
Ahk dllcall mouse move. previous page next page.

Ahk dllcall mouse move For example, Str can be used in place of "Str" and CDecl in place of "CDecl". It's great (though I don't really understand it). So what i want ahk to do is:1) open context menu2) then choose/click a specific menu itemI know the IDs of the items in the menu, but i dont know how to click them. You also had a few #preprocess commands that were mixed in with process commands at the top and you duplicated a few of them, not sure it affects the code here but it is always safest to keep them in order in the auto-run section “It's called a mouse mover and it moves your mouse while you're away so you can go to the bathroom free from paranoia,” she explains. I am so impressed by ahk that i have started taking tuition for C, C++ and JAVA etc. How can I move the mouse pointer between monitors using a keyboard shortcut? I'm using autohotkey. Second time I hit the AHK-key - nothing happens. boiler I suppose by no recoil, the mouse moves a certain amount when you click/shoot, and you want it to move back a certain amount. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. You can adresse the solutions dirctly by a DllCall DllCall("Kernel32\SetThreadExecutionState" , "UInt", 0x80000001) ;prevents system but not monitor to go standby Following this answer you will be able to move current window to your next/prev virtual desktop with Win1 / Win2. MouseGetPos,,, uid WinGet, proc, ProcessName, % wTitle := "ahk_id " uid If (proc != "notepad [AHK_L 31+]: If DllCall's first parameter is a literal string such as "MulDiv" and the DLL containing the function is ordinarily loaded before the script starts, the string is automatically resolved to a function address. Here's a more comprehensive version with this additions: Diagonal movement by pressing an x-axis and y-axis key. I am hoping to create an autohotkey script that automatically "centers" the mouse upon boundary conditions so that it never reaches the edge of the screen. Try also DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, 100, int, 0) It should move mouse horizontally. Press a hotkey to temporarily reduce the The speed to move the mouse in the range 0 (fastest) to 100 (slowest). mikeyww Posts: 29679 Joined: Tue Sep 09  · Every curved path should approximate a series of tiny straight lines. Notes: This script can move windows including those that don't have a caption or are fullscreen. F3:: CoordMode, Mouse MouseMove, 300, 300 MouseGetPos, x1 move up or down to scroll the mouse position is frozen (that’s the important point) The solution provided by u/plankoe seemed to work perfectly at first (thanks again) but when I started to play with it I noticed some issues. Moving the mouse pointer to the cursor. AHK can be programmed to do other things. dll\mouse_event", "UInt", 1, "UInt", X, "UInt", Y, "UInt", 0, "UPtr", 0) I found using AHK DllCall ("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 5, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) works better than python mouse_move. Calls a function inside a DLL, such as a standard Windows API function. MouseMove, X, Y , Speed, Relative Parâmetros X, Y. I made a quick ahk script that moved the mouse and found that the mouse wasn't getting moved to the desired location. You could probably "simulate" blocked mouse movement by checking and/or moving the mouse to the desired position with a fast loop. - Mouse-Movement-and-Buttons-to-Keyboard-Map/Mouse to so i got this script that move the mouse cursor down everytime i hold left click and i want the hotkeys to change the speed , but i dont know how pls help . e. A Powerful AutoHotkey script, based MouseGestureL, With a lot of features - kingron/MouseGestureL AutoHotkey Community. autohotkey; Make second monitor go fullscreen with AHK. Likewise, the Alt+Ctrl+3 hotkey moves the mouse to the right edge of Display 2 (in the middle vertically), where it stops, i. So whenever i disable the "TrueColorAimbotEnabled := 1 ; DONT DISABLE IT BREAKS THE SCRIPT" when it goes to move my mouse it just dosnt and i dunno why because the movment dropdown menu for that stuff is still working and i need this to be fixed because the settings dosent change anything about the script if its not so if anyone can help or even fix it The DllCall function calls a function inside a DLL, such as a standard Windows API function. Code: Select all;Move position the mouse pointer in one of the four corners, ;of the active Window (not maximized, preferably), ;and keep the left button pressing to change the size of the window. I I have a script that lets me move the mouse to the left by pressing "i" or right by pressing "p", the script works, however, there is a slight pause in the beginning, for example, when I press and hold the letter "i" to move the mouse to the left, there is a slight pause and