Browserslist last 2 versions. 1 % of the audience worldwide.

Browserslist last 2 versions Jul 24, 2021 · Browserslist 详解. 1 % of the audience worldwide. Find "browserslist" 3. There are 2784 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. There are 2685 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. environment settings). There are 3706 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. Developers can set their version lists using queries like last 2 versions and be free from the need to manually update versions. Last 2 Safari versions. log (browsers); Oct 14, 2024 · last 2 versions - 18. 48 * `> 5% in my stats`: uses [custom usage data]. 3. 5% last 2 versions Firefox ESR Chrome >= 79 not dead not IE 9-11 not kaios 2. and query combinations are also supported to perform an intersection of all the previous queries: last 1 version or chrome > 75 and > 1% will select (browser last version or Chrome since 76) and more than 1% marketshare. 129 0. "browserslist": "> 0. 49 With Browserslist config new developers will not bother you with questions like “What browsers do we support?” or “Do we support IE 11”? They will find an answer in the config. Mar 20, 2017 · Even if you have no special mobile version, mobile users stiill could open desktop version. 8 Add since 2016-03 and since 2016-03-20 queries support (by Andrew Blick). Here is an example we need to add in our package. 6; last 2 major versions - 17. 326%. Jul 29, 2020 · 使用例:last 2 versionsではIE10もサポートされてしまうので、IE10を除外するときなど . for your case: http://browserl. {"browserslist": ["> 1%", "last 2 versions"]} By specifying this property, you are giving more context to the hints allowing them to adapt their behavior. browsers, a browserslist section in package. json or environment variables. g: last 2 node versions the same as target: "node" with some output. 21. 10. 2-15. 5%, last 2 versions, not dead" package. 5 op_mini all op_mob 46 op_mob 12. Autoprefixer, Babel, and other tools will find target browsers automatically and bundle the code accordingly. 5% last 2 versions Firefox ESR not dead not IE 9-11 This should work using the NODE_ENV which Angular sets as development when using ng serve (as well as ng build ) and production when using ng build --prod Dec 11, 2024 · Browserslistで使用できるクエリ. 1 May 2, 2017 · I had a similar issue where postcss-cli wouldn't pick up a custom browserslist config. 5%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, not dead ) 1% : 通过全局情况统计选择的浏览器版本,可以使用 >= , < 和 <= dead : 24 个月内没有官方支持或更新的浏览器。 Jul 19, 2023 · I don't use node directly at all, but I do use Visual Studio with the "Web Compiler 2022+" extension. postcssNormalize ({browsers: 'last 2 versions'}) CSS Libraries PostCSS Normalize can include normalize. There are 3703 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. browserslistrc config, browserslist section in package. As you might guess, that Autoprefixer configuration will process based on the last 2 versions of all major browsers as well as specifically do what is needed for IE 8 Developers set versions list in queries like last 2 version to be free from updating versions manually. The way it will work in browserslist would likely have a huge impact on the transition period between EdgeHTML Edge (18-) and Chromium Edge (74+). Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. 简单来说,browserslist 就是一个用特定语句查询浏览器列表的工具,比如: # 查询 Chrome 最后的两个版本 npx browserslist "last 2 Chrome versions" chrome 96 chrome 95 # 查询全球市场占有率大于 10% 的浏览器 npx browserslist "> 10%" and_chr 96 chrome 95 Aug 24, 2022 · This config matches all browser versions that are used by at least 0. It matches recent versions of popular and supported browsers worldwide and includes Firefox Extended Support Release which is updated roughly annually. 아마도 바벨(Babel)이라는 FE 계의 걸출한 스타 프로젝트에서 도입했기 때문일 거라고 생각합니다. 5% last 2 versions Firefox ESR not dead not IE 9-11 and when running ng build it throws a warning saying that ES5 output is not supported by the Angular CLI so i added the following line to browserslist as this answer suggested: supports es6-module CLI tool to update caniuse-lite to refresh target browsers from Browserslist config. Start using update-browserslist-db in your project by running `npm i update-browserslist-db`. Jul 13, 2023 · ( >0. json, or environment Then I ran npx browserslist and found that version to be 4. 