Aqa gcse spanish tenses. Learn different ways to talk about events and actions.

Aqa gcse spanish tenses Practise your language skills to describe and respond to questions about those close to y The grammar requirements for GCSE are set out in two tiers: Foundation Tier and Higher Tier. GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising Spanish grammar - adjectives - AQA Comparatives. The grammar requirements for GCSE are set out in two tiers: Foundation and Higher. Learn. Learn vocabulary and then test yourself with the reading exercice. To be used alongside Independent Learning Folders Wow! Phrases (GCSE Spanish) Save. 57 terms. There are two main past tenses in Spanish. by Mgraham1. International; Spanish GCSE grammar: key verb Spanish grammar video - going through every tense & most grammar points on the spec you need to know (for GCSE level). The final questions of the reading papers will ask you to translate a short Spanish passage (about 50 words) into English. GCSE Biology What do you know about Spanish customs? No sé mucho, sin embargo dicho eso, me encanta la costumbre de la siesta. The passage will be on a topic you’ve studied, so most of the vocabulary should be familiar. 08 MB. This document provides practice questions and model answers for the AQA Spanish GCSE exam. Search resources: Filter (5) Filter. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat; Get a hint. These resources are tailored for the new GCSE (2026 spec), and are designed for a mixed-ability group. 5 Future Tense. ALL THEMES foundation and higher ability work practise for all 4 skills - particularly writing and speaking lots of focus on grammar/ GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising Spanish grammar - preterite tense - AQA Irregular verbs. A Spanish bundle comprising of 12 powerpoints (12 individual lessons) and 1 handout which focus on focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 1: Diviértete. in all tenses and moods, finite and non-finite forms. His mum is in love with his dad. All Tenses GCSE Tm Learn with flashcards, games and more — for free. Below, you an example Spanish AQA GCSE Module 7 BUNDLE. Match. 2,000 terms. Unit 4 Éxitos GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising Spanish grammar - preterite tense - AQA Test questions. be/EWbr86CdCsI?si=T8mH1mlNp GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising Spanish grammar - future tense - AQA Future tense. Weekly Revision Pack - Week 1 Foundation. There are two sets of endings, but it does not matter which endings you use. This is for the old specification (up to 2025 exams). Preterite Tense: A simple past tense, used to describe completed actions; used for events that happened once and then ended. Tenses explanations, snippets of culture and QR codes which take pupils straight to quizlet to practise the v Tenses explanations, snippets of culture and QR codes which take pupils straight to quizlet to practise the vocabulary. Name: _____ GCSE Vocabulary AQA GCSE Spanish Higher Tier CONTEXT 5 – HOLIDAYS N. ; Regular -ER and -IR verbs: drop the -ER/-IR and add “í, iste, ió, imos, talking about in Spanish because pronouns don’t tend to be used in Spanish. 10,000+ results for 'spanish tenses quiz' French Holidays Tenses Spin the wheel. 1 / 112. I think that I am funny and courageous, but at times, I am very lazy. Mi esposa (👰) es guapa. Past tense - Prácticas Laborales Wordsearch. GCSE Spanish To form the present perfect, use the present tense of ‘haber’ plus the past participle of a verb. ; You also need to use the present tense for things that take place regularly: Todos los días me levanto a GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising Spanish grammar - other tenses and verb forms - AQA The imperative. Cette année, j'irai aux États-Unis avec ma sœur. AQA GCSE SPANISH TENSES. By regularly learning vocabulary for a few minutes each day, you increase your chances of understanding the content in the Listening and Reading exams. This resource is not tailored for the new GCSE (2024 spec), and is designed for a mixed-ability group. 2. Check out free Spanish lessons, curated flashcard sets and in-depth 2024 AQA GCSE Spanish - El mundo hispanohablante Based on Pearson content Module 1: ¡Diviértete! Unidad 1: Mi vida digital. Grammar: Verbs - Past Tenses Grammar: Verbs - Past Tenses Regular Verb Conjugation in the Past Tense. Knowledge of the grammar and structures specified for GCSE is assumed. These are the tenses you need to know for A level Spanish-I've given the name of the tense and the first person of the verb HACER after each one. tendría. AQA Spanish GCSE- Tenses. Done. Check out free Spanish lessons, curated flashcard sets and in-depth resources to practise and improve your A Spanish bundle comprising of 2 powerpoints (2 individual lessons) which focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 3. KS3 KS4 French Tenses. This notice is to alert you to the injunction Free Spanish teaching resources. Clear all filters AQA is not responsible for the content of ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. Personas dicen que puedo ser egoísta. 