after the slight pause, the mouse keeps moving to the left. With Version 1. GitHub page UCR - Universal Control Remapper. com/r/AutoHotkey/comments/mz1hib/mouse_move_to_dllcall_mouse_event_help/ Show how you put it together. Top. Hi everyone, I've been using this script, based on this old thread for a while now to draw a straight horizontal line with a mouse when holding down the "Shift" key. 1. , never moves to Display 4 (same behavior when trying to move the mouse there manuallyit won't go beyond the right edge of Display 2). (but there are some small cases where you do need to call it like when you need to do mouse movements, but the program doesn't accept the autohotkey version so you send the dll version instead). Is it true? This is important to people who dont have a scrolling wheel in their mouse and in applications that dont support smooth Hello, I want to know how to inverse the mouse movement to the left side instead of the right side It seems that its the DLLCall mouse_event function works, however, not when it comes to absolute measurements, but that seems to be required to produce proper measurements. It only centers the mouse properly when the window is positioned at the top left (x=0, y=0). Post by RandomString » Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:30 pm I am brand new to AHK. All want is to press a key to rotate the camera x amount, and then be able to repeat this and have it do the same. using right-click and mouse movement as a "scroll wheel - posted in Ask for Help: HiIve actually got a trackball, but I really miss the scroll wheel from a mouse!Ideally rotating (clock/anti) the trackball should scroll a page, but my model doesnt have that feature. The mouse is always centered on the screen, and so MouseMove will not work. When the selected key is held (or on if the Toggle option is selected) mouse movements and clicks will be recorded relative to initial position. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys Post by Lapas » Mon Jan 22, 2018 11:37 pm Hi i have this code which i need replace: Code: Select all. Like the DLL example given already. Remap keyboard, mouse, joystick, all via a GUI! ↳ AHK Studio; ↳ Notepad++; ↳ Pulovers Macro Creator; ↳ SciTE4AutoHotkey; ↳ Visual Studio Code; ↳ General Discussion; Yeah i already tried that way, but i was trying to disable mouse moving and input only inside the specific application, with that type of code when the window gets focus it disables the mouse moving for the whole OS until the windows loses focus. ahk ; Alternate way to see mouse movement. I am trying to make a toggle key (e. For example: UIntP. ;The first is for horizontal/x-axis movement, the second for vertical/y-axis movement. I know of two methods to accomplish this, I prefer Method 1 for better compatibility of Windows versions/builds. In general, you only need to send "raw" movement if you are trying to send input to a mouse-aim FPS game. AHK for gaming is literally the free equivalent of the macro software/drivers that came with your gaming mouse or keyboard. So I modified a script here that allows scrolling using the RButton and moving It might be easier to make character move forward using the mouse wheel. Unanswered topics; Active topics; Search; Web Search AHK dllCall() Mouse Movement. (Hold down the hotkey) This is probably one of the most useful macros in this script, but it will require some cutomization for each specific task. On a related note, the mouse cursor can be Here are some approaches: https://www. and I want the character to move 90 degrees (4 times). Dist(Mouse_Pos)/360) ; here I create a variable to The x/y coordinates to move the mouse to. Use Hotkey Ctrl+Win+Right click when the mouse cursor is (anywhere) over your target window. (I imagined what would happen if the mouse moved, not just the cursor:) Hey u/smalls3486, CasperHarkin made an observation about diagonal movement that might be critical for some. I would probably add more conditions such as making sure the mouse is in the correct position before clicking to increase accuracy. Contribute to Perryhdlp/SmoothMouseAHK development by creating an account on GitHub. DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, -10, int, -10) This would move your mouse left 10 pixels and up 10 pixels. I need a script to move and click my mouse in minecraft, Post by itsfiliplol » Sat Sep 03, 2022 4:19 pm I need a script to start from the centre of the screen, more 100 in the x axis 4 times with a 100ms sleep time, then go back to the centre of my screen and do it again in the opposite direction, then indefinetly repeat. It seems that its the DLLCall mouse_event function works, however, not when it comes to absolute measurements, but that seems to be required to produce proper measurements. [AHK_L 31+]: If DllCall's first parameter is a literal string such as "MulDiv" and the DLL containing the function is ordinarily loaded before the script starts, the string is automatically resolved to a function address. SetMag(Mouse_Target. Mar 12, 2019 · The problem below is difficult to explain, it turns out that I would like to know if it is possible to make a mousemove that goes at the same speed (or fastest possible), but with the posibility of look the curson during all the way of the movement, and perhaps with smalls alterations more "human"(as for example, a not perfect straight line) Feb 4, 2021 · AHK works, BUT not as I thought. This works fine if I use the regular Click or MouseClick commands, but that actually moves my mouse cursor into the Roblox window to do the click. First, with the Mouse Movements? - posted in Ask for Help: Is it possible to make a script that moves the mouse in a straight to the left? (horizontal). Mouse movers are small devices that go under a computer's mouse (not a laptop trackpad) and I want to learn more advanced stuff in ahk like dllcall. I am unsure what the reason is, maybe something like AHK believes that it has reached the "end" of the screen? - Well my point is, that I would like the mouse to move left (or right). DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, 100, int, 400) ; The first number is the X-coordinate and the second is the Y (relative to the screen). I need a script that when I hold the mouse's side button or M2 it behaves like a WASD based on the coordinates, when I hold the button and if I tilt the mouse up, it sends W input, to the left the input is A, and if possible with the inputs combined as if placed between D and S the diagonal For example, moving the mouse using the above code 10px moves it 8px, and moving it 100px using the code above moves it 222px. Code: Select all; File: windrag. 1 I would use: Code: Select all. So what I tried to set up is that it detects the health bar of the player which is indicated by the pink heart and ill find the location of the heart and move my mouse to the bottom left to be on top of the player. A mickey is the amount that a mouse has to move for it to report that it has moved. new MouseAccelerator(0, 1) F12::ExitApp ; Gets called when mouse moves or stops ; x and y are DELTA moves (Amount moved since last message), NOT coordinates. Left click (or press Enter) to confirm or Esc to Cancel. Pressing a button twice in quick succession could cause a different action than a quick single press or a long Use Your Mouse in Games or Emulators that do not support Mouse input. previous page next page. ahk /* Demo Script for MicroTimer Converts Arrow Keys to mouse cursor, with 1ms move time for the mouse */ #SingleInstance force dllfile := "MicroTimer so i got this script that move the mouse cursor down everytime i hold left click and i want the hotkeys to change the speed , but i dont know how pls help . Reload to refresh your session. Calling this will make the mouse move at a linear speed from x1,y1 to #Include CvJI/MouseDelta. This is the only solution I can really find so far, I don't know if there's something that would let you move it to a specific position tho. Here's a little test script that proves it doesn't work as intended: Code: Select all I'm curious about you calling the DLL for thread Sleep as opposed to using the [Sleep, T] command already in AHK. Page 1 of 2 - Click on item of context menu (right mouse click) - posted in Ask for Help: Hallo,i want to select and click a menuitem of a context menu, wich pops up if you click the right mouse button. With AHK is easy with MouseMove just use 1px at a time (or a few, depending on your liking) with relative position. i wanted to know if there is any way to control the speed that it takes for the command to make the mouse position adjustments so that the mouse will make a smooth one long movement when the function is Code: Select all;Script used in multiple monitors environment, when the monitors does not have the same resolution or are not properly aligned ;and windows refused to move the mouse cursor to the next monitor if the mouse is not in the right positions ;Tested with AHK 1. Now I'd also like to use "Control" to draw a straight vertical line. ahk, both mouse move events are displayed, which is my mouse move and AHI script move (when dllcall, mouse move event never showed up) Question is am I use AHI correctly? Because I can't say i'm fully understand Goal is avoid Dllcall event and make scripted move looks like raw-input Dec 2, 2015 · evilC wrote:Mouse aim games (in general) simply do not work with AHK's mouse functions because of the way they read the mouse - they are not querying the position of the cursor, they are querying the input made by the mouse. AHK v1. Press a hotkey to temporarily reduce the mouse cursor's speed, which facilitates precise positioning. ahk ;----- ; by