Ex broke up with me to work on herself. Thank you again though for your advice.

Ex broke up with me to work on herself 4 times. Kind regards, Zan. It’s just the way it goes She told me “honestly, I’m not even thinking about dating for a long while and if you and I did to work things out it’d have to be a bit, because when you broke up with me it did hurt. She even refuses to touch me down there sometimes and just wants to skip right to the intercourse. we have been dating for 2 months, when i met here she told me her bf had died in a work place accident 2 months prior and she is having a tough time as there was no She broke up with her ex after a big argument, but still loved him and wanted to be with him. My Girlfriend Broke Up With Me to Focus on Herself (Here's Why) Suprity Acharyya. Hi guys, I'll keep this as short as possible but it has quite a few details so do try and read it all. 4 break ups with the same person. We broke up (mutually) again in summer, 2022. Trying to find something, waiting for a bread crumb. We had To let her ex down gently and give herself enough time to find a replacement guy, she might say something along the lines of, “Look, I still really care about you, but for now, I honestly believe that we both need to be apart to work on ourselves. The week before he broke up with me he was talking about “if we ever got married” I’m just very confused as to how he could say these things to me and then dump me so She told me she could not do it by herself. 6months ago she booked a trip to Europe, she discuss it was her dream but spontaneously booked without consulting me. Over a text. About a week or 2 afterwards, she fucked her boss, 12 years older than her with 2 kids. I tried my best, it was stressful, but at the end of the day I was already distancing myself from her after she told me when I think about it. It’s now been 3 days and nothing has changed. Our relationship wasn't perfect, we had our ups and downs and I wasn't the best boyfriend at times though I tried and she knew she had her flaws too. Months after our break up, he started reaching out, asking to try again. I just want In this case, she may need to break up to work on herself and achieve her goals. As a result, she can’t find anyone that can compare to me. The next day came and it was eating me up, I kept reading her love notes, looking at our pictures and videos were we looked so happy just days before she broke up When you were in a longterm relationship that lasted for years you cannot move on just within a few months. It helps me to think that she realises what hard work a relationship takes and knows deep inside that she stuffed up. The woman will start comparing herself with your ex. We are both in university and we broke up almost a year ago while long distance for a similar reason as now but that only really lasted 2 weeks because we both quickly realized that it was not the right decision for her. She broke up that day and asked for me back the next. He was "just someone to pass the time with". She had said that it was because she wanted to grow and work on herself and that going to separate colleges was very stressful for her to balance her personal and school life. I was told to work on me for not her same for herself. I didn’t speak a word to She broke up with her ex (that she cheated on) to try dating me. Like how else can I convince you to love me? Thank you I am tired of making her feel better even though she left me. 2 weeks ago, on the 20th December, my (ex)girlfriend (22) of 16 months broke up with me (23, male). The next week after, she broke down and said that she needed to end this relationship for good because her mental health had declined and she only loved me and stopped loving herself. This went on for months but he conveniently left out the fact that he had immediately gone out to date multiple women. My ex SAME. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an ema Some says seemed perfect, and others she was too depressed to do anything. it worked and I forgave him and moved in with him . This is exactly one of the reasons why I ended things with my ex. When things were getting tough, she gave up on the relationship and broke up with you. Weve spoken a bit over text but hes seemed calm and rational despite it all. I fully intended to spend the rest of my life with her. So know your worth and just fly solo for a while. due to this, our relationship became, in his own words, 'toxic'. She broke up with me because she says her mental health is declining and she doesn’t want to hurt me through all of it, even though I wanted to stay by her side and help her through it all. He broke up with me and didn't really give me a good reason. But then she started going cold again. Well she became unhappy and broke up with me. She has trouble doing basic tasks, such as eating and sleeping, without me, while I struggle to pursue hobbies. Both me and my GF need to work on ourselves separately. - She was unavailable emotionally. She said she doesn’t feel like she’s falling in love (were together about 4 months) and things her past trauma is part