzcl. bench, and 20lb. GZCLP has helped me end that plateau, as well as increasing many of my prs while also still being ripped! My training background before GZCLP. I had some issues with the squatting volume being a little much and the bench being a touch too focused on “low” percentage volume and not enough exposure to heavier [Program Review] -GZCL-P. Managed to increase all of my 1RM to various degrees, but had a much bigger improvement in 5RM and 3RM range. Just not their weighted versions. I’m beginning to stall on my OHP and Bench Press and Enter GZCLP, which is a program I've wanted to try for months. Nothing special here. Table of Contents1 Program Summary2 [] I'm starting a review/log of the Rippler. Posting in this sub may A source for all GZCL related questions and content. Yesterday I published GZCL Method: Applications & Adaptations and since it has been getting fairly good reviews in r/powerlifting and r/weightroom I figured many of you here would like to see it, potentially gleaning at least one helpful training tip. I'm looking for a simple workout to hit all major body parts and improve my physique overall. GZCL Method (Cody Lefever) – Most Adaptable Program for Lifters of All Levels: All levels: High: Varies: 4. 0 + 531 assistance program review . For This is a variation of Tactical Barbell programming combined with the GZCL program framework. Deadlifts are not included. The accessory movements will also help address weaknesses in each of the He reviewed the OG GZCL progression, which comes from my 2012 post. 0 - Ultra High Frequency 5 Week - Ultra High Frequency 9 Week - Volume Dependent Intensity Progression - The Rippler A subreddit for general weight training discussion, focused on intermediate level and above in experience and strength, for those ranging from strength sport competitors, sports that benefit from weight training, or weight training enthusiasts. OHP PRs in 3 months. It's a good next step after doing 3-6 months of a Basic Beginner Routine or Starting Strength. But he was just referring to one program made from the method, not Jacked & Tan 2. I. I'm limited to 3 days per week for 1 hour. Stats Male/26 years old/197 lbs Diet Wanted to make sure I was recovering well enough, so I ate enough to maintain weight and a little more. T3 review Program Critique So basically on A days I The end goal of GZCLP is to transition into a custom intermediate GZCL style program. Once you can no longer do 5 sets of 3 reps at that particular weight, you then continue with that same u/gzcl explained GGBB thoroughly here, so I'm only going to describe my approach: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Progression T1: Squats so I am grateful that you've put the time and effort into the program and this review. 5 in the 93s - 195/122. 0 is definitely what I A source for all GZCL related questions and content. It is a highly popular alternative to Starting Strength and Stronglifts due to its effectiveness and flexible structure. In April this year, I decided to build a home gym. It is a balance between Max Rep Sets (MRS) and self GZCLP is a beginner level linear progression program created by powerlifter and coach Cody LeFever, derived from his GZCL Method (see r/gzcl for more) and consisting of three lifts each workout day. I've had significant Application of the GZCL Principle to the General Gainz program T1 Exercises. GZCL is a general framework with a collection of programs created by Cody Lefever (i. 0, Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) and The Rippler. Firstly, it's completely free. The problem is that as a new father, I have less time available in the gym, but still want to try hitting my powerbuilding goals. Old total was right at 1k, stopped for a few years, getting back into it. Review it and make better judgment calls in-training and while training [Program Review] Deathbench/MagOrt/GZCL Hybrid Program (10 weeks) Program Review TL;DR: Starting: 530/325/605 for 1460 at 224lbs bw Finish: 555/355/625 for 1535 at 225lbs bw. Before Bench: 195 ( I set this really low as I wanted to start pausing all my reps , turned out this TM was perfect. The TLDR of the GZCL Method is it is a general volume relationship of 1:2:3 across the tiers, Hindsight is always 20/20 and your friend will be your training data. Divinityraiku. Further down I jotted a potential PPL 6 day pw routine. Start using this intuitive workout tracker built specifically for GZCL programs. I find this to be brilliant, though I will need to consider how and when I 95 votes, 55 comments. This is a 12-week program, where the weight for T1 and T2 exercises changes each week Program review and seeking advice: GZCLP upvotes A source for all GZCL related questions and content. I'm fine with paying for an app, including yours. However, numerous reviews of the program have said that it was hard as hell and in the end the gains were minimal. Last program before GZCL UHF was GZCL for Powerlifting. evolveai. Best competition lifts back in October were squat 375, bench 225, and deadlift 465. This is a great beginner training program, especially if you can only commit to 3 workout sessions per week. Start with a weight for your Big Lifts/T1s that doesn't feel like the heaviest you can POSSIBLY lift 3 times in a row, but 10 A source for all GZCL related questions and content. For T1 Lifts. GZCL UHF5 : A program review Description and