2 Add last Electron versions and last Electron major versions queries (by Louis Mouhat). There are 3586 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. browserslistをプロジェクトルートに Feb 24, 2018 · But I recommend last 2 versions, not dead (it removes IE 10, and will remove IE 11, when Microsoft will stop security updates for IE 11). 3, last published: 8 days ago. ist 是一个在线工具,用来检查某些查询会选择哪些浏览器。 Jun 18, 2019 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. x. 👍 1 fregante reacted with thumbs up emoji 👎 27 pablote, btnwtn, CarbonAtom, gruckus-gruckus, ianstormtaylor, punmechanic, iiison, BlindDespair, pchhetri, MM263, and 17 more reacted with thumbs Nov 20, 2019 · "browserslist": [ "last 2 versions" ], Share. Follow answered May 29, 2022 at 9:44. But what exactly are these target browsers and their versions? Browserslist provides a CLI interface to check that: Sep 10, 2020 · 开发者可以指定最近2个版本如:last 2 versions,让Browserslist针对指定工具,如:caniuse-lite 去查询数据匹配相应浏览器版本。 二、工具列表 browserl. 23. dead : browsers without official support or updates for 24 months. 0-15. js releases. I would expect this: if there is a last 3 Chrome versions, then ONLY support those, not matter, if there is any other more global config Jan 22, 2019 · last 2 versions autoprefixer browserslist. Browserslist can take queries from tool options, browserslist config, . css and configure either with the following combinations: Feb 23, 2022 · and_chr 97 and_ff 96 and_qq 10. 1%, not dead, not ie > 0, not op_mini all, not edge < 70, not samsung < 9 I tried removing not dead. Contribute to JaroszPatryk/Angular development by creating an account on GitHub. You can check how config works at our playground: browsersl. 12 bb 10 chrome 80 edge 80 firefox 74 ie 11 ie_mob 11 ios_saf 13. 2, last published: 18 days ago. 10, last published: 2 months ago. current node : Node. There are 3598 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. js const browserslist = require ("browserslist"); const browsers = browserslist ("last 2 versions"); console. This option might need some more research as it last 2 major versions or last 2 iOS major versions: all minor/patch releases of last 2 major versions. For example, the query last 2 safari versions returns safari 13 safari TP i last 2 major versions or last 2 iOS major versions: all minor/patch releases of last 2 major versions. May 7, 2020 · By default, if there is no config in the project, Browserslist will use default browsers. 安装; yarn add browserlist CLI工具 $ npx browserslist "last 2 Chrome versions" chrome 92 chrome 91 Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Mar 1, 2020 · > . js version used by Browserslist right now. You can pick a sound set of versions with the defaults query which is a shortcut for > 0. Developers set versions list in queries like last 2 version to be free from updating versions manually. Add last Electron versions and last Electron major versions queries (by Feb 1, 2021 · [development] > 0. 22. 4: selects latest Node. 2-12. Last 2 iOS versions. Right now it is IE 11 , IE_Mob 11 , BlackBerry 10 , BlackBerry 7 , Samsung 4 , OperaMobile 12. Actual browser data will lead to using less polyfills. @Amanda even that simple, either, as IE didn't merely double the work - you needed to invest way more time to support it. That can be expressed with the last 2 versions query: // browsers. defaults' in Mar 2, 2017 · You signed in with another tab or window. Jun 30, 2022 · npx browserslist ">1%, last 2 versions, not dead" npx browserslist ,后面不加参数,也可以使用,不加参数时,就会去当前目录查找 . 2 and_uc 11. 4 ios_saf 12. 4. browserslistrc 文件中的条件 上述三种使用方法,前两种是我们在平时开发中经常使用的方法。 Apr 3, 2019 · 'last 2 and_ff versions', 'last 2 android versions', 'last 2 edge versions', 'Firefox ESR', 'last 2 ios_saf major versions', 'last 2 safari major versions', 'unreleased versions' The iOS safari 12. ist/?q=%3E+1%25%2C+Last+2+versions%2C+iOS+8. 