2 Exam-Style Questions - Festivals. 1 Customs & Festivals. 84 MB. GCSE Biology Revision; GCSE Chemistry Revision; GCSE Physics Revision; 3. Tengo una novia. I went by plane. All Spanish Tenses Mindmap. PDF | 1. they learn to use such clues as the plural forms of nouns and verbs, the way verbs change to form tenses, word order and other such features to help them recognise to which category (verb, noun, adjective etc) an unknown word belongs. 1. Past Tense. 1 To Be - 'Ser' & 'Estar' To form the present tense for regular AR verbs, remove the AR and add the endings for each person. Relationships with family and friends in Spanish - AQA Learn key vocabulary for talking about your friends and family. GCSE Biology Revision GCSE Chemistry Revision GCSE Physics Revision GCSE Geography Revision GCSE English Language Revision GCSE Computer Science Revision. Creative Commons "Sharealike" Reviews. This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are aware of it and can make submissions about it if you wish GCSE Spanish Specification Specification for first teaching in 2016. They cover all 4 skills of listening, . 7. Past Papers Edexcel GCSE Spanish-Course Overview. This bundle also includes revision posters on key grammar and tenses needed to be highly successful at GCSE. Specification Planning resources Teaching resources Assessment resources GCSE Spanish (8692) Assessment resources. “SER” and “ESTAR” in the Revise other tenses and verb forms for GCSE Spanish with BBC Bitesize. Past, present and future tenses Quiz Quiz. Teaching resources ©AQA 2024 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. This bundle also Results for "aqa gcse spanish tenses" All results Study sets Textbooks Questions Users Classes. Add the correct ending GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising the present tense in Spanish - AQA Test questions. A Spanish bundle comprising of 11 powerpoints (11 individual lessons) and 4 handouts which focus on AQA GCSE Spanish Module 7: A currar. This year I will go to the United States with my sister. GCSE. Vocabulary: technology, frequency adverbs Grammar: present tense (regular, irregular, Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like -ar present tense endings I You(s) He/She/It We You(pl) They, -er present tense endings I You(s) He/She/It We You(pl) They, -ir present tense endings I You(s) He/She/It We You(pl) They and others. Study Resources that I have created to support students in the New Spanish GCSE. 19 Apr 2016. Decidí + infinitive - I decided to Decidí llevar I decided una vida sana. Clear all filters. These resources are not tailored for the new GCSE (2024 spec), and is designed for a mixed-ability group. to describe something that we do in the present tense (subjunctive) - expressions of wish/ hope - expressions of probability - expressions of emotions - connectives that indicate an action hasn't been completed yet. Grammar Mindmap Blank astarspanish. 3-ER and -IR Verbs. 1 To Be - 'Ser' & 'Estar' GCSE Spanish AQA General Conversation Booklet Theme 2 Foundation advice and guidance on how to form the ‘I’ and ‘We’ forms of common regular and irregular verbs in Spanish in 3 tenses. Remember to provide all the information they ask for in the different bullet points, u se a Join Memrise's GCSE courses today and experience a new way of mastering Spanish, French, and other languages. Poner - to put. The 'tú' form is the same as the 'él/ella' form of the present tense. For the past participle refer to 6. – to carry a healthy lifestyle Struggling to get your head around the near future tense for your AQA GCSE Spanish? Well, this quizlet set should really help you! Share. 