Context: According to GZCL, this is a weight that you can perform for 2 reps on any given day. T3 Type . From a 516 four-lift total to 801 in 3 months. A helpful community that shares knowledge and motivates one another. Original Post by u/gzcl – Hey /r/Fitness!!! Yesterday I published GZCL Method: Applications & Adaptations and since it has been getting fairly good reviews in /r/powerlifting and /r/weightroom I figured many of you here would like to see it, potentially gleaning at least one helpful training tip. Strength & Conditi A source for all GZCL related questions and content. For myself, I liked my GZCLP program so much that when my upper body stalled, I shifted upper body days to vanilla GZCL. This bit isn't mentioned in the (very helpful!) infographic, and is actually my first time really noticing despite having read this article before. Let me know which one you think might be more effective. The Program I ran u/gzcl's UHF 5 week program exactly as he had it laid out except for instead of 5 days a week I dropped the slingshot bench/paused deadlift day to make it a 4 day Take your training to the next level with artificial intelligence:A. With my hectic schedule, I wanted to see if I could get away with not cycling through the somewhat complex A1 Review of GZCL's Overkill Straps . 0 review . Triceps have never been a weak point, while shoulders have. 0 training) and a few GZCL templates. Congrats on the progress It seems very promising and i personally applaud the GZCL philosophy. 27K subscribers in the gzcl community. I also made good gains for the time span, and had a ton of fun in these two training blocks. About that time, GG was released, I had been following Cody´s programs for a while so it seemed like a good option and decided to give it a shot. to share my experience of my training with Cody as an online coach. The GZCL Program (or GZCLP) is Cody Lefever's famous linear progression program for beginner and novice lifters who want to build both strength and size. [Edit because I remembered a fourth thing: Starting weights. Intermediates do well with most anything like Rippler or Jacked & Tan 2. Overall I really liked the progression style and I made a few edits to better adjust the program to myself. Hello fellow weightroomers! 3 months ago I decided to try out the GZCL Method courtesy of our very own u/GZCL and as promised I am delivering the results. /u/GZCL pops in and answers questions, mods are helpful, as are other [Program Review] GZCLP 10-Week (Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Noob Gains) [Program Review] General Gainz [Program Review] Jacked and Tan 2. Followed that with the GZCL method for ~12 months. 5 years of consistent lifting, but with only around 7 months of actually following a program (4 months of Greyskull LP + 3 months of this GZCLP cycle). It is the first time I have done programming which wasn’t linear in some capacity and the variation of reps and sets each week was refreshing. Owner: Alma's Gym - North America's Highest Gym. Recently I’ve been wanting to increase my lifting to 4 days a week, and I’ve seen here that a lot of people do this by modifying GZCLP to an upper/lower split which definitely fits well with my goals. The flexibility of the General Gainz frame work is definitely one of the main reasons I’ve made it to this point without getting bored. Both of those templates lend themselves to customization for novice or novice-intermediate lifters. ctye85. But J&T2. 12 week GZCL review I ran A+ review! I started with GZCLP then hit a plateau & switched to 5/3/1 BBB. Good luck with next week! I’m certain you’ll Beginners are well suited to GZCLP and The Rippler. 5: In our reviews, we strive to maintain objectivity and consider various factors, such as target audience, customizability, price, and training frequency, to ensure you receive a comprehensive evaluation of all the powerlifting Program Review TL;DR: 65lb. I did it as upper/lower. So far so good! I decided it would be good to post u/gzcl’s thoughts on his first hundred days and do a mini review of General Gainz. I am still progressing in strength number. app/alex-bromley/bromley-beginner-strongman"BASE STRENGTH": 4. Self experimentation in the gym can be one of the most fruitful endeavors for a lifter. If I want to do more hypertrophy work to feel good and grow in size: specifically, arms, shoulders, traps, and legs: Hi, so i have finished my (22M) first GZCLP cycle. It seems like a very important aspect of GZCLP's mid-to A source for all GZCL related questions and content. GZCLP 8-week Progress Review . My name is Andrew, and I'm excited to share with your the results of 8 weeks on u/gzcl's LP program. Weight: 169lb; Height: 5ft 11. Program Critique As someone with about 6 months of gym experience and a VERY unathletic A True Beginner's 12 Week GZCLP Review: In the sub-Reddit r/gzcl, user Lunrun posted their progress in the thread "Beginner's 12 Week GZCLP Review" Aside from the occasional bench press in college, the original A source for all GZCL related questions and content. Been running GZCLP for 8 weeks now and these are how my numbers have changed. This program was designed by Cody Lefever and hopefully I'll get som Overview. I A source for all GZCL related questions and content. I haven't seen anyone comment on this part, but you stated that u/gzcl provided you with all of his premium (I'll call it "premium" for lack of a better term) services for his lower price. I had some issues as far as consistency, so I imagine that someone with better time management skills will profit much more from the program. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Weeks 13-14. BTW, I opted to program my bench (1RM of 215lbs. This program is just one possible variation of the method (check the source for more information on the method itself). Top Posts I stumbled upon GZCLP as I searched through many online powerlifting programs hoping to find one that would end my plateau. Swapped out T3 Dips for T3 DB Bench Press. It's been a great familiarization to periodization programming while I let my lower body lifts "catch up" to intermediate levels. Workout A A source for all GZCL related questions and content. If you would like to pester anybody for it, please pester him in his aerie at North America's Highest Gym, and buy a t-shirt. I decided to run a version of the Gzcl/Disbrow/Magort program found here. Hey everyone. instagram. See Full Disclosure Squat – u/GZCL UHF 9 week squats This was by far the most enjoyable squat programming I have ever undertaken. Summary: Ran 18 week J&T, repeating the first block once as an early intermediate lifter. boostcamp. There are several variations available, most notable is the GZCLP program, which is built for a beginner After running Cube/Juggercube program, I started the GZCL method. As a little bit of background, I've "worked out" here and there for quite some time but started training for powerlifting a little over 2 years ago. 80420. 0 by GZCL Program Review Thought I might as well documenting how my run with JnT 2. Also thank you so much Cody or u/gzcl. Used to swim competitively during my younger days but stopped around 17/18 to focus on studying. As with the nSuns training program (another popular training program found on Reddit), [Program Review] GZCL’s Rippler - M/24/5’8”/190lbs Background and Stats. 9% strength gain per week for 14 weeks. More recently, I've ran The Bridge, Bromley's 5 week Bench Program, and TSA 9 Week Intermediate 2. Crypto Program Review I jumped into the puppy party after running SBS through 2022 and started a two cycle wave of Bullmastiff base with a one week deload and max testing on new years eve. ADMIN MOD Jugg 2. /u/GZCL pops in and answers questions, mods are helpful, as are other lifters. You the bomb and hope you're having fun climbing fucking mountains and thumb pumps from making straps. Note that you'll only switch it In the style of r/weightroom I thought I'd write up a review and give my experience and thoughts after running gzcl pretty consistently for the last 3 months. Training doesn't need to be complicated to be effective. Preface. I’ll also include bodyweight work in here too, so dips, pull ups, inverted rows, etc. Overall 10/10 experience. Currently 5' 10" and 175 lbs. Strength & Conditi Program Review: GZCLP-> Hypertrophy . The materials were solid and held together well, I felt like I was holding something crafted for the serious lifter instead of a cheap one size fits all The GZCL method is a strength-focused training method designed by competitive powerlifter and strength coach Cody Lefever. I’m 6’0” (183cm) tall and I when I started this program I weighed about 200lbs (91kg). 0 – Improving My Mid 30s, One RM at a Time Hey r/Fitness!!!. It’s great for intermediate to advanced level lifters that need additional volume to increase their work capacity and build more strength. /u/GZCL pops in and A source for all GZCL related questions and content. I hope this review is helpful or spurs some of yall to give J&T a try or any new program or even just taking a program and altering it to best work for you. The other GZCL stuff provide a structure and your writing provides a way of observing oneself within that structure. Today I completed my first cycle of the GZCL/Deathbench/Mag-Ort Spreadsheet. Get FULLSTERKUR here! 🔽🔽🔽https://www. Starting B/S/O/D were (with variable reps) 200/205/115/245 and ending B/S/O/D were 220/245/130/275. But I think he was reading from the GZCL Simplified post. 0 [Program Review] Jacked n Tan 2. What's up y'all. Things Changed A source for all GZCL related questions and content. This is truly another level, as the structure is abandoned - observing oneself is the structure. Hey r/gzcl!. Would appreciate hearing the community's thoughts on how good/bad the progress is and any feedback/improvements. I'm on week one of vanilla GZCL and we have identical squats and bench, so it'll be fun to see how you respond to the Rippler. My personal experience A source for all GZCL related questions and content. It seems that your expectations didn't align and that led to a lot of the issues here. I hit 537. The GZCL name comes from his Reddit username - u/gzcl It's a great beginner program. I plan on updating it weekly as I progress through the program. The method is highly effective because it works a variety of rep ranges and intensities over time. Hopefully this will be of interest to people in the middle of running the program or thinking about starting out. 5 mainly being GZCLP Program Results + Reviews. training for powerlifting for 3 years with 3 competitions under my belt. Since I've been on it for about 10 weeks now, I figured I'd write up a review of my experiences running it. I was looking for something to run four days a week