5-14. Nov 20, 2018 · Those two similar examples mean that the target browsers are two last version and the browser is not dead. package. This does two things: Gets the list of recently released browser versions (used by last N versions). Add last 2 years query support (by James Harris). 5% or last 2 versions or Firefox ESR"); console . js version used by Browserslist Aug 18, 2021 · Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset. There are 2787 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. 1 does match though. json can be used to specify which versions you support. 与last 2 versions / last 2 major versions相比,限制了浏览器品牌。 browserslist 中使用的浏览器标识符 last 2 major versions or last 2 iOS major versions: all minor/patch releases of last 2 major versions. May 30, 2017 · grunt. 5% or last 2 versions same as above. I think the examples should be updated to better reflect practicle use cases. Start using browserslist in your project by running `npm i browserslist`. js files of the build use the null coalescing operator (??) which was added in ES2020 so it is not targeting ES6 as it should be. 3, last published: 8 months ago. CLI tool to update caniuse-lite with browsers DB from Browserslist config. 2, last published: 6 days ago. 24. Jan 19, 2020 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Apr 23, 2018 · I think this raises a good point, I think the docs should be updated to no longer document "last 2 versions" in any codde examples. Mar 22, 2018 · Last 1 Android versions. browserslistrc # This file is used by the build system to adjust CSS and JS output to support the specified browsers below. kahkashan shaik kahkashan shaik. json of \node_module\bootstrap 2. Jan 21, 2020 · caniuse-db updated their data to rev 1. 5% and not last 2 versions removes last 2 versions from > 0. js 版本 Infer an environment (e. Currently, we assume version 2. 2, last published: 5 days ago. Overall Browser Coverage: 55 % Desktop. Browserslist will use Can I Use data for this queries. Latest version: 4. There are 2733 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. 8 ios_saf 14. baidu Nov 25, 2020 · WARNING: We noticed you're using the `useBuiltIns` option without declaring a core-js version. 5 op_mini all op_mob 46 opera 58 Jul 21, 2018 · 这句话是不是可以这样理解呢?生成的代码要兼容市场占有率大于1%浏览器,是这些浏览器的最近的两个版本,IE兼容到8版本以上? 如何理解"last 2 versions", "not ie &lt;= 8"? Mar 1, 2019 · 文章浏览阅读7. I tried command line parameter --autoprefixer. Using Browserify with a config file instead of long CLI command. last 2 node major versions: select 2 latest major-version Node. 0 / 17. Browsers with > 1% usage based on can I use browser usage table The above configuration is also available in the @wordpress/browserslist-config module for Browserslist compatible tooling. json, but nothing was getting picked up. 3 ios_saf 15. In general, you can stop on this query, and over the time, the browsers matching this query will start to support most of the current features. 👍 2 mithenji and OperKH reacted with thumbs up emoji All reactions Nov 4, 2019 · and_chr 76 and_ff 68 and_qq 1. js Foundation. Jan 5, 2017 · use browserl. 2 ios_saf 12. This query is an alias for > 0. This is done through queries, and there is a May 20, 2018 · Which is correct. browserslist – npm; 間違い等ございましたら、教えていただけると幸いです。 The stacktrace came not from Browserslist. There are 2758 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. There are 3581 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. You switched accounts on another tab or window. 1 and all versions of Baidu . Browserslist でターゲットブラウザを設定する方法は 2 通りありますが、どちらも非常に簡単です。 package. There are 1262 other projects in the npm registry using update-browserslist-db. This is a reason why we have no mobile query right now. Sep 17, 2024 · Browserslist. 1 opera 62 opera 60 safari 12. 1, last published: 25 days ago. Last 2 Edge versions. json file: "browserslist": [ "last 2 Chrome versions" ] At the time of writing, specifying last 2 Chrome versions creates a bundle that supports 19% of internet users. json or BROWSERSLIST environment variable, see browserslist documentation for details) CLI tool to update caniuse-lite to refresh target browsers from Browserslist config. 