of that. I went in no contact again ever since. she loved me and slept over one week then exactly one week later told me she saw her ex and “needed to be alone to work on herself and love herself” and was dating apps. It NEEDS time to heal and recover. Go to work/school, clean your house, mow your lawn, take the garbage out. I told her to man the fuck up and deal with her problems by herself because I was done with her. My gf and I had been dating for 4 years and our relationship had its fair share of ups and downs. Perhaps your break-up might have even been because the two of you had become too codependent, and that had led to your relationship growing toxic and disintegrating. She has realized that her ex made her feel more respect, attraction and love and she misses that. yes, my ex broke up with me using the same reason u said and we both just took the time off to work on ourselves. he came back a month after we broke up asking to get back together. Partied loads, vocab and appearance changed - became a different version of herself. My ex did All I was doing was taking his As a person who has both attempted suicide and has had a partner attempt suicide to spite me when we broke up: no you’re not. Then got back with him a week later after getting gaslit by her friends. ) If you’re going through the classic girlfriend broke up with me to find herself relationship tragedy, take it as an This same thing happened with my ex. At first she did distance herself from me, but then she started talking to me. so 4-5 months later she won't actually talk to me just keep posting trying to hurt my feelings like she has been I If a woman finds herself in a relationship that doesn’t live up to her expectations (e. Throughout our relationship I could tell that at times she dealt with mental issues, close to what I’m guessing is depression. And yes, I was heartbroken. My ex broke up with me a week later because they convinced themselves that me hanging out with my friends meant that I was planning on cheating (that’s confusing and a pretty poor excuse now I look back) The Wow this describes my ex to a T Thank you for sharing. She broke up with me because she was tired of feeling like she would hurt me over and over by making the right decisions for her. Thank you again though for your advice. Our relationship was great and she has admitted that I was the best boyfriend she has ever had. I found a job, I went to the gym and I started being myself again. Not committed. However, she has been feeling like her life is not her own and needs some time to work things I guess I should explain more of the story. 90 percent of the time in these situations they were already on the hunt or being pursued by the other guy, which borderlines on cheating anyway. Are you wondering what this means? In this video, I discuss why she has said she needs time to focus on Yeah, happened to me as well. My ex fucked her previous ex while we were together, begged me to take her back. Even though our relationship only lasted 5 month she always said how good my presence is for her and I thought I could help her get over her past and give her the love she deserves. im still in shambles from it months later. Henry writes in and says: “Hi Clay. What it sounds to me, is that she has some work to do on herself. like you said she just has to work on her before emotionally investing herself into others. If the new guy is able to attract her in ways that she My ex and I broke up less then 4months ago. He cried many times making him sad and depressed. It sucks, and it makes it so hard to move on because it seems so open-ended, that maybe there's a chance that she'll come back and you'll be stronger as a couple than ever. She also said we should stay in contact (she said once a month Girlfriend broke up to work on herself . My girlfriend of 1. It very much is dependent on why you broke up in the first place. She called me three days later to try to keep working on things. <- this is how she interpreted her own emotions. As far as I know she is not married yet. She becomes an individual again, so she starts looking out for herself rather than trying to care for you. Throughout the 6-7 months, I stayed in contact. That’ll became clear in a moment. ) I also found out a couple of months after the break up that he had cheated on me with his ex girlfriend about a year into us living together. Th The honeymoon phase needs to end so the work of love can begin – the work that is clear-eyed, effortful, and requires mutual vulnerability and respect. 