wolf_II #NoEnv #SingleInstance Force global HalfPI := 2 * ATan(1) global PI := 4 * ATan(1) global TWO_PI := 8 The ROBLOX client has a custom mouse sensitivity of sorts implemented, so when ROBLOX is the active window and AHK moves the mouse by 1 pixel, it actually moves down by ~50. DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x71, UInt, 0, UInt MouseMove does not simulate mouse input, it simulates cursor movement You need the mouse_event DllCall. The solution to "move" the mouse to avoid suspend or other idle timeouts is bad. I would like to stop the mouse movement when I press any key down on my keyboard. DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, 100, int, 100) and this would move the mouse Right and Down 100 pixels. #define MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE 0x0001 /* mouse move */ AHK GetPixelColor and DllCall(GetPixel), and only the latter seems to work, the former just Jan 31, 2015 · WM_MOUSEMOVE() HOW - posted in Ask for Help: Gui,mygui:new Gui,mygui: +AlwaysOnTop +HwndGameListhwnd Gui,mygui:add,text,w50 h50,sometext Gui,mygui:show OnMessage(0x200, WM_MOUSEMOVE) OnMessage(0x2a3, WM_MOUSELEAVE) return WM_MOUSEMOVE() { if A_Gui=mygui tooltip,yes } WM_WM_MOUSELEAVE() { tooltip,No } MouseMove AutoHotkey GUI. So just Mouse Up = W Mouse Down = S Mouse Left = A Mouse Right = D And have it Auto center if im not moving it. This doesn't work in V2. This AHK Script makes Mouse Movement directions and Buttons act like Keyboard Keys set by you. I can get Autohotkey to move the mouse just fine in general, but it does not behave as expected within the game. I changed it so It would work specifically for a 3440x1440 ultrawide Add this line to move the cursor below the target color by the specified offset DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 1. For example (the keypad is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise): mouse cursor follows focus. #define MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE 0x0001 /* mouse move */ AHK GetPixelColor and DllCall(GetPixel), and only the latter seems to work, the former just hey, im trying to understand how does DllCall "mouse_event" works in a 3d game especially im trying to understand how to convert PixelSearch result to the mouse event movement here is my code Code: Select all evilC wrote:Mouse aim games (in general) simply do not work with AHK's mouse functions because of the way they read the mouse - they are not querying the position of the cursor, they are querying the input made by the mouse. WILL PAY VERY WELL - posted in Ask for Help: So i just need a script that allows me to trigger a keyboard key for eg; W when i move my mouse UP etc. ahk script that drags the mouse down if you hold down the left mouse button. Just want to convert my mouse move to dll call mouse_event so it works in games to. MouseMove, X, Y [, Speed, R] Parameters X, Y. MouseMove. for k,v in files StrPut(v, dropfiles+offset, "utf-8"), offset+=StrLen(v)+1 DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr", hGlobal) PostMessage, 0x233, hGlobal, 0,, %window% if ErrorLevel DllCall Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. Will be asking a lot of question for help. This built-in optimization is more Aug 11, 2023 · Get help with using AutoHotkey (v2 or newer) and its commands and hotkeys. DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 1. DllCall. You generally need to call it repeatedly with lots of small increments, if you want smooth movement. #Include CvJI/SelfDeletingTimer. Think of AHK as being extra buttons without actually having extra physical buttons. Release keys/mouse button and move mouse to relocate the window. How to move mouse to second screen monitor? 1. Might be crazy but I feel like it works better. Change the variables dx and dy to adjust how much the mouse moves up/down and left/right. If you are trying to move the cursor on the desktop, raw movement is Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. If I then clicks via DllCall mouse_event (Click doesn't seem to work with this game) or click with my mouse without moving it, instead of opening the dialog it should if that button was clicked, it scrolls the maps which means than the game is receiving the clicks in some other place at the borders of the screen (but the mouse cursor still Hi everyone! I'm very new to AHK. So far, I've developed code that works for the most part, but I noticed that If you ever so slightly move your mouse up or down, it will also pan the view up/down (So it isn't "TRUE" horizontal scrolling like in most programs) I'm curious when pressing this hotkey as normal, it will disable vertical mouse movement ONLY allowing for L/R movement. With this idea, you can move the mouse in any shaped path. MamaCita wrote:Hello, I'm here because I have some trouble to finish the script I