5%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, not dead > 1%: 全球超过1%人使用的浏览器: last 2 versions: 每个浏览器的最后2个版本: Firefox ESR: postcss-normalize: 火狐最新版本: Firefox > 20: 指定浏览器的版本范围: not ie <=8: 排除版本低于和等于8的 ie 浏览器: maintained node versions: 所有 Node. log ( browsers ) ; Run this, and you'll notice we get the union of all three queries. json(推荐) {"browserslist": ["> 1%" "last 2 versions" "not ie <= 10"]}. 5% or not last 2 versions > . npx browserslist. Some queries like last 2 versions or >1% depend on actual data from caniuse-lite. 9. Docs Mar 16, 2022 · "browserslist": ["last 2 versions", "> 1%"] Với setting như vậy, thì tôi hy vọng CSS và JS của tôi sẽ được dịch để hỗ trợ nhiều loại trình duyệt khác nhau. . 3, last published: 4 days ago. Deduplicates¹ caniuse-lite npm package (in case it is used by more than one dependency at once). Mar 15, 2023 · > 0. 0-14. There are 3716 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. Last 2 Chrome versions. There are 3321 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. Reload to refresh your session. 0, last published: 3 months ago. x 范围内的所有版本; last 2 Safari versions / last 2 Safari major versions. Also, Browserslist has CLI tool to show what browser versions is selected by project’s Browserslist queries: A utility to compile browserslist query to a RegExp to test browser useragent. 12 android 80 baidu 7. 2%, not IE 8' 查询例子. 配置文件. 1k次,点赞3次,收藏12次。browserslistbrowserslist配置能够分享目标浏览器和nodejs版本在不同的前端工具。主要是为了表示当前项目的浏览器兼容情况。 Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset. May 17, 2019 · This causes browserslist to include 4. There are 22 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist-useragent-regexp. > 0. last 2 Chrome versions: the last 2 versions of Chrome browser. 3, last published: 10 days ago. 12 bb 10 bb 7 chrome 77 chrome 76 chrome 75 edge 18 edge 17 firefox 69 firefox 68 ie 11 ie 10 ie_mob 11 ie_mob 10 ios_saf 12. 5 not op_mini all Yet the output . Sep 22, 2021 · Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset. There are 3558 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. ist. In the List (array) you will notice "not dead", delete this line > 0. Here's the useragent: Mozilla/5. json, I get BrowserslistError: Unknown browser query `last 2 ios major versions` But it works just fine when a test it direct By default, if there is no config in the project, Browserslist will use default browsers. Feb 15, 2021 · I'm trying to target last 4 versions of all browsers, except for internet explorer. Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset. Browserslistは柔軟なクエリ構文を提供しており、以下のような指定も可能です。 > 1%: 全体のシェアが1%以上のブラウザ; last 2 versions: 最新2バージョンのブラウザ; not dead: サポートが終了していないブラウザ Dec 6, 2017 · last 2 versions: 所有浏览器兼容到最后两个版本根据CanIUse. initConfig({ autoprefixer: { options: { options: { browsers: ['last 2 versions', 'ie 8', 'ie 9'] } }, your_target: { // Target-specific file lists and/or options go here. 5 op_mini all op_mob 64 opera 83 opera 82 safari 15. 4 in the last 2 versions (and by association defaults) Nov 7, 2017 · When I put "browserslist": ["last 2 iOS major versions"], in my package. last 1 version or > 1% is equal to last 1 version, > 1%. last 2 major versions or last 2 iOS major versions: all minor/patch releases of last 2 major versions. It accepts [two-letter country code]. Seems like it is a bundler or webapp issue. Fix unknown query on trailing spaces in query. x or 10. how to use browserslist with autoprefixer from NPM. There are 2792 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. Mar 27, 2023 · To ensure compatibility we try to use the browserslist support in Angular: $ ng generate config browserslist $ echo 'ChromeAndroid >= 75' >> . not IE 9-10 # Angular support for IE 9-10 has been deprecated and will be removed as of Angular v11. 2, last published: 3 hours ago. Right now it is IE 10, IE_Mob 10, BlackBerry 10, BlackBerry 7, Samsung 4 and OperaMobile 12. Another options is to use the browserslist-useragent package, you can give this tool a user-agent and a browserslist configuration to check if a specific user-agent matches the browserslist configuration. 