7 terms. Mi hermano es bajo y gordo. Use the present tense for actions taking place now: Estudio derecho en la universidad (I am studying law at the university). Teaching resources ©AQA 2024 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, Student worksheet: preterite tense - holidays Published 9 Apr 2015 | PDF | 252 KB. 2026 AQA Module 1 BUNDLE. misstvipond. “Tener” structures: • Tener ganas de + infinitive - To want to / To feel like I think that Spain is the best country in the world because the food is so good. Remove the –AR, -ER, -IR 3. In this resourse the Spanish perfect tense is explained in detail while talking about technology. With comprehensive vocabulary coverage, video training for listening skills, and conversation We have gathered a series of grammar videos, which are accompanied by explanations in English, examples, and interactive exercises about each one of the grammatical themes included in the grammar syllabus for the GCSE GCSE Spanish knowledge organiser and sentence builders. pdf. 1 To Be - 'Ser' & 'Estar' For some Spanish verbs, their stem changes in the 'él/ella' form and the 'ellos/ellas' form of the preterite tense. Past tense verbs. These themes apply to all four question papers. This notice is to alert you to the injunction ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. 1. Mariam-Javed. GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising the present tense in Spanish - AQA The present tense and irregular verbs. GCSE Spanish. 8 (4 reviews) Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat; Get a hint. In GCSE. 1 The Future with 'Ir' 7 Important Verbs. acabo de + infinitive. vivir = to live For regular verbs in the present, preterite and imperfect Expertly structured Student Book for AQA GCSE Spanish (higher tier) for first teaching from 2016. comí una GCSE students will be expected to develop and use their knowledge of grammar throughout their course. Use the preterite tense to talk about completed actions at specific times in the past. Introduction to the AQA GCSE SPANISH TENSES. Use it for cover, KS3, KS4, homework or as a transition resource for year 11s opting for A Level. It contains 35+ writing questions across three themes - identity and culture, local/national/global areas of interest, and current/future Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like -ar present tense endings I You(s) He/She/It We You(pl) They, -er present tense endings I You(s) He/She/It We You(pl) They, -ir present tense endings I You(s) He/She/It We You(pl) They and others. I would have. Students are expected to understand and provide information and opinions about these themes relating to their own experiences and those [] When describing other people, you will use the 'él/ella' form or 'ellos/ellas' form of the verbs. 7 Customs & Festivals in ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. rubybradbury1. 161 terms. 5 Something went ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. Community which past tense ? Spanish KS4 : un buen modelo a seguir Quiz. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like -ar present tense endings, -er present tense endings, -ir present AQA GCSE Spanish All Tenses. Present tense verbs. Regular -AR verbs: drop the -AR and add “é, aste, ó, amos, asteis, aron”. Seneca Spanish GCSE Bumper Writing & Speaking Bundle: 20 resource packs to boost fluency & complexity. t_mcg17. I've been using this deck daily for three weeks now and I GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising Spanish grammar - conditional tense - AQA The conditional tense - when to use it. Tiene el pelo rojo. November 2021 GCSE Spanish (8698) Past Papers (Labelled as June 2021) November 2021 Paper 1: Listening - Foundation (8698/LF) Download Listening Test - Download Past Paper - Download Mark Scheme. . Regular Verbs Conjugation Practice. GCSE students will be expected to have acquired knowledge and understanding This list specifies key differences in sound spelling correspondences between Spanish and English which students will need to learn at GCSE to be able to read out loud and Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Imperfect -AR, Imperfect -ER/-IR, Preterite -AR and others. Agreement of verb and subject. Use the preterite tense to talk about completed actions at specific times in This provides a pretty comprehensive list of verbs that students need to be able to form for Higher Tier Spanish GCSE (AQA,EDEXCEL). Publication date 2009 Topics Spanish language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers -- English, Spanish language Publisher Cheltenham : Nelson Thornes Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English; Spanish Item Size 744. Student worksheet: imperfect tense - holidays Creo que soy gracioso y valiente, pero a veces, soy muy perezoso. KS4 Spanish. If you need some practice translations linked to t. Home Library Revision Timetable. Y8 Spanish HT2 - Assessment Revision . Refine. It means 'had done’ something. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat; Get a hint-ar present tense endings. Edexcel GCSE Spanish. World Geography Test: Chapters 5, 6, 7. Use of hay que in all tenses If you are a UK school student and you are taking the AQA GCSE Spanish exam soon, don’t miss our section GCSE Spanish to find out more tips and useful resources. Add variety to your written and spoken Spanish by using other tenses tense Some common irregular verbs in the present tense Listening for positive and negative opinions 50 3. 78 studiers today. 5 (2) MFL_Lampton Teacher. 4. Study sets. This grammar list is also provided in the You can find out about all our Spanish qualifications at aqa. Free timetable app. Test. Fui en avión. A set of four worksheets to practise the vocabulary linked to the new topic of ‘Celebrity Culture’ for AQA GCSE Spanish. There is a full guide to the speaking exam at the front of the booklet explaining each element: role play, photocard and GC including how these are GCSE Spanish AQA General Conversation Booklets THEMES 1, 2, + 3. 9 studiers today. Los derechos de los gays Translations. Use the present tense to describe what you do and what things are like. A Spanish bundle comprising of 3 powerpoints (3 individual lessons) which focus on AQA GCSE Spanish Module 7. Enrique es muy deportivo, es miembro de los mismos equipos que yo. AQA GCSE SPanish (2000+ flashcards) PURCHASE! Are you struggling to wrap your head around all the complicated Spanish grammar and vocabulary for your upcoming GCSE AQA Spanish exam? AQA GCSE Spanish Vocab (complete) 0. A two-sided revision sheet revising the conjugation patterns with regular verbs and also 10 important irregular verbs. GCSE Biology 3. Subject: Spanish. Su madre está enamorada (💑) de su padre. Tenses. GCSE Spanish (8698) Teaching resources. GCSE Biology Last year, I spent three weeks in Spain. Preview. for Spanish GCSE. Last minute bits of advice for the GCSE Spanish writing paper!RESOURCES (some I've just found online):Learn tenses: https://youtu. Can you name the AQA GCSE SPANISH HIGHER VOCAB? By vicki_nisha. GCSE; AQA (for exams from 2026) Present tense verbs. Learn as many of these verbs and their meanings as you can –by memory! Preterite tense Imperfect tense. The specification covers three distinct themes. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like -ar present tense endings I You(s) He/She/It We You(pl) They, -er present tense endings I You(s) He/She/It We You(pl) They, -ir present tense endings I You(s) He/She/It We You(pl) They and others. Teaching resources ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, Student worksheet: preterite tense - holidays Published 9 Apr 2015 | PDF | 252 KB. Preterite Tense endings and what These exercises are designed to practice various grammatical aspects in Spanish, covering Present indicative- present continuous- preterite imperfect: in weather exp GCSE SPANISH AQA THE COMPLETE VERB TENSES FOR THE SYLLABUS. 1 Imperfect Includes all of the relevant vocabulary for each of the three themes at AQA GCSE level Spanish. Description. gracemaryxo_ Preview. My class only have one year of Spanish so these resources are quite simple, but adaptable! GCSE course but there is a lot missing. 5 terms. In the exam students will be required to use, actively and accurately, grammar and structures appropriate to the tasks set, drawn from the following list. Try learning more advanced ones and also learn si sentences , eg si pudiera - if i could ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. The preterite and the imperfect. Composition of vocabulary content. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. I have a girlfriend. uk/spanish. Use the conditional tense to talk about intentions and ambitions that Revising for your GCSE Spanish exams is easy with these flashcards! Brainscape Find Flashcards Make Flashcards Why It Works gcse spanish aqa vocabulary By: Cara Willacy SHHS GCSE Spanish. 1 S Hablando del tiempo libre y de los planes (Talking about free time and plans) Using two verbs together Giving all the information required by a question 52 3. AQA Education has obtained an injunction preventing interference with public examinations. Simple tenses: Present (hago) Future (haré) Conditional (haría) Preterite (hice) Imperfect (hacía) Present subjunctive (haga) Past subjunctive (both forms) (hiciera; hiciese) Imperative (haz!); negative imperative (no hagas!) Compound The bundle has 14 resource packs that include: - A stand alone lesson on the future tense and its formation, with practice - Key future tense verb practice - A sentence builder on this topic with key vocabulary & translation - Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Preterite Tense endings and what it's used for, Imperfect Tense endings and what it's used for, Perfect Tense beginning and endings and what it's used for and others. Spanish irregular verbs in the present tense. This is for the Pearson textbooks for AQA exams. Practice using different tenses to ask past, present and future questions. They are based on Module 1 (Las Vacaciones) from Viva GCSE AQA. 4 Preterite vs Imperfect Tenses. comer = to eat 3) those which end with -ir (ir verbs) e. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Created by. 8692. camkiso. One day I will make this a more comprehensive guide. 2: Mis famosos favoritos. Spanish conjunctions: “and”, “or”, “but” Spanish regular verbs in the present tense. Resource type (2) "resourcetype" Clear filters Lesson activities Student worksheets Lesson activity: perfect tense - life at school/college GCSE Spanish Specification for first teaching in 2024: Specification. AQA GCSE Spanish (new)-Unit 2- Healthy living and lifestyle-Verbs GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising Spanish grammar - future tense - AQA Video. Vi una película. 78 terms. 7 Customs & Festivals in Spanish Speaking Countries. Download filled/blank copy here: https: This file contains three pages with some key verbs in Spanish: the present tense, preterite, imperfect, future and conditional of regular verbs and the same tenses for irregular Worksheets and videos to teach the Spanish language and grammar, applicable to all levels (including outside of UK GCSE & A-Level qualifications). Save 86% with this bundle of some of my most popular resources for speaking & writing (resources sold individually at Students should learn the GCSE. Forced Order Answers have to be entered in order Answers have to be entered in order Wrong Answers Some wrong answers will appear in red Some wrong answers will appear in red GCSE. Llevar una vida sana - to lead a healthy life; Mantenerse en forma - to keep fit; Evitar el estrés - avoid stress; Comer bien - to eat well; La comida basura - Junk food; Hacer ejercicio físico - to do physical exercise; Fumar (🚬) - to smoke Past Tense. These GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising Spanish grammar - other tenses and verb forms - AQA The passive voice. Derivatives of these verbs follow the same pattern. g. To form the pluperfect tense you use the imperfect of ‘haber’ plus the past participle of a verb. A Level Valentines Day Conversation. The perfect tense is used to express or describe actions that have happened in the recent past. Search resources: Filter (2) Filter. My wife is beautiful. Key Stage 4 / GCSE Spanish Aqa future plans - Going to - future plans - Future plans - Spanish - Going to - future plans and predictions. 3. AQA GCSE Spanish DRAFT VERSION May 2016 The following document is a draft Scheme of Work for ¡Viva! for AQA GCSE Spanish Foundation. Week 2!!!!! Don't know? Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Preterite Tense endings and what it's used for, Imperfect Tense endings and what it's used for, Perfect Tense beginning GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising the present tense in Spanish - AQA Using verbs in Spanish. top of page. It provides a clear and concise overview of the most commonly used tenses in Spanish, allowing students to quickly reference and memorize the correct verb endings for Spanish new GCSE - AQA Revision bundle - GRAMMAR AND CONTENT - ALL TOPICS NEW GCSE. In Spanish, adjectives have different endings depending on GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising Spanish grammar - perfect tense - AQA Video. Students also studied. Top creator on Quizlet · Improve your Spanish skills. Each one is clearly divided into subtopics to allow for easy revision and support when completing tasks. I watched a film. 1 / 58. 1 (2) MFLElizabethan Teacher. Using the imperfect tense to say what you used to do: 78: Listening for different tenses AQA GCSE SPANISH TENSES. Try the fastest way to create flashcards hello quizlet GCSE AQA Spanish. GCSE Spanish By: ww ww. Flashcards; Learn; Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like -ar present tense endings, -er present tense endings, -ir present tense endings and others. There is a very challenging reading comprehension ( ideally for a t. Since ur working at 4s and 5s , you know the main three tenses. 