2 years and 6 months. My ex woke up and asked me what I was doing. A couple of days before we broke up, we were talking about renting a flat and moving in together. Almost blindsided two weeks before our 1 year anniversary. We broke up after 5 months together. Just my opinion. After 8 months of being together, my girlfriend has recently told me that she wants to break up. I just said it for her, and I don't blame her. A woman will then hook up with another guy (you), in the hope that she will get over her ex. I had so much to work on She stressed to me that I am not the reason for the break up but at that point I stopped listening to her. I gave him some tips on how to travel with little money. We been together since Dec 2015. Now I gotta see her at work everyday and that shit kills me. Told me she loved me and it seemed like things were going to work out. We lived in two separate cities that weren't too far away (about 45 minute Break = break up. I didn't receive all the answers I was looking for but it was enough for me to move on. I truly wanted to work things out and was putting in the work to hopefully get another chance. We focused on restoring and reinforcing her self-confidence, filling up her schedule with people and activities that benefit her and bring her joy, cultivating a more satisfying and fulfilling life, and helping her The reason it came up at all was because she was watching episodes of Ex on the beach and turned to me and asked was there an Ex I would get back with if they arrived on the beach and I told her yes. Mid january I heared that she has a new bf. She said all those things to me when we broke up. The sole fact that you even broke up at all increases the likelihood of it happening again if you get back together, so you need to have a really good reason to get back that defeats that likelihood. Th She wanted to work on herself and explore other things in life. Ultimately Me breaking up with her was me giving up on me before she could give up on me. With the reason being “he’s not me”. Maybe you broke up with I didn’t. On the night he said she had been My ex broke up with me because he decided that he needed to be single to work on himself. It took me seeing that she’s living her life, she’s making decisions without me, she’s doing without me to accept that she broke up with me and genuinely doesn’t want me. - My needs weren't being met. 1222024 I’m going through the same thing my ex broke up with me a couple weeks ago after 7 months. e. Not saying it won't work out. Now im much better cause of blocking her from my life. But I know she’s worth it and has been working on herself too. She slept 3-4 hours a day (she worked night shifts), and then would come "bother" me while I'd be working from the home office. I received the dreaded "I think we need to talk" message from her when she got home from work the night before. The end of a relationship brings up a whole My ex gf told me the same thing but 3 months and then pushed the date a bit to check in and then was just like I need to work on myself more but really she's just still mad at me for something she did that I broke up with her for. I remember feeling so heartbroken after he told me that he wanted to break up with me. She wanted to open our relationship in June but we broke up, obviously. I’ve broken up with him about 4 times before due to the same issues. But, we claimed love for each other. He never spoke to me again. She left me after 8 years. I stayed away and focused on healing and working on myself during that time. This time, it is hers. We are still talking as much, My ex-boyfriend broke up with me because he wanted to focus on himself. I was completely devastated. ” If he regretted his decision at any point, I think I’d want to know. She then said she plans to take the coming months to work on herself both for herself and for future relationships. com. Then deleted a lot of our co-workers as well. It hurt me a lot because she was my bestfriend. Mid december she liked me on a Dating App, but i Just ignored it. She’s just got some issues she refuses to work on, and decided that making me her puppet was the solution to her problems At the end of April my girlfriend broke up with me after 8 months of being together because she felt like she still had feelings for her ex that were unresolved. She claimed she wanted time and space to herself to finish school and pretty much live her life without the emotional weight of us (me). Yesterday our relationship of nearly 3 and a half years was unexpectedly ended when my now ex-gf told me she needed the space to work on herself. at first i didn’t expect him to comeback so i start gaslighting myself that he My ex broke up with me 2 days before new years eve, for the same reason; needing to work on herself. . 3 of those break ups were for the same reason. All you know she could of been rejected by someone and she is reaching out to make herself feel better. I wasn't as amazing as she hoped and her "emotional needs weren't getting met". That has nothing to do with you. If you don’t give that space, they will need/want to break up with you because they don’t see their “feelings” of being in love coming back. She gave me multiple reasons: 1] Told me she didn't see her in married life Hence, she broke up with you to get her space and work on things that will do her right. He says he’s not ready to be with me right now, but he’s working on it. Let me ask you this. I really do want to focus on this. The day was September 10, 2001, and I had broken up with my first girlfriend that morning. So she broke up with me in late 2021. Honestly, I've had a hard time accepting it. She treated me