12 chrome 74 chrome 73 chrome 72 chrome 71 chrome 70 chrome 69 chrome 68 chrome 67 chrome 66 edge 18 edge 17 firefox 66 firefox 65 firefox 64 firefox 63 firefox 62 firefox 61 firefox 60 ie 11 ie_mob 11 ios_saf 12. Last 2 Firefox versions. 0-12. 4 and_uc 12. json. Jun 24, 2016 · As written in Autoprefixer documentation, "Autoprefixer uses Browserslist". 5% last 2 versions Firefox ESR not dead not IE 9-11 [production] > 0. js versions, which are still maintained by Node. 12 chrome 98 chrome 97 chrome 96 edge 98 edge 97 edge 96 firefox 96 firefox 95 firefox 91 firefox 78 ie 11 ios_saf 15. x release. Add < 1% and <= 1% queries support (by August Kaiser). [production] chrome > = 87 edge > = 88 firefox > = 78 safari > = 14 [development] last 1 chrome version last 1 firefox version last 1 safari version overrideBrowserslist # In addition to the above standard usage, Rsbuild also provides output. There are 2813 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. An example of a hint taking advantage of this property is highest-available-document-mode . 47 2 2 bronze Jan 17, 2022 · 概述. Why does > 0. Browserslist uses caniuse-lite with Can I Use data for those queries. This config is used by many front-end tools, such as Autoprefixer , Babel and many others. 5% and last 2 versions intersects > 0. ist to get the list of browsers satisfying your autoprefixer config, eg. 2 should match against this query but do not, the 12. json // 默认配置:> 0. 0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_2 like Mac OS X 假设项目只需要支持最新的两个谷歌浏览器。那么关于 browserslist 的查询,可以写作 last 2 Chrome versions。 而随着时间的推移,该查询语句将会返回更新的浏览器,垫片体积便会减小。 如使用以上查询语句,一年前可能还需要 Promise. 3 ios_saf 12. There are 2806 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. 5%, not last 2 versions 有个快速查询的小技巧: 在终端命令行中,写查询条件. Dec 14, 2021 · select last two stable versions of all the major browsers available out there. css or sanitize. last 2 Chrome 关于 Browserslist 大家一定都不陌生,在现有前端工程都会有它的身影。Browserslist 帮助我们在浏览器兼容性和包大小之间保持适当的平衡。使用 Browserslist,可以做到覆盖更广泛的受众(浏览器),同时包的体积也… Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset. 3, last published: a month ago. Dec 1, 2020 · 언젠가부터 브라우저스리스트(browserslist)라는 것이 자주 눈에 띄더니 지금은 FE 개발 환경에서 뺄 수 없는 도구가 되었어요. json#engines For Node. overrideBrowserslist 配置项,同样可以设置 Browserslist 的值。 Apr 19, 2020 · $ npx browserslist "last 1 version" and_chr 80 and_ff 68 and_qq 1. Sep 4, 2018 · last 2 major versions or last 2 ios major versions:最近的两个发行版,包括所有的次版本号和补丁版本号变更的浏览器版本。 since 2015 or last 2 years :自某个时间以来更新的版本(也可以写的更具体 since 2015-03 或者 since 2015-03-10 ) Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset. [production] chrome > = 87 edge > = 88 firefox > = 78 safari > = 14 [development] last 1 chrome version last 1 firefox version last 1 safari version overrideBrowserslist # 除了上述的标准用法,Rsbuild 还提供了 output. 5%, last 2 versions combines > 0. An or combiner can use the keyword or as well as ,. 5% with last 2 versions. android. Start using browserslist-useragent-regexp in your project by running `npm i browserslist-useragent-regexp`. 바벨을 사용하는 프로젝트들이 많다 보니 간접적으로 혹은 직접적으로 Mar 2, 2022 · I commented out the line last 2 Safari major versions from the . 46 * `> 5%`: versions selected by global usage statistics. Beware. Browserslist will use caniuse-lite with Can I Use data for this queries. dead: browsers without official support or updates for 24 months. Babel)間でターゲットブラウザのバージョンを共有するための設定ファイルです。 設定方法. 0. 5%. Read full docs here. I got this problem after updating my browserslist, Sep 9, 2020 · The README file in the browserslist-useragent-regexp repository contains an example setup. Query Composition . Example - if current version of stable google chrome browser is v92 then this query will support v92 and v91; browsers should have official support i. Last 1 ChromeAndroid versions. The docs reference "last 2 versions" quite a number of times, this could be considered recommended based on the widespread usage examples. Improve this answer. 