that was a little more I’ve ran Reddit PPL, nSuns LP, many different 5/3/1 variants (the majority of my pre-SBS 2. Feedback on updated accessories of GZCLP / Review Program Critique I've been doing the GZCLP program for 10 weeks now. Posted this in r/powerlifting almost two weeks ago but forgot to post it for my Jacked and Tan 2. I have been doing GZCLP for 10 months with the standard 3-4days/week routine with some weeks off due to travels. ) Stats 35 Year old Male, 6'5" 250 pounds. com also has a whole page dedicated to the various GZCL programs along with free spreadsheets and background info or Final program review Program Critique I have sent my program here a couple of times and got help with it, this is the final version, just wondering if there are any final tips you guys have for me. Can someone review my program? 👋🇨🇱 comments. Here is the program that I concocted using GZCL's methods. J&T 2. But I like the programming of gzclp. Although often One of the best routines to take the fitness world by storm is called the GZCLP workout program. Leave a Comment By Kyle Risley Last updated June 27, 2019 As an affiliate of various sites, including Amazon Associates, I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases via links in this post at no extra cost to you. I am new to GZCLP and looking for some advice regarding my program. Coaching: https://www. Program Review: GZCLP-> Hypertrophy. I posted this review on the Weightroom Sub a few weeks ago, and it was Combining GZCL for squats, Mag-Ort for deadlift, and Deathbench for bench press, this hybrid program became popularized on Reddit by /u/truthlesshunter. It is a highly popular As outlined in the preface, the GZCL method is a powerlifting-centric linear progression framework created by Cody Lefever. GZCL Program Reviews & Results. In the past I've ran Stronglifts, PHUL, Kizen Infinite Off-Season, 531 and GZCLP. Leave a Comment By Kyle Risley Last updated August 27, 2019 As an affiliate of various sites, including Amazon Associates, I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases via links in this post at no extra cost to you. Hi hi hello, I'm new to the lifting scene Hi I'm new to strength training and decided to give the GZCLP a go I was hesitant to choose between GZCL and starting strength program A little back ground I used to train boxing untill the covid lockdown then when I came back I wanted to increase my absolute strength so I started lifting and trained on a PPL split since I train 3 days to 3. Diet. TL;DR: I don't know what I'm talking about. This is ideal for athletes that are either unable to deadlift or looking to focus primarily on improving their bench press and squat. Boostcamp officially partnered with Cody Lefever to bring GZCL to the Boostcamp App. Some [PROGRAM REVIEW] JnT 2. I'm still a novice in terms of weights at the gym, but I Owner: Alma's Gym - North America's Highest Gym. Typically if you gain muscle and some water weight A source for all GZCL related questions and content. ADMIN MOD Program review for GZCLP . 0 went, being the first program I've stuck with to the end. Whether it was easy (RPE 8 - 2 reps in the tank), medium (RPE 9 - 1 rep in the tank), or hard - (RPE 10 - no reps in the tank). Retrieved from https: [Program Review] - GZCLP Link to GZCLP. ADMIN MOD 4 day upper lower split review . A True Beginner’s 12 Week GZCLP Review: Within the sub-Reddit r/gzcl, user Lunrun posted their progress within the thread “Beginner’s 12 Week GZCLP Review” Except for the occasional bench press in college, the unique poster had no weightlifting experience. To keep this from getting out of hand, I reduce the overview to saying that this program is like regular-style GZCL, but with Lifting seriously for a year. ADMIN MOD UHF 9 review (after running twice) Okay, so here goes with my thoughts on UHF 9 after running it twice now. Hello guys, A quick review of the GG program by u/gzcl. Program Review I just completed week 12 of the Rippler. 0. LiftVault. I've put a lot of With the GZCL Method your training max is a weight somewhere in the 2-3 rep max range. 24/M/96kg/183cm. - Background: Before starting GG, I had tried different programs with more or less success. https://www. I took 90-95% of my 1rm I tested during Candito’s 6 week program. So I will try to skip or TL;DR any info that may be redundant to a well-informed reader, where possible. But Liftosaur allows users access to basic functions, like creating/editing a workout, which I'm having trouble doing with the other app, unless I pay a sub. I had some limited experience with other LP programs, but my best gym lifts were low, still in the novice or beginner stages. Why the switch from 5/3/1 to the GZCL Method? I wasn’t making much progress on my lifts, and wanted a program with more high-intensity work. It covers a lot about strength training and is a very long read (much like this post itself!) Building the Monolith Program & Reviews: 4 Spreadsheets To Break Plateaus For Advanced Lifters How does the GZCL Method help in building strength and muscle mass? The GZCL Method helps in building This prompted him to question the training methods he was using and consequently, he created his own training method – the GZCL. New to gZCLP - Program review/advice . because the GZCL scheme is focused on A source for all GZCL related questions and content. 0 18-week Review [Program Review] J&T 2.