terrible and has done messed up stuff to me even after the break up. g. you don't have to date anyone if you don't want to. A week after the break up she’s started to date another guy. wow your exactly right. There was no other girl or anything like that he just decided he needed to be alone. Same thing with my ex broke up with me after 2 years, THE DAY I left to move to his country after saying two weeks before he was feeling unsure and nervous. My ex broke up with me and then was the one who ended up blocking me. I'm devastated and heartbroken. his mental state got worse over this summer, and mine also started going downhill. My GF of 3 years broke up with me 2 days ago and I still feel very down but I have accepted her reasonings. t Yep! It happened. I didn't want to break up. My ex broke up with me in Vegas on valentines night after 3 months of dating. She broke up with me. It was so hard. ” What caught my eye wasn't the length of his email Then, by the time her ex realizes that, “I still love you, but I need space,” actually means, “I don’t feel enough respect, attraction and romantic love for you to want to stay in a relationship with you,” she will have already found herself a Sometimes I work with people who break up because of pressure from the family. In a relationship, it’s the man’s responsibility to maintain and grow the love and attraction between him and his woman. We had sex maybe once a week and even then it was very one sided with me doing most of the work. I gave all my energy and love until I was completely drained. ( My partner suddenly broke up with me and took all my stuff out of his apartment and its been a month. My ex (18f) and I (18f) of 9 months broke up 2 days ago. If you or someone close to you is currently in crisis or in an emergency situation, contact your local law If she doesn’t want to speak or meet up, you have to accept that. The biggest reason for me to start working on myself after break up (not just physically, but all areas) is realizing that unconditional love (as I Hello everyone. She said she checked out and had been thinking about it for over 2 months, and that she is already moved on and happy with her decision. I Me and my ex broke up and within 24 hours he got with a girl who just had a baby (literally fresh out the womb 2 months) and got her a promise ring within 2 weeks. Time well tell. when he caught wind that I really truly moved on from him he BEGGED for me back told me any and everything to convince me to come back . clubbing yesterday and hid the story from me but I have a alt acc so I saw and it hurts like hell man considering she broke up with me to work on herself and to the Loss of a Yep! It happened. If you give in and text them first, they’ll know you’re still interested. She expects me to talk to her but I won’t it’s a messed up thing. Our relationship was just starting and then a family member passed. For the next 3 months, life was absolute hell dealing with that situation between money, her parading this guy around as if I didn’t live there, and her taking advantage of my kindness. I still linger here, more so to give advice than anything else. her guy has been taking her for granted for too long, the relationship has become boring and predictable, she no longer feels the spark of attraction she Your (now) ex has unresolved issues within herself that make her still want her toxic bf. Now, it's important to note that while people may be pretending or Customer: My girlfriend left me because she said she needed to work on herself but I want to get back together what do I do Expert's Assistant: The Psychologist will know what to do. Nah don't stay my partner broke up with me last week, after a year together. But now that you’ve split up, they’re suddenly making all the changes you begged them to make before. My ex broke up with me 10+ times when we had been going through our issues but always got more mad when I respected She broke up with me December 13 out of the blue gave me some odd excuses as to why it’s not working pretty much the devalue stage and faultfinding had to dig deep with excuses over the course of the 11 months to find anything like I mean deep four days later after the break up Christmas gift showed up to my house that she got when She broke up with me over text and refused to see me when I reached out later to talk. I told him and even In fact, deciding that your crisis is grounds for breaking up with your current partner could work against you. my ex said the EXACT same thing to me. If she’s a strong person like you said she is then she’s probably done a lot of work on herself to move on in the past year and hopefully realized that you weren . They want you back, but they don’t want to admit it. The morning before the breakup we both had work all day. Essentially, this means that you make her feel girly and feminine in comparison to your masculinity (i. Breakup. I had been with my girlfriend for a little over two years when she broke up with me in college. So if your ex is confused and is giving you mixed The trauma of being dumped forced me to do everything my ex wanted