2 samsung 8. browserslistrc > 1% last 2 versions not ie <= 10 查询. 12 android 76 baidu 7. Browserslist config changes just enable some polyfill which broke or fix thing. 2. browserslistrc $ cat . There are 2911 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. Take Internet Explorer for example. 2 and_uc 12. I wanted to use the autoprefixer option, so updated 'compilerconfig. Supported browserslist values: browserslist - use automatically resolved browserslist config and environment (from the nearest package. A query with not can't be the left-hand one in the list. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. 1: 指定浏览器的兼容到指定版本: unreleased versions: 所有浏览器的beta测试版本: unreleased Chrome versions Aug 5, 2019 · npx update-browserslist-db@latest Every few months to fetch the latest list of browsers. browserslistrc file. 3, last published: 18 days ago. they are not dead; ignore IE browser; ignore IE mobile browser; You can read more on queries here Nov 15, 2021 · last 2 versions not dead not IE > 0 not IE_Mob > 0. 1. There are 2793 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. 5% last 2 versions Firefox ESR not dead not IE 9-11 # For IE 9-11 support, remove 'not'. last 2 major versions or last 2 ios major versions:最近的两个发行版,包括所有的次版本号和补丁版本号变更的浏览器版本。 since 2015 or last 2 years :自某个时间以来更新的版本(也可以写的更具体 since 2015-03 或者 since 2015-03-10 ) Jun 29, 2015 · For example, I want to support last 2 versions of all browsers except IE, in which case I only want to support IE 11 (so I don't get the -ms- options for flexbox). Apr 6, 2022 · default:Browserslist 的默认配置 ( >0. x ~ 18. json で設定 Update Browserslist DB. Since this default version will likely change in future versions of Babel, we recommend explicitly setting the core-js version you are using via the `corejs` option. Aug 31, 2021 · The defaults included more browsers than that. 11. 13, last published: 15 days ago. 你可以指定查询浏览器和nodeJS版本: defaults: 默认配置 (>0. 01% override last 3 Chrome versions, but last 1 version does NOT override last 3 Chrome versions?. 1%, not ie > 0, not op_mini all, not edge < 70, not samsung < 9 Running npx browserslist produces the exact same results for both: Aug 7, 2022 · We can do that by specifying our browser list under browserslist property in package. Mar 15, 2021 · Introduction: browserslist is a configuration for letting other developers, packages, plugins, etc. But if you say that you support the "last 2 versions" of every browser, that means you support the last 2 versions of Edge AND the last 2 versions of Internet Explorer. With queries like `last 2 versions` (instead of `chrome: 76`) developers will not make the popular mistake of ignoring browsers non-popular in Western countries. Jan 27, 2023 · > 0. json will not be Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset. js and other targets, the engines field in package. 5%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, not dead。 最佳实践 last 2 Chrome versions 这种配置最好当你只想在对应的一个浏览器下开发webapp,生产情况下最好不要,毕竟其他浏览器也有市场份额 比如 查询 last 1 version,就可以看到各个浏览器的最新版本. Dec 2, 2019 · Browserslist とは. 如何使用. Last 2 Opera versions. Dec 17, 2020 · last 10 versions, not < 0. For example, if you created your project 2 years ago and did not update your dependencies, last 1 version will return 2-year-old browsers. node 10 and node 10. last 10 versions, not < 0. Oct 27, 2018 · I could resolve this with following steps: 1 Open Package. x when no version is passed. May 20, 2017 · So they will be surprised too see unsupported previous Firefox ESR in last 2 versions query (it loads all browsers, so with you suggestion it will load last 2 Firefox ESR versions too). You can even try with different Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset. 1, last published: a month ago. 91. com追踪的版本: Firefox ESR: 火狐最新版本: Firefox > 20: 指定浏览器的版本范围: not ie <=8: 方向排除部分版本: Firefox 12. Docs last 2 major versions or last 2 iOS major versions: all minor/patch releases of last 2 major versions. 3 safari 15. 1 kaios 2. 配置文件好后,可以使用命令在终端打印出有哪些目标浏览器。 last 2 versions: the last 2 versions for each browser. 47 * `> 5% in US`: uses USA usage statistics. To use the latest browser’s versions and statistics in queries like last 2 versions or >1%. 