want when I aiming after I shoot (the mouse go down) I just need: when the right button is pressed before the left button (is press) go to mouse x-y but is the left button is pressed alone do nothing and the same with the right button if is pressed alone do nothing and is the left button is up (no I have the option to use raw mouse input or not use it; it makes no difference. A simple AHK for Smooth Mouse Panning. And also I need to do it only in the window, ↳ AHK Studio; ↳ Notepad++; ↳ Pulovers Macro Creator; ↳ SciTE4AutoHotkey; ↳ Visual Studio Code; ↳ General Discussion; AHK does not have a command to simulate this, you need to call one of the built-in functions of windows by calling a function called "mouse_event" from a windows DLL. Code: Select all. Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. 1 and older) Forum rules. Might be crazy but I feel like it works better Could this be implemented? I'm pretty new to coding and have created a basic AHK script to slowly move the mouse incrementally to the left for a duration of 40ish seconds so that when I'm in game I can take a 360 video of my character. Coordinates are relative to the active window unless CoordMode was used to change that. So as the title says, need to do mouse move with dllcall mouse event cause Mouse Move doesnt work in the game I'm doing it on. But for some reason, it carries on to a different script that is right in front of it. Ask gaming related questions (AHK v1. ahk because if the game window size is odd, this would result in a fraction, but mouse can only move to a whole pixel position, and the 0. hey, im using DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, 0, int, 0, uint, 0, int, 0) because its the only command that works for me for moving mouse in first person games. So I'm disabled and I use a numeric keypad with AHK to control the mouse. Whenever I move the mouse too far to the edge, the emulator stops responding to mouse movements. The time input is NOT 100% accurate, but it's close enough and works on my computer at least. here is an example of the command that would move the mouse 2 pixels up and 5 pixels right : (x,y) { DllCall("mouse_event",uint,1,int,x,int,y,uint,0,int,0) } Locked Hello Guys! as the title says, I wish I could lock the mouse movements between certain coordinates of a specific window I already have the code to lock the mouse movement within a specific window, but I would like to be more specific and add specific coordinates, for example: (Lock Between(551, 742, x) and Between(235, 494, y) of the "NameWindow" Is it possible to scroll with middle mouse button & drag - posted in Ask for Help: Hi, Someone told me that using AHK, a script could be created where if I press the middle mouse button and move up or down the screen would scroll. Also hide my mouse if possible Basically im a I just want to put this here. ErrorLevel Everything works fine, but i dont like it, that for "relativeMove" and "absoluteMove" the mouse cursor is moving instanly to the x/y position. Might be crazy but I feel like it works better Could this be implemented? Oct 28, 2020 · Need perfect solution for detect when mouse move stoped Im did this script, its works but need perfect way Maybe without loop Jan 13, 2007 · DllCall mouse_event uses co-ords relative to top left of the screen but DllCall Getpixel uses the current screen resolution, which is awkward for anyone to use the script once its published. #Include mousedelta. (Toggle) just wondering is it possible to make a script that i click a hot key, for example "ctrl+shift+alt+m", then the mouse cursor will move to the center position of active window in the second monitor that i use and vice versa. 90 degrees then do Usage: Run the script. This allows you to control everything you need to do that by changing the 10, -20, and 100 to whatever you want constrain mouse movement when key held down - posted in Ask for Help: Hi,I want to achieve that when I press a certain key (lets say the shift key) the mouse can only move in x-direction. instead it is moving to different points on the screen, depending on where the window is on the screen. You switched accounts on another tab or window. I'm uploading my modified version of DewzChun MW2 AHK Color Aimbot. 30. Use DllCall to send mouse movements instead of SmoothMouseMove Specify integer coordinates for x and y movement instead of floats Check GetKeyState after each movement to break the loop when firing stops Use Sleep instead of sleep for pauses I'd really like to see the recoil working in long ranges too that would be amazing. May 14, 2021 · Move position the mouse pointer in one of the four corners, of the active Window (not maximized, preferably), and keep the left button pressing to change the size of the window. Let's help each other out. This built-in optimization is more This java app I am dealing with works like many games. In general, you can't even glean useful information from the position of the cursor (Like that code is trying to do) because the game I want to be able to do other things with my mouse while the script runs, meaning it can't move my actual cursors position but only in the game. I've been working on a script that utilizes the DLLCall("mouse_event") here is an example: DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int #SingleInstance force #NoEnv #include CLR. 