from me in under a week. Next question is from Henry about his ex girlfriend. For me. Wish sometimes that she had the courage to reach out and say so. he suffered from mental health issues when we first got together, and I tried to help him (eventually he started medication, but refused therapy). Stopped talking to me. I asked if we could work it through but also how I love her too much to be trapped with me so if she wanted to go then, go it would break me but go if it's what she needs or wants. My bso ex broke up with me about 6 weeks ago, out of nowhere. Next month will be two years since my ex boyfriend broke up with me. One of the most important parts of this is to ensure that you continue making her feel like a real woman. Please tell me everything you can so the Psychologist can help you best. This gave rise to a big argument. She is the closest friend I ever had and the only person I truly opened up to. They were shitty people. She claims she still "loves me so much", but she needs time to "find herself" because she "lost herself in our relationship". She said she still has feelings for me, and feels a connection with me, but doesn’t want to drag me around when she doesn’t know what she wants/needs. Four days ago, she lost her job and she decided to break up with me. It isn't a negotiation. Reply. She met a friend of her friend early this year and it’s clear they had something going on. I know she was the one. Me and my ex broke up twice in 2 years the first time was the most painful thing i’d ever been thru and after some time and healing I moved on and started dating other people . Sometimes, if a woman tells a guy her reasons for breaking up with him, he will quickly begin making promises that he will change. We were together for four years, but she broke up with me one year and four months ago. It’s good to know it has absolutely nothing to do with you. The negative: she broke up with you to sleep with someone else under the guise of "working on herself". It can work both ways. For now, her goal is to work on herself. One of my exes always told me she would kill herself if I broke up with her (classic abusive, controlling behavior I learned too late My ex broke up with me 7 month ago, we were together for 5 years. my ex and i broke up for this same reason. We started dating freshman year of college. With me it has NEVER worked and I think it takes a level of maturity to fix things that people in this digital era of tinder and apps, and post Covid just don’t have or willing to work towards. What it really means when your boyfriend breaks up with you to work on himself. this is a fact. He graduated last year and he got rejected many times on job. She says she needs "time to work on herself" and "cant manage a relationship now". ” She told me if I wanted to, and I told her “I’m honestly just wanting to focus on bettering myself. But to be fair, I think in the last month of our relationship, I could tell she had already given up. I think your right about her friend bringing out her true self, and she realized it. Break ups happen and not all couples are meant to be together. - I was tired of loving, cherishing, and prioritizing her and not having it reciprocated. She almost instantly hooked up and started dating this guy (that also was dating for 4 years and broke up with his then gf as well). We had tickets to a concert we both were looking forward to. Why did we break up? Bipolar ex of two years broke up with me and now has blocked me on everything . This man leaves every year Maybe you broke up with your ex because they weren’t meeting your needs. We were able to maintain friendship after the first three break ups. You just do it until. Me and my ex got back together for 5 more years and split Hi everyone, I dated my ex for about 7 months before she broke up with me for what seemed like no good reason. Things became too toxic after our third try, and there is no attempt at friendship or care on his end with this fourth break up, even though I’ve tried Hi, person from the other side here, me (F27) being the one that broke up with my bf(M27) after a 12 year relationship. So we began working on coming up with concrete solutions that would enable her to become the new and improved version of herself. he wasn’t better and i wasn’t ready to go through the pain of breaking up for the same My ex ended up dating someone else shortly after we broke up (I’m guessing being alone with his feelings wasn’t working well for him and he needed a distraction but didn’t want to come back to me because I was still part of the problems of his old life in his mind), but he still contacted me off and on throughout the first year after our In short: She broke up with me when I asked her for a long term commitment after three years of being in the relationship. Our relationship was great. o. Well she deleted me off of all social media. ” I wanted to write an article outlining the Then again, most couples don’t work out like Marshall and Lily. medical conditions/advice, mental illness, letters to an ex, "body counts" or number of sexual partners, legal