2. Browserslist was created to keep browsers diversity. 1, last published: 3 months ago. Browserslist 用于配置项目适用的目标浏览器,数据来自Can I Use。. any 的垫片,但目前肯定不需要了。 Jul 9, 2024 · Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset. 5%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, not dead "browserslist": ["defaults"] 配置区分环境 browserslist 可以通过 BROWSERSLIST_ENV 或者 NODE_ENV 选择使用哪些配置,如果这两个环境变量都没指定,那就首先看一下有没有 production 这个环境配置,如果 production 环境 May 17, 2019 · In the near future, would a query like last 2 edge versions translate to edge 18, edge 74?. 'browserslist', otherwise your configuration from package. Developers set their version lists using queries like last 2 versions to be free from updating versions manually. 5%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, not dead. 8 android 67 android 4. browserslistrcで対象ブラウザを指定する. There are 549 other projects in the npm registry using update-browserslist-db. It's been replaced by Edge and will never have any new versions after Internet Explorer 11. 3, last published: 12 days ago. g. overrideBrowserslist config, which can also set the value of Browserslist. * `last 2 versions`: the last 2 versions for each major browser. npx browserslist '> 0. 30001022 ( Fyrd/caniuse@a133838 ) right after the commit 1e61852 in the issue #437, and the results are drifted instead. But in this article I am going to write about the Browserslist Useragent frontend tool for finding if a given user agent string satisfies a last 2 years : 最近 2 年发布的浏览器版本; since 2015 : 自 2015 年发布的浏览器版本; unreleased versions 或 unreleased Chrome versions :alpha 和 beta 版本; extends browserslist-config-mycompany :从 browserslist-config-mycompany 中继承配置。 browserslist A page to display compatible browsers from browserslist string. 1. 5% and not last 2 versions > . maintained node versions : all Node. select last two stable versions of all the major browsers available out there. 45 * `last 2 Chrome versions`: the last 2 versions of Chrome browser. Fix Browserify support. 5%, last 2 versions,Firefox ESR, not dead) Jul 16, 2018 · since 2015 or last 2 years: all versions released since year 2015 (also since 2015-03 and since 2015-03-10). 4 baidu 7. First, you have to find the weird and not-so-edge cases where IE simply refused to work with standards. they are not dead; ignore IE browser; ignore IE mobile browser Developers set versions list in queries like last 2 version to be free from updating versions manually. js 10. Fix using Browserslist without process (by Andrew Patton). 3, last published: 25 days ago. 12 android 97 baidu 7. There are 2807 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. There are 2777 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. Apr 30, 2021 · and_ff 66 and_qq 1. Microsoft gave us that gift. As you can see, I need really good reason for making Firefox ESR as separated browser. Jul 23, 2022 · // package. คือ เครื่องมือที่ช่วยให้เราจัดการว่า Project ของเราจะ Dec 30, 2022 · Browserslistでlast 2 versionsなどの好ましくない設定が多い; BrowserslistをBrowserlistと間違えるなどのよくある間違いについて. There are 3714 other projects in the npm registry using browserslist. For instance, it also made sure to include the last two versions of every major browser. e. 1 ios_saf 14. 5 kaios 2. 3 Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset. Browserslist will take queries from tool option, browserslist config, . , know which browsers your project gives support to. 3-4. 2, last published: 11 days ago. Dec 16, 2018 · 如果上述方法没有产生有效结果,则Browserslist将使用默认值: > 0. Latest version: 1. You signed out in another tab or window. last 2 versions: the last 2 versions for each browser. Browserslist は、異なるツール(e. 1 safari 12 samsung 9. current node: Node. 5%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, not dead ) 5%:通过全局情况统计选择的浏览器版本,可以使用 >=,< 和 <= dead:24个月内没有官方支持或更新的浏览器; last 2 versions:每个浏览器的最后两个版本 Aug 31, 2021 · const browsers = browserslist (">= 0. As per the Browserslist documentation, it is recommended to place the browserslist in package. 1, last published: 2 months ago. ossoq avhurh nygu pabcb rqdbjr rtqiwr enkm qsz tknu jvvci