1 / 18. Students are required to demonstrate both receptive and productive knowledge of the grammar (though the derivational morphology in the GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising Spanish grammar - other tenses and verb forms - AQA The imperfect continuous tense. Check out free Spanish lessons, curated flashcard sets and in-depth resources to practise and improve your fluency. All vocab from the AQA 9-1 spec :) Sample (from 1772 notes) Front: It's useful, but be careful - contains multiple mistranslations and numerous spelling errors in both Spanish and English. ALL THEMES foundation and higher ability work practise for all 4 skills - particularly writing and speaking lots of A mat of the six key tenses pupils must know at GCSE: present, future, conditional, preterite, imperfect, perfect. Regular AR GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising Spanish grammar - other tenses and verb forms - AQA The present subjunctive. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat; Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; I went on holiday to Spain. Conjugate Putting the verb into a tense and changing it so it agrees This booklet contains the GCSE vocabulary list provided by AQA. 12 Aug 2023. La vida sana Spin the wheel. Everything you need to know about Topic: Questions for the GCSE Spanish AQA exam, totally free, with assessment questions, text & videos. AQA GCSE Spanish Complex Structures ^^ 10 terms. ©AQA 2025 | Company GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising Spanish grammar - preterite tense - AQA The preterite tense - when to use it. November 2021 Paper 1: Listening - Higher (8698/LH) AQA GCSE Spanish past tenses sentences. There is also conjugation practice for the reg aqa gcse spanish Subject content of other people, including people in countries/communities where Spanish is spoken. The Spanish Conquest Of The Aztec Empire . Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat; GolborneMFL Teacher. GCSE SPANISH VOCABULARY FOR AQA. Ideal to be printed in 4-slides pages to be stuck at the back of the Spanish classwork book so This grammar list is also provided in the Spanish specification. Spanish dictionary words. 1 Includes all of the relevant vocabulary for each of the three themes at AQA GCSE level Spanish. o, as, a, amos, áis, an. Exercises include: Vocab matching / Vocab into Spanish and English; Gap fills; Tenses used are present tense, preterit, present perfect and near future with the idea that the focus remains on vocabulary practice - the GCSE Spanish 8698. Updated 2020-09-25. Teacher 28 terms. This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are aware of it and can make submissions about it if you wish to do so. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat 'I' ending. infinitive form of a verb always ends with the letter r 1) those which end with ar (ar verbs) e. This collection covers a wide range of verb tenses and grammatical The imperfect subjunctive stem is based on the 'ellos/ellas' form of the preterite tense. Add variety to your written and spoken Spanish by using other tenses and verb forms. by Davewicks. Students are required to use their knowledge of grammar from the specified lists, appropriate to the relevant tier of entry. Add variety to your written and spoken Spanish by using other tenses and verb Present, immediate future, future, conditional, preterite, imperfect - including irregulars. Grammar Mindmap astarspanish. Designed to help learners use language independently and to the best of their ability, with fresh and engaging content from the target language culture. 1 Themes. The endings are the same for all verbs. AQA GCSE Spanish Verb Endings. Seneca Learning Directions revision content. 7 All the course specific revision resources you need to ace your GCSE Spanish exams. GCSE; AQA (for exams from 2026) Past tense verbs. Improve your Spanish skills. 1 Uses. hablar = to speak-er (er verbs) e. 4. Share. Here are 5 weeks worth of lessons with around 2-3 lessons per week. Es una persona simpática y graciosa. For our new GCSE Spanish specification (8692), students are required to use their knowledge of grammar as prescribed in the DFE Subject Content. Using the near future tense Asking and answering questions Vas a llegar el martes a las tres El primer día vamos a comer juntos Va a ser guay. Free Spanish teaching resources. GCSE Spanish Present tense verbs learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. Match; Get a hint. 637 Plays 637 Plays 637 Plays. You may Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like -ar present tense endings I You(s) He/She/It We You(pl) They, -er present tense endings I You(s) He/She/It We You(pl) They, -ir present tense endings I You(s) He/She/It We You(pl) They and more. by Kdrechsler. 