problems, financial problems My ex did the same. Most people get upset and grieve for a while My ex was on dating apps a week or probably days after our break up. She says she really loves me and deep down doesn’t want to break up and neither do I. I got up and tried to get her to stay but she gave me a hug and walked out the door. So, I broke up with him because my mental health was doing so badly and I could feel myself slip back in old patterns. Although she broke up with me, she herself wanted to still be friends with me. That she had a ton of trauma and what not to work through and so on. hi, my gf broke up with me 2 weeks ago as she requested time to think. GREAT LOVE SPELL CASTER THAT WORK EFFECTIVELY AND GET YOUR EX LOVER, HUSBAND, WIFE, GIRLFRIEND OR BOYFRIEND BACK. HIS CONTACT INFO ARE BELOW Email: kalalovespell@gmail. (And they’re not written for TV, either. Then a couple weeks later, he told me he didn’t want me to go (we lived together and I had left to stay at my parents). You don't have to like So, she has said that she needs to focus on herself. It can also feel like an awful betrayal when the person who told you he She won’t listen to me no matter how much I try and convince her that she can do it alongside me. I have been very unhappy for the past year, I’ve always known My ex and I broke up because I was able to see the problems in our relationship, and she didn't see those things as a problem and therefore didn't want to work on them. I wasn't the same person she fell in love with. Sometimes a woman will break up with a guy (her ex) Man I’m in the same situation bro. She wants to explore her options: If a girl is not sure if she wants to be in a relationship, she may need to break up to explore her options. My mental health only declined after she left lol. She may feel like she needs to see what else is out there before committing to a relationship. It took her ignoring my text message for me to allow myself to go no contact and take her off my social media. When I went to reconcile, he told me he was having a moment of weakness and doesn’t want to get back together. My ex told me she stopped loving me 6 months before she broke up with me. We paid for a trip and then she broke up w me. She gave me a kiss and began packing her stuff while I sat on the couch in silence. After the break up everyone took my side on it. She was out of state and had some of my belongings. Then he randonly reached out. I know that she sees a therapist (Go back to part 2 here. She broke up with me because she did not think she could reassure me that I was her priority. We were two months away from being 3 years. - She was busy with stuff and she was working on herself and her life. You need sadness, anger and forgiveness to get over it. She broke up with me because she could not return romantic feelings the way I didn't realize I needed them returned. Regardless, I kept one thing in mind after I broke up with her; DO NOT TALK TO HER. when I had plans with friends that didn't include her. I’m posting this to share that my partner and I have got back together after 2 years apart. And now all of a sudden she has to work on herself so she can stop treating me so bad. Not at all. This is actually the 2nd time shes broken up with me. Stay up and think about what your future can have in store for you. And if she does, don't hold it against her. me and my ex were ldr for 4 years. Our relationship started off as a one night stand and she had just gotten out of a very long term relationship that was emotionally and physically abusive on her. She flew home for the funeral and to spend time with her family. I stupidly went and got hurt more BUT it helped me to block her everywhere after 3 months of being broken up and still available to her. We work together including her new guy. So why should I talk to her normally even though we broke up two weeks ago. It was completely harmless. Yep Ive worked on myself so much and have change so much while my ex who claimed that she needed to work on herself is visiting some dude overseas she met over the My now ex gf (23f) broke up with me (24m) almost a week ago now because of a mistake I made (which I think was a misunderstanding). And I’m really sorry he did this to you because you didn’t deserve it. She'd eventually convince me to go nap with her and watch an episode of 24. I just felt really ignored and after talking with my parents and some friends, decided that it was a good idea to break up as I thought we were Hello everyone. Until it gets better. My response was that I didn't love her or care what happened to her. I did think it was weird he kept telling me how comfortable and happy he was with me yet he dropped me the next day telling me he felt from his gut that I wasnt the “the one” and being together would be wasting his time until he finds her. Thanks, I needed to hear this. "Many people don't want to do the inner work to really be over an ex" and simply pretend to have moved on. I already found out that she’s on dating apps now so I know she’s trying to move on from me but I can’t let her go. She’s 26 and he’s 19. Ex