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. 5, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0)}}} Escape doesn't do anything, the script carries on working, if I then move the pointer back to the right with my actual mouse then q will still move it back left. Share [deleted] • Answer: Mousemove is messed up on multi monitor setup due to scaling. Mar 28, 2021 · has this been implemented? I found using AHK DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 5, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) works better than python mouse_move. 1. Thanks again, I'm done here. ControlClick[/url"> ":4rmj3584]Sends a mouse button or mouse wheel event to a control. See the comments for a description of each option. it is a kind of a 3d "shooter" game. Speed is ignored for SendInput/Play modes; they move the mouse instantaneously (though SetMouseDelay has a AutoHotkey, WinAPI & DllCalls. That's what I have in terms of code, I want to have my mouse track the player moving. So only horizontal movement should be possible, any vertical movement should be prohibited. reddit. This is useful to reproduce actions based on mouse current The goal is do adjust mouse DPI from 1-20 through binds to improve gaming experience, here is a small scale test I'm working on, should set DPI to 5 making the mouse move quite slow when you press Ctrl+Shift+Numpad1: Move Mouse Down Topic is solved. has this been implemented? I found using AHK DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 5, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) works better than python mouse_move. I found an example script online that does this: DllCall ("mouse_event", "UInt", 0x01, "UInt", 500, "UInt", DllCall ("SetCursorPos", "int", 100, "int", 400) ; The first number is the X-coordinate and the second is the Y (relative to the screen). ; In the loop there is a tooltip that displays the average time (in ms) as well as other info ; when I run this, I get about 31ms per frame so the time is (Number of frames(360) * Time per frame(31ms) = 11 seconds total time) Mouse_Velocity. Post by Arelfox » Sat Mar 05, 2022 5:04 pm I'm trying to manipulate the camera in a FPS game where the camera is locked and the game gets the raw mouse movements. AHK dllCall() Mouse Movement. May 22, 2024 · [AHK_L 31+]: If DllCall's first parameter is a literal string such as "MulDiv" and the DLL containing the function is ordinarily loaded before the script starts, the string is automatically resolved to a function address. But when I monitor the X Y coordinate of the mouse it instead moves to absolute 321, -1344. The problem below is difficult to explain, it turns out that I would like to know if it is possible to make a mousemove that goes at the same speed (or fastest possible), but with the posibility of look the curson during all the way of the movement, and perhaps with smalls alterations more "human"(as for example, a not perfect straight line) I am trying to leverage my mouse inside of a bluestacks app native to touch screen. Move the mouse right, click, move left, click, repeat. Contribute to jNizM/AHK_DllCall_WinAPI development by creating an account on GitHub. Lapas  · When I checked Monitor. Use DllCall("SetCursorPos", "int", 257 This is a place to get help with AHK, programming logic, syntax, design, to get feedback, or just to rubber duck. Skip to content. I can't set a cursor position because the app It is detecting movement of the mouse. ahk ^!LButton::WindowMouseDragMove() ^!RButton::WindowMouseDragResize() * While holding down ctrl+alt, left click anywhere on a window and drag to move. . But every iteration is still a straight line. RCtrl as So, I have an . 10 posts relative data is specified as the number of mickeys moved. ahk This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. ive been trying to create an automatic 180 degrees movement on a game with the mouse, everything is ok, but i want the mouse to not instantly goes to the coordinate, and just moving 'slowly', how can i change the speed I only found one script that tried to solve it, but it did not allow for quick enough mouse movement. 03 #Persistent #SingleInstance, Force #NoEnv SetBatchLines,-1 CoordMode, Mouse, Page 3 - Hi people, I'll show you how to do simple autohotkey script to automatically moving mouse cursor on nearest enemy champion. If I then run and move, and hit the AHK-key it works again. 