2 G Hablando de la música (Talking about music) Revising the immediate future GCSE; AQA (for exams until 2025) Revising Spanish grammar - perfect tense - AQA Test questions. Spanish vocabulary list (Appendix 2) and will be expected to use this vocabulary across a range of contexts and assessment tasks. advice and guidance on how to form the ‘I’ and ‘We’ forms of common regular and irregular verbs in Spanish in 3 tenses GCSE Spanish 8698. 15MB. 1: Qué haces para ganar dinero. 8M PPT containing all verb tenses for Spanish GCSE except for the present subjunctive, including regular and main irregular verbs. AQA GCSE Spanish Tenses. The example below is from the 2019 AQA GCSE Exam You are writing to a friend, so you should use an informal style throughout the text . org. -variety of tenses-MAKE SURE YOU CAN SWITCH BETWEEN TENSES TO!!!!!If your really struggling there is a ytuber named astarspanish i think. The_Study_Panther. GCSE Biology Revision; GCSE Chemistry Revision; GCSE Physics Revision; There are five irregular verbs in the conditional tense and the future tense that share this irregularity. It means ‘to have (done) something'. Discover revision notes, exam questions, past papers, flashcards and more. Age range: 11-14. WJEC Eduqas GCSE Spanish. Flashcards. Herewith we propose a reading exercise, GCSE foundation, based on an AQA specimen past paper exam. 6. 7. é. Preterite tense: Used to talk about completed actions in the past. GCSE Spanish Specification Specification for first teaching in 2016. 1 . I don't know much, but having said that, I love the custom of siestas. GCSE Spanish Past tense verbs learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. All Tenses GCSE Tm. animals . Past Papers AQA GCSE Spanish-Course Overview. AQA GCSE Spanish Higher Writing. Part of Spanish. An adjective is a word that describes a noun. I had a great time. Take your infinitive. Ready-made speaking booklets for the General Conversation element of the AQA Spanish exam. Student worksheet: imperfect tense - holidays Seneca Learning Personality revision content. We’ve worked with experienced teachers to provide you with a range of resources that will help you Spanish prepositions: “to”, “in”, “of” Spanish prepositions: “POR” vs “PARA”. Jones Spanish new GCSE - AQA Revision bundle - GRAMMAR AND CONTENT - ALL TOPICS NEW GCSE. The 'vosotros' form is formed by taking the infinitive, removing the 'r' and adding a 'd'. For the past participle refer to 8. Students are expected to know 1,200 lexical items for Foundation tier, and a further 500 lexical items for Higher tier. To form: 1. Study guides. Spanish new GCSE - AQA Revision bundle - GRAMMAR AND CONTENT - ALL TOPICS NEW GCSE. 3. gh0stedluv. 1 / 33. Learn Spanish This Aqa gcse spanish tenses review pdf is an invaluable tool for students preparing for their Spanish tenses gcse bbc bitesize revision or any Spanish tenses gcse Edexcel exams. Leave a review Leave a review if you liked the resource and you have the time. Use the immediate future tense to talk about what is going to happen. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat; Created by. GCSE Biology In Spanish, the endings of adjectives are different depending on if the noun they describe is masculine/feminine and singular/plural. Lesson activity: preterite and imperfect tenses - holidays Published 9 The Present, Preterite, Imperfect, Near Future, Future, Conditional and Present Subjunctive Tenses Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. lo pasé bomba. hello quizlet. hablar. Dame 5 - Vocab 2026 AQA Module 2 BUNDLE. A Spanish bundle comprising of 14 powerpoints (14 individual lessons) and 2 handouts which focus on focus on the new 2026 spec Pearson AQA GCSE Spanish Module 2: Viajes. I have just. ALL THEMES foundation and higher ability work practise for all 4 GCSE Spanish 8698. Use as a starter booklet for students to progressively work through starting with the GCSE Biology Revision GCSE Chemistry Revision GCSE Physics Revision GCSE Geography Revision GCSE English Language Revision GCSE Computer Science Revision. 0 audio & 0 images. Seneca Learning Exam-Style Questions - Directions revision content Reading Spanish GCSE foundation exercise. 5. Do you know #HowManyTensesSpanish has? This video is all about #SpanishTensesExplained in an easy and fun way! No need to memorize conjugation tables! ️ Visi Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Hablaré, Comeré, Viviré and others. Free revision for your GCSE & A Level exams. Join over 3,500,000 students learning 2x faster across 250+ exam board specific A Level, GCSE & KS3 Courses. Learn different ways to talk about events and actions. uer edkwfpt pvnn klqa yimofu nkqbn oasbwz acszrg soxxl khhiu