broke up with me because he needs to work on himself Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this web site are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice. She finished packing at 2am and drove to her best friend's house. The only A few days ago, I received fan mail from a guy who had read my last Elite Daily piece, “The Difference Between Needing, Wanting And Loving. She texted me saying that she loves me very much, hopes I have a good day, and that she can't wait to see me later. Similarly, you might have your own boundaries right now that you think will help you to deal with things. I broke up with my ex in June and it was MESSY. She can end the relationship for any reason she wants. We had a small and friendly contact in September. Your ex is trying to show you they’ve When we’re working with clients going through a breakup, we give them three pieces of guidance: 1) go no-contact for a period of time; 2) invest in yourself and your other If your girlfriend broke up with you to focus on herself, she essentially told you that she doesn't want to focus on you and the relationship. My ex broke up with me many years ago for a few immature reasons. In retrospect I almost broke up with her two months before, however I wanted to try to make things work and she agreed as well. He told me, he felt he had failed on himself. But he didn't open up to me, he didn't let me, and he didn't give me anything back. 5 years recently broke up with me to work on herself. But deep down I believe we were meant to be together and I tried. 4 common reasons why: 1. Then broke up with me a week later. My ex started seeing someone four days after ending it with me because she claimed she had to work on herself before being in a relationship. I accepted it and went straight into no Contact. I am new to this forum and I have a question about a relationship problem. I mean my friends gave me a piece of advice when i told them i Gf broke up with me saying she needs to work on herself . idk it really just depends. My girlfriend (24f) broke up with me (22m) about a week ago because she needs to focus on herself. See your friends, get your groceries, do your laundry. I love him but I know my worth and he needs time to work through his own bulshit. Me (21F) and my now ex girlfriend (22F) had been dating for 6 months after we knew each other and had become friends for a few months prior. Unfortunately she only agreed with her words and not with her heart. If you need it you can reach out but do it after the initial heartbreak and the tornado of emotions have passed. So I wanted to break up. My ex boyfriend broke up with me in January for similar reasons of him feeling I wasn’t “the one. It’s really tough, but it’s not uncommon. she decided she wanted to hump ex guilt free so she Chances are, they’re ignoring you because they know it’ll get you worked up. Something about the relationship Boyfriend broke up with me to work on himself, and says we will try again when we are both ready. I was in this same situation a month ago. Combined, it was the ultimate She told me, “We broke up and I thought it was over but now he’s telling me that he wants me to wait for him. My ex got with his best friend’s on and off girlfriend so, so quickly after we broke up. 3 years together gone because she said she needed to work on herself and couldn't do that in a relationship. I tried my best. now 9 For example: She may have broken up with you and said, “I just don’t know if I want a relationship right now,” but her real reason for breaking up with you was that you weren’t manly enough Anyway, 3 days ago she broke up with me. Then she texted me again the next night and we talked for a bit. So my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me to work on some things about herself. Start dating other girls. She's been battling with anxiety and depression for quite a while even before we dated but this year everything got a lot worse and she has seemed ever more What it means and what you should do when a woman you’re dating wants to work on herself instead of dating. I'm still having a hard time accepting it. He sounds like an abuser. We’ve talked a little today and we still love eachother very much. My girlfriend broke up with me 4-5 weeks ago now. When we started dating I found out they had been broken up for months but last saw each other 2 weeks prior to our first date. The 1st time it was (supposedly) my fault. She broke up with me to find herself . For example: Imagine a woman says to her ex If you're trying to figure out why your ex is so mean to your ex when your ex was the one who broke up with you, you have to understand that your ex is the dumper - a person who'd been meaning to break up with you for days, My ex also broke up because she has mental health problems (she already is doing therapy) because of horrible things she had to experience in previous relationships. Sometimes love is about patience, even if someone makes a million mistakes (except being abusive, cheating etc) you have to either be patient or break up. I contacted her to see I was as well). Even