36. A timer with a fairly low value (200 maybe?) could be used that checks the mouse position then moves the mouse back to that position if the position has changed. CoordMode, Mouse, Screen MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY, 0 Sleep, 1000 MouseMove, -500, 0, 2, R MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY, 0 Sleep, 1000 MouseMove, -500, 0, 2, R return Top. 23 posts Move Mouse Down. I needed a macro that moves the mouse cursor to the other monitor. DllCall("mouse_event", int, 1, int, -5, int, 1, int, 0, int, 0) Sleep 1} else break return. But on the same relative position proportional to the screen resolution. How to use: Press the arrow keys to move the mouse cursor by 5/10 pixels, 20 pixels, or 40 pixels; Press the same arrow key again to stop the movement DllCall("mouse_event", UInt, 0x0001, Int, -speed_slow, Int, 0 Obviously, it moves my mouse to (1105, 585) on my screen. 2. if you want it to move, you have to use regular click or mouse move is Off). 1 post • Page 1 of 1. I Dec 23, 2024 · DllCall "mouse_event" VS mouse move!! Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. I'm looking to be able to send mouse click events to the Roblox window while I do things on the computer on another monitor Moves the mouse cursor. If not, try using different methods of mouse moving that may end up being faster than AHK's version. Speed. ahk ; Function to move the mouse cursor smoothly to a specific position on the screen SmoothMoveMouseTo(targetX, targetY, duration, speedFactor Hello people, I'm new at this, I don't know how to script I need help. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys This is a place to get help with AHK, programming logic, syntax, design, to get feedback, or just to rubber duck. Moves the mouse cursor. In addition, the letter P may be used in place of asterisk to allow the quotes to be omitted there as well. If omitted, the default speed (as set by SetDefaultMouseSpeed or 2 otherwise) will be used. MouseMove - Syntax & Usage | AutoHotkey AutoHotkey. I've seen and used some PixelClickers (Finders) and some NoRecoil's made with AHK, and thought I would give it a try and try to make something of my own, I started reading documentation today, so I'm not going to include anything in here, just the bare idea that is on my head. MouseMove, X, Y , Speed, R Parameters X, Y. 02 AHK I made a quick ahk script that moved the mouse and found that the mouse wasn't getting moved to the desired and they both exhibited this behavior. Release it to return to In most cases aside from auto/timed looping, AHK usually requires at least a single physical input from the user. The speed to move the mouse in the range 0 (fastest) to 100 (slowest). 1 preferably! I'm not sure what to do but I do suspect this could be I'm running the below code and I expect the mouse to move to the center of the currently active window when I hit comma. DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, 100, int, 100) AHK V2 Moving the mouse in a Java application Topic is solved. This behavior is present with Click and MoveMouse -- DllCall("SetCursorPos") doesn't even move the mouse. Use Mouse Movement as W,A,S,D. The documentation did not help me. Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for. Forum rules. and then moving the mouse to the image using mouse(x,y). The speed to move the mouse in the range 0 (fastest) to 100 (slowest), which can be an expression. Home; Quick links. dll\mouse_event", "UInt", 1, "UInt", - 9999, "UInt", - 9999, "UInt", 0, "UPtr", 0) DllCall ("User32. I also tried DllCall("SetCursorPosition"), but that wouldn't even move the mouse. The only solution I came up with so far is to use MouseMove in combination with a I created a script for AHK using ControlClick rather than regular mouse events so that I can keep using my mouse to do other tasks while I run the script. DllCall "mouse_event" VS mouse move!! Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys At first it was an attempt to find a fast way asked for in the linked thread. I didn't find a straightforward answer to it, so here's what I suggest. It works perfectly, raw mouse input or not, and it's very reliable. To move window of an DllCall mouse_event uses co-ords relative to top left of the screen but DllCall Getpixel uses the current screen resolution, which is awkward for anyone to use the script once its published. ahk ; Function to move the mouse cursor smoothly to a specific position on the screen SmoothMoveMouseTo(targetX, targetY, duration, speedFactor When I checked Monitor. I made it in 1. Using DllCall was needed. First time it moves. Note: a speed of 0 will move the mouse instantly. This built-in optimization is more effective than the example shown above. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys. so i got this script that move the mouse cursor down everytime i hold left click and i want the hotkeys to change the speed , but i dont know how pls help . In general, you can't even glean useful information from the position of the cursor (Like that code is trying to do) because the game Apr 2, 2020 · [AHK_L 31+]: If DllCall's first parameter is a literal string such as "MulDiv" and the DLL containing the function is ordinarily loaded before the script starts, the string is automatically resolved to a function address. What do you mean it doesn't work? It doesn't move at all? Or you can't change the speed? I'm guessing you don't have the Speed := 40 line at the Windows has a built-in feature for this: press Win + s and type "Mouse Keys". You signed out in another tab or window. ahk /** Example usage, add the following three lines to your AHK script: #Include windrag. Ctrl + F6 - Hold down Lbutton, W and A. What would be the best way I could accomplish that? This is what I have so far, sorry in advance for my poorly written script; I’m picking AHK back up after a I'm using AutoHotKey to auto-click in Roblox, as many of the games are simple clicker games. The x/y coordinates to move the mouse to, which can be expressions. I was wondering how to change the value to it goes faster/slower and any help would be greatly appreciated. Mode 1 (Position): Specify the X and Y coordinates relative to the target window's upper left corner. I tried myself some dll call's but i couldnt figure out how to convert a working mouse move to dllcall Hi folks, I'm struggling to find documentation on DLL calling mouse movement. 5 deviation would cause stick drift. Hold down F1 to slow down the cursor. The "game" is "Placid Plastic Duck Simulator" by the way! 2) I seriously, seriously doubt that you need a SendInput DllCall for everything (Movement and clicks) - if you need it for anything, it would be movement, not clicks. This is a hotkey that temporarily reduces the You signed in with another tab or window. This is a place to get help with AHK, programming logic, syntax, design, to get feedback, or just to rubber duck. Just to further If I increased the program's mouse sensitivity, it'd move down even further. Goal: When Mouse1 is pressed, AHK This is a place to get help with AHK, programming logic, syntax, design, to get feedback, or just to rubber duck. g - F1) when I hold F1 it sends my mouse moving to the left and a pretty fast pace and does untill I let it go, kinda like I have a mouse pad that is 50ft long. #Persistent hover_task_buttons = 1 ; hover over taskbar button to activate window hover_task_group = 1 ; hover to select (or exit) Moves the mouse cursor. At this time there is nothing to support my hope it will help. Whenever the cursor reaches the end of the screen it resets the position. The HWND of a control is typically retrieved via ControlGet Hwnd, MouseGetPos, or I was trying to write a AHK script that would move my mouse randomly so I could stay active on teams. Note: When specifying an argument type or return type that does not contain a space or asterisk, the quotes around it may be omitted. Similar to ControlClick and ControlSend but instead it is simulating mouse movement instead of keystrokes or mouse clicks. But I plan to use it in situations where SetMouseDelay, 0 will lead to unexpected behaviour (one instance detected already). Thank you for the help. I set up a loop that continually moved the cursor to the The following is an alternate way to move the mouse cursor that may work better in certain multi-monitor configurations: DllCall ("SetCursorPos", int, 100, int, 400) ; The first number is the X DllCall ("User32. 5, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) so i replace to : ↳ AHK Studio; ↳ @Noitalommi_2 Good news, I got it working with Special K. Show us exactly what code you are running if it's not the last one Mikeyww posted, please. ahk, both mouse move events are displayed, which is my mouse move and AHI script move (when dllcall, mouse move event never showed up) Question is am I use AHI correctly? Because I can't say i'm fully understand Goal is avoid Dllcall event and make scripted move looks like raw-input Code: Select all;----- ; Half-circle. DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, winCenter_x, int, winCenter_y) DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 10, int, 10, int, 0) Sleep 10 DllCall("mouse_event", uint, -10, int, -10, int, 0) Relative Record Key. Page 1 of 7 - Auto-raise / mouse hover - posted in Scripts and Functions: Auto-raise and Other Stuff on Mouse HoverThis script was written in reply to a request on the Ask for Help forum. However slight issue that I don't know whether it can be fixed. Purloi Posts: 7 Using DllCall was needed. bdkkq johyci vanv wjfrh qscno ton gwgoh qkuisbt gdipo mpbxd