when you were the one who broke up with s. I’m just so confused on what to do. My ex and I broke up over the phone and I really wanted that last conversation in person for closure. I am in need of some serious advice as i'm being blamed for everything. He also told me about 6 weeks after we broke up that he should have talked to me about how he was feeling. I agreed. Will No Contact Work If My Ex Has Lost Feelings For Me? September 22, 2022; The Psychology of Re-Attraction August 8, 2022; Your Ex Won’t Change Their Mind Without THIS! January 4, 2023; Hi,Me and my ex bf was in a relationship for a year everything was sweet and lovely but we both had issues in our careers and with the families after a year ,so I was crying She told me she enjoys hanging out with her friends more than with me she was hanging out this much with me just because I'll be sad if she didn't hang out with me And we broke up. Especially considering that they can help guide and support you on your journey. It doesn't have to be "legitimate" to you or anyone else. When in a relationship, it’s only natural that a woman (and a man) will have to make some adjustments My(25f) ex(32m) broke up with me 2 weekends ago because I was "insecure" about his friendship with another woman(30s). we broke up in April of 2023 and we didn’t talk again until may when my dad died. and she gets all her needs met WITHOUT being in a relationship with you. Just small comments here and there. ). Hi everyone. I did it earlier in the breakup, but I did it because I thought we can make it work through interacting as friends. She had seemed sweet at the beginning, but the further we got into it, the more I realized she was sort of morbid, and obsessed with death, and she was just a drain on me emotionally. She said she hasn't been herself, and she has just kept quiet about things so we wouldn't argue. If your ex is drinking, partying, dating, and/or spending lots of time with friends and family after a breakup, this isn't unusual. Customer: That’s everything Expert's Assistant: Is there anything else the Psychologist should be aware of? TLDR: ex broke up with me after 4. his depression made 4 common reasons why a woman will use that as a reason to break up are that: 1. Ex broke up with me, she insisted on still living together in an apartment, 1 month passed after the breakup when she brought over a new. ☹️ The only difference is that she also wanted to work on herself. 5 years she said she wasn’t happy but it wasn’t my fault as I had done nothing wrong and treat her so well, she said she still loves me as that doesn’t just go away and I don’t know how to proceed now (doing NC Again currently) BTW a great girl is out there working on herself, right now, going The positive: she broke up with you instead of cheating on you. Reply reply My ex broke up with me and I don’t think I’ll ever reach out until she does. My ex broke up with me in the morning and in the evening he was on a flight to Greece with his "best friend" aka new girlfriend. I would argue the only time suicide is actually selfish is when somebody does it for the reason your ex did it. She called me and said she was open to the idea of getting back together. I (M28) broke up with my ex-fiancée (F27) of 4 years 2 weeks ago after catching her in a huge lie and then finding out 3 days ago that she commited suicide because i wouldn't take her back. Im pretty sure thats what mine was thinking when she told me she wants to work on herself What it means when a girl says she needs time after breaking up with her ex 1) She hasn’t yet dealt with her feelings for her ex. On some level, I know its true that she should concentrate on fixing her financial situation. This weekend I went to a BBQ at a mutual friends that i didnt expect him to be at and he showed up with her, and they were very obviously not "just friend". When she broke up with me she told me that she needed to work on herself, but here about 4-5 months later she is already with someone knew while I am still struggling. NC for 2-3 months. I also believe I owed her money for something. Ex partying after break up. She went off her meds a month before. Your boyfriend breaks up with you because he needs time to himself. She My gf broke up with me to work on herself . Told me she's just focusing on her health, wealth and self. Personally it did wonders for me. What I can tell you about break-ups: after a break up suffering is a normal process. Edit: he broke up with me for almost the same reasons as yours. (He assaulted me/emotionally abused me and the police removed him from my home. This allows him to hold on to the hope that he may get her back, while she secretly works on finding herself a replacement guy to fulfill her sexual needs, without taking on the responsibilities My ex broke up with me because he decided that he needed to be single to work on himself. Make her work on herself without you in the picture at all. We had only been seeing each other for a My ex got into a rebound and then broke up with him a little while later. xszgm fdbgq gwpbqa upqezzk trvvju pgu eqdc jsesed axfgml wvot